Changing The World.


Danger! Read with caution.
Registered Senior Member
So the theory goes that if I interact with you that your time has now been displaced.

Eg you are now in a different place than if you had never talked interacted with me.

I have a list of some things for you to do that will put your life in a different place, you will be walking a different path. Like the butterfly effect I guess. You can choose to do one or more of these.

1. Boil Water on the stove in pot.
2. Listen to Stairway to Heaven by a covering artist on You tube.
3. Snap a cd or dvd in half. It can be blank or whatever u have lying around.
4. Go for a drive and take a glass of water with you. At around five minutes of driving get out of your car and stand around for 30sec-1min then empty the glass of water on the ground.
5. Print out a picture of a butterfly.
6. Put on a xtra t-shirt for 5 mins then take it off.
7. Take a single slice of bread and put it in the fridge with butter on it. Forget about it for a day or more.
8. Walk around the entire outside of your house or building.
9. Put your left sock on your right foot and your right sock on your left foot. Swap socks.
10. Take one Shoe OFF leave the other one on for at least 5 min.
11. Here's one with product placement. Go down to store and by a Can of Cherry Coke if you can find it otherwise ordinary coke. Drink at least a sip and what your don't drink find somewhere without trouble to tip it out. You can drink the whole thing if you want.
12. Pick up the phone dial 2 random numbers then hang up.
13. Print out a picture of a turtle.
14. Set a clock forward by 1 min.
15. Jump in the shower with your clothes on.
16. Restart you computer and browse to this page again.
17. Turn You monitor off leave it for 1 min then turn it back on.
18. Swap the batteries around in a remote control so the left is on right side and right is on left side.
19. Fill a glass half full of milk, drink it, get a new glass fill half full drink.
20. Read page 50 of any book you have lying around out loud.

That will do for now. I can always post more later. So read the list and pick something to do. You are now in a different place from where you would be if you had never done it.

Your thoughts are different and your timeline is different. Post what number you did or any thoughts.

Any questions?
What will be, will be. You can't interact with a past unless that interaction always occurs, or we are in a complex universe.
Who are you LeeDa, Yoko Ono?

real tweets from Yoko Ono:

Sleep in separate rooms. Whisper to each other...
Whisper your name to a pebble. Give it to a friend instead of yourself...
Find a spot that is comfortable for u. Keep the spot clean. Think about the spot when u r away...
I'm not Yoko Ono but I am a Rockstar.


Wow - a Yoko ripoff, or do you mean you perform for rocks while staring at a glass of water?

I would try some of your antics myself, but I experience the same time shift by reading and responding to posts.

Take this one, for example. It's 100% frivolous.

(Wow, imagine a Yoko ripoff who exclusively does the karaoke circuit . . . now my head is full of possibilities again, and time has unshifted itself. Nonetheless, I'm still frivolous.)
You could just post here to also change your timeline. Spend time. Depletion. Then it rebounds on to me a little but ur altered. Just by reading this I have altered your timeline. Welcome to the matrix/magix.
So the theory goes that if I interact with you that your time has now been displaced.

Eg you are now in a different place than if you had never talked interacted with me.

I have a list of some things for you to do that will put your life in a different place, you will be walking a different path. Like the butterfly effect I guess. You can choose to do one or more of these.

1. Boil Water on the stove in pot.
2. Listen to Stairway to Heaven by a covering artist on You tube.
3. Snap a cd or dvd in half. It can be blank or whatever u have lying around.
4. Go for a drive and take a glass of water with you. At around five minutes of driving get out of your car and stand around for 30sec-1min then empty the glass of water on the ground.
5. Print out a picture of a butterfly.
6. Put on a xtra t-shirt for 5 mins then take it off.
7. Take a single slice of bread and put it in the fridge with butter on it. Forget about it for a day or more.
8. Walk around the entire outside of your house or building.
9. Put your left sock on your right foot and your right sock on your left foot. Swap socks.
10. Take one Shoe OFF leave the other one on for at least 5 min.
11. Here's one with product placement. Go down to store and by a Can of Cherry Coke if you can find it otherwise ordinary coke. Drink at least a sip and what your don't drink find somewhere without trouble to tip it out. You can drink the whole thing if you want.
12. Pick up the phone dial 2 random numbers then hang up.
13. Print out a picture of a turtle.
14. Set a clock forward by 1 min.
15. Jump in the shower with your clothes on.
16. Restart you computer and browse to this page again.
17. Turn You monitor off leave it for 1 min then turn it back on.
18. Swap the batteries around in a remote control so the left is on right side and right is on left side.
19. Fill a glass half full of milk, drink it, get a new glass fill half full drink.
20. Read page 50 of any book you have lying around out loud.

That will do for now. I can always post more later. So read the list and pick something to do. You are now in a different place from where you would be if you had never done it.

Your thoughts are different and your timeline is different. Post what number you did or any thoughts.

Any questions?

What do you think of the basic idea that we are living in a multiverse and our choices can initiate entirely new time lines that may perhaps have never taken place in the "past?"
Reminds me of the “butterfly effect.”

i like butterfly's
you remind me i saw a rare butterfly a few years ago

as soon as i saw it, i thought first it was a large moth
i ran to get my camera not knowing what type of lens to use

i realized once i identified it, had i caught it i could have sold it for hundreds if not thousands of dollars to a collector
instead i took some very poor pictures and watched it fly off
What do you think of the basic idea that we are living in a multiverse and our choices can initiate entirely new time lines that may perhaps have never taken place in the "past?"

it is hard to convince a woman she has not given birth to children

the idea of adjusting time so people are un-born is probably more a male aspect

woman may not share that belief to the same moral standard where they exist

who controls abortion and contraceptive access for women in most cultures ?
but men do not have to become pregnant & give birth

so the indoctrinated hypocrisy of psychopathic disassociation is very gender defined
little boys are raised to be the killers
little girls are raised to be the saviors of life

modern complex theoretical quantum physics is a relatively new concept

what % of men wish for world peace
what % of women wish for world peace
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It’s a fact, this world will never be free, but you can be free from it. That is samsara, nirvana, and thus moshka. It is the third noble truth, that there is a path to the end of suffering. Rant mode.
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i like butterfly's
you remind me i saw a rare butterfly a few years ago

as soon as i saw it, i thought first it was a large moth
i ran to get my camera not knowing what type of lens to use

i realized once i identified it, had i caught it i could have sold it for hundreds if not thousands of dollars to a collector
instead i took some very poor pictures and watched it fly off
From what I've read, butterflies have a pretty short life span, maybe a month or so? It probably was grateful to live that short, and not captured by some rich dude. lol
From what I've read, butterflies have a pretty short life span, maybe a month or so? It probably was grateful to live that short, and not captured by some rich dude. lol
"Monarch butterflies typically live from 2 to 6 weeks except for the last generation of the year - the generation that migrates - which can live up to 8 to 9 months."
- Google

Well I just learned something new.
"Monarch butterflies typically live from 2 to 6 weeks except for the last generation of the year - the generation that migrates - which can live up to 8 to 9 months."
- Google

Well I just learned something new.
Hey, me too!
it is hard to convince a woman she has not given birth to children

the idea of adjusting time so people are un-born is probably more a male aspect

woman may not share that belief to the same moral standard where they exist

who controls abortion and contraceptive access for women in most cultures ?
but men do not have to become pregnant & give birth

so the indoctrinated hypocrisy of psychopathic disassociation is very gender defined
little boys are raised to be the killers
little girls are raised to be the saviors of life

modern complex theoretical quantum physics is a relatively new concept

what % of men wish for world peace
what % of women wish for world peace

Another idea that would fit with this is that in an alternate time line there could be duplicates of us that diverge significantly from how we think due to the differences in the choices that they made in their time line????
Another idea that would fit with this is that in an alternate time line there could be duplicates of us that diverge significantly from how we think due to the differences in the choices that they made in their time line????
Well, I don't understand what you say, so why do you think you're right?
Well, I don't understand what you say, so why do you think you're right?

I believe that the original Intelligence has the technological capability to replicate the earth and all who lived on the earth at any point in time since Genesis until now........... If this is how Ezekiel thirty seven is mostly fulfilled....... then more of the Holy Spirit or as the Jews term it the Ruach ha Kodesh could be poured out and in another time line a higher percentage of us would be led to the type of thinking predicted for the Millennium to Christians or to the Era of Moshiach to Jews. The original and most ancient Intelligence might want to do this due to having invested so much time and effort in each of our spirits..... that existed before we were even conceived...... that the Creator does not want to see any of us "lost" for very long.