So the theory goes that if I interact with you that your time has now been displaced.
Eg you are now in a different place than if you had never talked interacted with me.
I have a list of some things for you to do that will put your life in a different place, you will be walking a different path. Like the butterfly effect I guess. You can choose to do one or more of these.
1. Boil Water on the stove in pot.
2. Listen to Stairway to Heaven by a covering artist on You tube.
3. Snap a cd or dvd in half. It can be blank or whatever u have lying around.
4. Go for a drive and take a glass of water with you. At around five minutes of driving get out of your car and stand around for 30sec-1min then empty the glass of water on the ground.
5. Print out a picture of a butterfly.
6. Put on a xtra t-shirt for 5 mins then take it off.
7. Take a single slice of bread and put it in the fridge with butter on it. Forget about it for a day or more.
8. Walk around the entire outside of your house or building.
9. Put your left sock on your right foot and your right sock on your left foot. Swap socks.
10. Take one Shoe OFF leave the other one on for at least 5 min.
11. Here's one with product placement. Go down to store and by a Can of Cherry Coke if you can find it otherwise ordinary coke. Drink at least a sip and what your don't drink find somewhere without trouble to tip it out. You can drink the whole thing if you want.
12. Pick up the phone dial 2 random numbers then hang up.
13. Print out a picture of a turtle.
14. Set a clock forward by 1 min.
15. Jump in the shower with your clothes on.
16. Restart you computer and browse to this page again.
17. Turn You monitor off leave it for 1 min then turn it back on.
18. Swap the batteries around in a remote control so the left is on right side and right is on left side.
19. Fill a glass half full of milk, drink it, get a new glass fill half full drink.
20. Read page 50 of any book you have lying around out loud.
That will do for now. I can always post more later. So read the list and pick something to do. You are now in a different place from where you would be if you had never done it.
Your thoughts are different and your timeline is different. Post what number you did or any thoughts.
Any questions?
Eg you are now in a different place than if you had never talked interacted with me.
I have a list of some things for you to do that will put your life in a different place, you will be walking a different path. Like the butterfly effect I guess. You can choose to do one or more of these.
1. Boil Water on the stove in pot.
2. Listen to Stairway to Heaven by a covering artist on You tube.
3. Snap a cd or dvd in half. It can be blank or whatever u have lying around.
4. Go for a drive and take a glass of water with you. At around five minutes of driving get out of your car and stand around for 30sec-1min then empty the glass of water on the ground.
5. Print out a picture of a butterfly.
6. Put on a xtra t-shirt for 5 mins then take it off.
7. Take a single slice of bread and put it in the fridge with butter on it. Forget about it for a day or more.
8. Walk around the entire outside of your house or building.
9. Put your left sock on your right foot and your right sock on your left foot. Swap socks.
10. Take one Shoe OFF leave the other one on for at least 5 min.
11. Here's one with product placement. Go down to store and by a Can of Cherry Coke if you can find it otherwise ordinary coke. Drink at least a sip and what your don't drink find somewhere without trouble to tip it out. You can drink the whole thing if you want.
12. Pick up the phone dial 2 random numbers then hang up.
13. Print out a picture of a turtle.
14. Set a clock forward by 1 min.
15. Jump in the shower with your clothes on.
16. Restart you computer and browse to this page again.
17. Turn You monitor off leave it for 1 min then turn it back on.
18. Swap the batteries around in a remote control so the left is on right side and right is on left side.
19. Fill a glass half full of milk, drink it, get a new glass fill half full drink.
20. Read page 50 of any book you have lying around out loud.
That will do for now. I can always post more later. So read the list and pick something to do. You are now in a different place from where you would be if you had never done it.
Your thoughts are different and your timeline is different. Post what number you did or any thoughts.
Any questions?