christianity is a polytheism


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
isn't it?

they worship three gods, which is the main reason that sets them apart from muslims as, uh, infidels.

three: the god, the son, and i'm not sure of the third.
isn't it?

they worship three gods, which is the main reason that sets them apart from muslims as, uh, infidels.

three: the god, the son, and I'm not sure of the third.

The Holy Spirit. But they also believe in Lucifer who has god like powers (lives forever, can control humans, has demons) but they don't 'worship' him.
Jews believe in one god too . While Hindus and Buddhists believe in multi gods......what a world of beliefs !.
But they say God is 3 in one, i.e God is one and is also 3- lol, meaningless self-contradiction.
Well, according to the doctrine of the Trinity, the father, son, and holy spirit are but three aspects of a singular god--they are of one substance (homoousios) . The concept was formulated and made doctrine (the Nicene Creed) to account for the inconsistent and varied references to god, Jesus, and spirit in the NT: the christian bishops didn't want the rabble going about, getting all confused and worshipping three gods. Over the next few centuries, they had to get all creative-like and come up with some unique interpretations of the NT and OT in order to justify their claims.
Well, according to the doctrine of the Trinity, the father, son, and holy spirit are but three aspects of a singular god--they are of one substance (homoousios) . The concept was formulated and made doctrine (the Nicene Creed) to account for the inconsistent and varied references to god, Jesus, and spirit in the NT: the christian bishops didn't want the rabble going about, getting all confused and worshipping three gods. Over the next few centuries, they had to get all creative-like and come up with some unique interpretations of the NT and OT in order to justify their claims.

Well at least someone around here is capable of copying and pasting from Wikipedia...
holy spirit.. i think it's also called the holy grail, i remember that because it's the part that messed up The De Vinci Code for me.

but how do christians clear the contradiction of three in one?
it's either three gods or one,
if it's as cellar door said, three parts of one being, then that's nonsense, on what basis did they cut him up? and why don't they worship his other parts as well? and why the three in one? isn't the one enough? it's like saying i love two in one, it's like saying i'm looking at three in one, i'm looking at a person's face, and i'm looking at his nose, mouth and eyes, they're both valid, but try sayin the second one in public and tell me of the looks you get.

besides, if they're parts, then parts of what? of god? the one you worship? or the one who's made up of the parts you worship? or all of them, making you actually worship four?

and how can a god have a son? what do you mean by son? a production of sexual intercourse? um, let's just say a god who takes part of that isn't omnipotent, so, what kind of son does he have, if not a biological one? how is he special than the rest of people, prophets, creations to be the one and only son of god? and why the word son of all words?

if it's as parmalee said, three aspects, then please clarify as how that's different than three parts.

i'm very skeptical on this one, i also know very little, so if there's one out there who's ready to teach me a thing or two i'm ready to learn.
Well at least someone around here is capable of copying and pasting from Wikipedia...

The wiki entry is of my favorite variety of wiki entries--the ones tagged with "The neutrality of this article is disputed." It's got some good lines like "This language is often considered difficult because..." (citation?) But they seem to overlook the medieval catholics, particularly the more mystically inclined, who had a lot more fun with the Trinity, and felt little obligation to account for their interpretations.
holy spirit.. i think it's also called the holy grail, i remember that because it's the part that messed up The De Vinci Code for me.
The Grail is NOT the holy spirit.

but how do christians clear the contradiction of three in one?
it's either three gods or one,
Is your mother also a wife and a daughter?
How do you clear the contradictions?
Surely she's three people, not just one?
And Catholics are even more polytheist, they have all those saints... and the virgin, they are seen as powerful supernatural beings.
While Hindus and Buddhists believe in multi gods......what a world of beliefs !.
My understanding is that Hindus believe in only one ultimate supreme god, but think that he has many "faces" that manifest themselves as all the different deities they worship. In that way they're very similar to Christians, who believe in three different entities (or whatever you want to call them) that are all really the same god. Although if there are any actual Hindus here, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Three different manifestations of the same God would be more accurate; even that, though, isn't on. It's a Trinity.
Basically when Jesus said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" he was referring to himself, The Holy Father

IOW, he was asking himself to forgive others for sacrificing him, son of himself, the Holy Son, as a supreme sacrifice for all mankind

One presumes it worked, since he made himself rise from the dead after three days.

And that must be the Holy Spirit, I suppose, which is another word for himself.

It all sounds like schizophrenia, but its faith.
More or less. A tree is a complete single being, although you wouldn't know to look at it if you only saw the leaves, the trunk or the roots independently. The old elephant adage also applies.
Is your mother also a wife and a daughter?
How do you clear the contradictions?
Surely she's three people, not just one?
That does not seem to be analogous to the Christian trinity. The bible features Jesus actually talking to god "the father" as if he were a separate entity, and Jesus seemed to constantly talk about god as if he were a separate entity. My mother is also a wife, sure, but my "mother" doesn't have phone conversations with "my father's wife," nor does she talk about "my husband's wife" in conversation with other people as a way to refer to herself.