Church acknowledges Gay, good or not ?


Valued Senior Member
Is it a sign of downgrading morality? Or a breakthrough ?

The bible has many verses against homosexuality, buy the gay theology somehow justifies it with nes interpretation.

In malaysia, we do not accept homosexuality, we consider it Sinful!:bugeye:
Homosexuality vs. Xianity

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
All I can say is that it's a step in the right direction for Christianity.

Maybe homosexuality will destroy Xianity. But since the cover-up of perverted priests didn't destroy the RCC, maybe there's hope homosexuality will.
Two of One Mind

Originally posted by everneo
Credibility of RCC is already on the fall. Anglican follows.

Thanks, everneo, for your input. I can't wait to see this happen!
Re: Homosexuality vs. Xianity

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Maybe homosexuality will destroy Xianity. But since the cover-up of perverted priests didn't destroy the RCC, maybe there's hope homosexuality will.
That would be a bonus. ;)
Re: Two of One Mind

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I can't wait to see this happen!
Churches may go but the Gospel will remain till the last true christian stands on this earth.:m:
Of course it's sinful

Of course it's sinful. But so is most, if not all heterosexual sex. It depends on who you ask.

But much of life is sinful. If you take a strictly biblical interpretation, surviving in America is sinful.

I'm of the opinion that the Episcopalian appointment of Bishop Robinson is one of the strongest advances of Christianity I've witnessed in my time.

- Jesus forgives and copes with other sins; for some reason people have a hard time accepting this about homosexuality.
- The House of Bishops, in looking past Canon Robinson's sins, placed their faith with God. This is a proper and progressive investment, as well as a strong precedent.
- Any reconciliation against empty bigotry is a step forward for humanity.

Tiassa :cool:
I firmly assert that due to the appointment of a homosexual as bishop, we will all have been eaten by bears by this time next year. It is a very slippery slope!
It's the 21st century out there

Originally posted by Saint
this is the work of satan, to destroy church, and God is impotent to curb it. :D

It's the 21st century now. It's a new world out there. The RCC has done a good job of lying, covering up the truth, making a fairy tale out of Jesus' real life. The RCC needs to wake up and realize that humans are a diverse group everyone of whom has the spirit of god within them. I would rather see an admitted homosexual leading a congregation than a perverted priest molesting children and still be able to represent the church. The RCC is Satan. It has murdered itself. Of course, that is the sign of a very good sorcerer. A good sorcerer does nothing to hurt you. A good sorcerer makes you hurt yourself. That's what's happened to the RCC. It is chasing its' tail and devouring itself. Good riddance to Xianity.
All I can say is that it's a step in the right direction for Christianity.
a step in the right direction for christianity would be off a cliff. oooo. i take that back. but in any case, if christianity wants to perpetuate itself like it has done for the last thousand or so years it will have to accept gay people and evolution (even though evolution effectively disproves the bible). i'm not so kosher with gay people myself, but that is sheerly because i find men and women are a two piece jigsaw puzzle, any other way and it's like trying to mash two like pieces together.
my home parish has always been accepting, leading me to wrongly believe that all catholic accept gays. it hasn't crashed down or been struck by lightening. it's actually a pretty successful parish with wealthy members. in all my years of studying theology i've never come across anything remotely homophobic. even my dad who is homophobic doesn't appear such when he's teaching (he's a biblical scholar and catechist). the only homilies on homosexuality i've ever heard in church have been teaching love and acceptance. the one i remember vividly happened after the matthew shepherd attack. it was condemning the attackers and calling out for peace and love for our homosexual brothers and sisters. i don't remember who it was but it might have been father dan or father barry the pastor.
Originally posted by atheroy
i'm not so kosher with gay people myself, but that is sheerly because i find men and women are a two piece jigsaw puzzle, any other way and it's like trying to mash two like pieces together.

don't you know the story of the androgen? there were beings that were male, female and both. then the god split them in two and scattered them. they spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half. you may recognize the person that was both as looking for their other halves (male and female halves) but there were two other types of beings split. the split males and females are said to make the most perfect matches when they find their other half.
Originally posted by atheroy
i'm not so kosher with gay people myself, but that is sheerly because i find men and women are a two piece jigsaw puzzle, any other way and it's like trying to mash two like pieces together.
That's because you have to turn one of the pieces around, silly.
it's actually a pretty successful parish with wealthy members.
not sure why you put that in there. not sure why wealthy people make it successful.

don't you know the story of the androgen?
no. sounds weird and i have to ask why god would do something like that?

That's because you have to turn one of the pieces around, silly.
ahhhhh:eek: :D
Re: Of course it's sinful

Originally posted by tiassa
Of course it's sinful. But so is most, if not all heterosexual sex. It depends on who you ask.

But much of life is sinful. If you take a strictly biblical interpretation, surviving in America is sinful.

I'm of the opinion that the Episcopalian appointment of Bishop Robinson is one of the strongest advances of Christianity I've witnessed in my time.

- Jesus forgives and copes with other sins; for some reason people have a hard time accepting this about homosexuality.
- The House of Bishops, in looking past Canon Robinson's sins, placed their faith with God. This is a proper and progressive investment, as well as a strong precedent.
- Any reconciliation against empty bigotry is a step forward for humanity.

Tiassa :cool:

Jesus does not use His forgiveness, in order to tolerate sin, but as a tool, to free us from the burden of a quilty conscience which keeps people despairing, and bound in sin. Forgiveness was mean to be a tool to leads us out of the slavery to sin, that we are born into.

Intra-marital hetero-sexual sex is never a sin, but a gift from God, to be cherished, and highly esteemed.

Much of life is sinful, because we choose to disobey the express will of God. All sin is a choice to rebel.

God's express will through His word, is a love letter to us, or an owners manual to the human life. Just like one follows the owners manual for their car to keep it working in tip-top shape, one follows the scriptures, to keep one's life in tip-top shape. The creator/manufacturer knows best how the creation is to operate.
Forgiveness was mean to be a tool to leads us out of the slavery to sin, that we are born into.
and what slavery is that?

Much of life is sinful, because we choose to disobey the express will of God. All sin is a choice to rebel.
no, i don't agree. we are creatures bound by instincts, some are better left ignored however. i choose something other than religion because this sort of outlook on life would get me down, i believe there are better explanations out there and i don't want to think the way you do.

God's express will through His word, is a love letter to us, or an owners manual to the human life.
lol. NOT. if life is to be petty then maybe yes, but otherwise, nah.

The creator/manufacturer knows best how the creation is to operate.
well if his love letter is anything to go by he didn't create us, therefore i'll learn to live my own life thanks.
i'll learn to live my own life thanks

Originally posted by atheroy
and what slavery is that?

no, i don't agree. we are creatures bound by instincts, some are better left ignored however. i choose something other than religion because this sort of outlook on life would get me down, i believe there are better explanations out there and i don't want to think the way you do.

lol. NOT. if life is to be petty then maybe yes, but otherwise, nah.

well if his love letter is anything to go by he didn't create us, therefore i'll learn to live my own life thanks.

Just like one can choose to do, with the owners manual for one's car, but then don't blame the manufacture, when everything breaks down, and goes absolutely wrong.
Re: Re: Of course it's sinful

Originally posted by biblthmp
Intra-marital hetero-sexual sex is never a sin, but a gift from God, to be cherished, and highly esteemed.

Haha, why yes I agree. Let's all have a round of applause for those brave and commendable married hets! Keep on fuckin' you crazy kids, it makes Jesus proud!