I got all wrong.. the first two I couldn't see at all. In the last one I clearly see a 2, but that was wrong as well apparently..
Clearly your color blind, try 74, 8 and 5.
I got all wrong.. the first two I couldn't see at all. In the last one I clearly see a 2, but that was wrong as well apparently..
How did your graph look ?
I got everything correct and it said I was colorblind...stupid test
Much like EF's in post 107, the dots were close together.
Draqon, maybe you are colorblind.
Take this test: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYzmo9BgXtc&feature=related
My results are in post 90.
I am not color blind, I saw everything clearly.
I can see clearly now my brains are gone......la la la
Ok, ok, dam people! I thought it was obvious but that last one was a joke. !
Here is another (and I promise it is not a joke), task ever tries to get the hang of what it is asking you to do: it say a work like Red and ask you to select the correct answer for the color that word's text is in (in this case Blue), it not really a color blind test but one to challenge the brain.
I am red-green colorblind, but I find that my brain adapted to recognize visual patterns and details more readily than people that are not colorblind.
Is this a common phenomenon, do others have experience with this ?
Silly me I forget the link: http://www.humorsphere.com/fun/8787/colortest.swf
See the tiger?
I think that was what my Dad had as well. He worked for the forest service so he wore a uniform, but I remember on weekends my Mom laid his clothes out. After the divorce he just moved to a monochromatic wardrobe. It was less embarrassing.
He said where logging and fire roads should go. He could just go out and look and know the best place. I just figured it was years and years of doing it, but maybe he could see details other missed like you do as well. :shrug: