Come TheMidnight12AM - Common Ground


Death Beckoned
Registered Senior Member
TheMidnight12AM (Can I just call you Midnight? Please? :) ) :

Also, searching for a common ground (such as "I see no proof for God, but I cannot disprove God for you, and it is possible he may exist") becomes important as our beliefs increasingly diversify.

I like your input Midnight. Thanks. This reminded me of the whole point of my other thread "Why are you ARGUING about "GOD?". I have a point and a question really:

1.) We need to find some common ground, and fast. Otherwise, we may not be around much longer. We need to be trying to move toward some form of consensus rather than toward more division. Division would be fine if each "religion" had it's own planet. But they don't, we have only one Earth, and we are capable of destroying it. Today, tomorrow, whenever.

2.) Once we have found some common ground (I think your statement above is a great starting place) where do we go from there? What are our goals?

I want to change the way people think, but is this a realistic goal? I think it is utterly necessary, but is it realistic? What do the rest of you think?

P.S. I'm sorry I got so mad at you Ellion in the above-mentioned thread. You are right, I do have unresolved issues, and that is part of the reason I'm here. Now, why I got mad at you was irrational (bad time of the day, you could say, for me) and I am sorry. I will try my hardest to be sane and logical and un-emotional in this thread. Please, say what you feel like you must, but please don't nit-pick. Okay? You may already have me on your ignore list, which I wouldn't blame you for. I hope not though, you did have a point back there. Peace. :)
Did everyone put me on their ignore lists? Or is noone else at this supreme level of development? Or does noone really care? Or are you thinking that this type of thinking is already in motion with the U.N., the World Bank, Unicef, missionaries, others? Come on, give me some input, good or bad. I'm begging, on my hands and knees! Please!!!!! :confused:
Stars inspire. (173 posts)

Today, 04:22 PM
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Did everyone put me on their ignore lists? Come on, give me some input, good or bad. I'm begging, on my hands and knees! Please!!!!!

no need to grovel
i will give you some imput pathetic

Thank you, oh wise and beneficient master!!!!! I am your servant from this day forward!!

However, I don't agree with all your views about Islam and Muslims. Did you know that 12.4% of Americans live below the poverty level, in America? That's in the neighborhood of 34,000,000 U.S. citizens below the poverty level.

For Texas, the level is higher: 15.3% of Texans live below the poverty level.

These are stats from the U.S. Census Bureau too. This site compares Texas to the U.S. as a whole. Lots of interesting tidbits. This is what exists in Grand Ole America today. I don't know right now about the UK or France or Germany, but I'd be interested to know those stats too. I might look into it before I die.

Also, note the number of people with disabilities. About 16% of Texans over the age of 5. And about 17% nationwide. What does this say about America? It's good that we take care of so many disabled people, but how are we creating so many disabled people, myself included. My disability (Social Security Disability) is for major depressive disorder. I wonder how many of these are mental disorders. Does this possibly bring into question the whole concept of capitalism and western culture? How long before we implode like the Romans? If we don't get destroyed in a nuclear holocaust somehow first.

What do these stats say to you about the state of affairs in America? Never mind the rest of the world for the moment. Just for the moment. How are we going to help the rest of the world if we have stats like these? I think this does tie in with the topic of my thread as well, luckily, I just realized. Regardless of whether religion is helping or hurting with regards to these issues, I think we as a nation should be more focused on the starving and infected of the world than we are with terrorism. I think, that as a mostly Christian nation, we need to humble our attitude and make sure that money gets to those who need it, somehow or someway.
Supreme level of development??? what?

Anyway, it sounds like you're ready for the false prophet and His global religion. Otherwise, you're talking pipedream.
Lori_7 said:
Supreme level of development??? what?

Anyway, it sounds like you're ready for the false prophet and His global religion. Otherwise, you're talking pipedream.

Yeah, I was gonna throw in the bit about it sounding like the false prophet scenario, but maybe it's not a bad idea to get us closer to that possible return of Christ. Most Christians I know say the end is near anyway, and I think we are just about there myself, so why not go for it. Let's see, one way or the other, what will happen with a "global religion," so to speak. You could draw a parallel between what I am thinking about and what the Bible says about the end-time, the state of the world's government and religion, though I am not really calling for a global religion per se.

What I am thinking about is more like something that coincides peacefully with all religions, something that almost unifies religion, NO, something that will eventually transform into that global religion, probably. Ah, that pisses me off, that I end up here. Well, maybe we will find out if Christ will return when this global religion takes off.

However, I haven't really thought this much since college, so this is okay. I, myself, am trying to be more tolerant of those that disagree with me, so that is good. I can handle thinking like a Christian, I think, even though for years now I have hated my religion and my God and my Jesus and My Holy Spirit. Remember I was a devout Christian for 30 years, only a borderline Atheist for about 5 years, if all of that.

Gotta go.

I like your style. Hinduism assumes all religions truthful...somehow (?). Here's the thing though....the problem isn't with the religion, it's with the people who "use" it. You're never going to be able to purify people's intentions. People want to hate...they want to fight, steal, enslave, kill. And if there is some obscure scripture, taken out of context, from some such sacred writing that could be twisted and used to justify doing it, then all the better for these crazy mf'ers.

I'm sorry about your experience with Christianity. I'm going to guess....some holier than thou judgemental assholes told you that Jesus didn't love you unless you walked, talked, ate, shit, and breathed "their way"? Church people suck...and lie. The truth is that Jesus loves you just the way you are, always has, and always will no matter what you do or how you do it. Peace.
Stars inspire. (175 posts)

I think we as a nation should be more focused on the starving and infected of the world than we are with terrorism. I think, that as a mostly Christian nation, we need to humble our attitude and make sure that money gets to those who need it, somehow or someway.

Mr cotton you are a typical do gooder where we solve all the poverty in africa
by throwing a couple of hundred billion at there governments in aid

where does it go straight to there swiss bank accounts
and people like robert mugabes wife spends 5 thousand on dresses in a week in france or the 4thousand pound restuarant bill she ran up there
meanwhile back in zimbabwe
Zimbabwe 'returning to stone age'

The ox-drawn ambulances were donated by Unicef

The introduction of ox-drawn ambulances is a sign that President Robert Mugabe is taking Zimbabwe back to the stone ages, the opposition says.

The nine ambulances are destined for rural areas around the capital, Harare, as well as more remote regions, where there is a lack of motorised transport.

all donated by the west
do you at all understand the level of corruption taking place in africa and the middle east

there is no way to solve the povert and to feed the starving people until these asshole leaders are behind bars

in north korea the nutter running it, kim nutter
is diverting food aid meant for the starving millions to his 1 million army of soldiers
so they do not starve while sitting on the south korea border ready for a non existing invation of american forces

while good old kim god bless him spends billions on nuclear technology
when 98 per cent of the population are starving

the west is not to blame for world starvation
as is the good old hippy and anarchist say we are

it is the people who endure one corrupt asshole after another
to overthrow there government or leader

the brits kicked the brits out of america and called themselves americans
and went on to become thee superpower

whats stopping the starving and oppressed to follw suit
vincent28uk said:
Mr cotton you are a typical do gooder where we solve all the poverty in africa by throwing a couple of hundred billion at there governments in aid
where does it go straight to there swiss bank accounts
Is he? Because I don't think he is. If you go back and reread his quote, he says "and make sure that money gets to those who need it, somehow or someway."
All Things Political (244 posts)

Today, 07:22 PM
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“ Originally Posted by vincent28uk
Mr cotton you are a typical do gooder where we solve all the poverty in africa by throwing a couple of hundred billion at there governments in aid
where does it go straight to there swiss bank accounts

Is he? Because I don't think he is. If you go back and reread his quote, he says "and make sure that money gets to those who need it, somehow or someway."

Yeah maybe he is going to fly to africa in person to give 5 children a packet of crisps each and a apple to keep the doctor a way

because if he sent the crisps by post they would be eaten by the immigration before it got to the food aid offices
vincent28uk said:
Yeah maybe he is going to fly to africa in person to give 5 children a packet of crisps each and a apple to keep the doctor a way

because if he sent the crisps by post they would be eaten by the immigration before it got to the food aid offices

For lord's sake, learn how to quote. There is a reply button that pretty much does it for you! Or you could just put the bloody tag's around the quote, it will be 3 more seconds of your time.
A post all for me? Cool. I didn't even see this earlier.

Common ground starting between religion and secular humanism would best be the statement you quoted in your post. Between religions, first Christianity would have to come out of its fearful shell and Islam would have to cool the fundamentalism. Then we could agree that there is One God, omnipotent, omniscient, loving, merciful, etc...and then agree each religion had a prophet/incarnate that brought God's revelation...and leave it at that.

Where we go from there is no attempt to combine religions, because at that point we would lose our core values and what makes the religions unique. A global religion would probably evolve from Bahai or something similar, not from a unification of major world religions.
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vincent28uk said:
whats stopping the starving and oppressed to follw suit

Mmmm. Good question? Let me look into that and I'll be sure to get right back to you. Don't hold your breath. If you have something non-racist to say in this or any other thread, I might give you a third chance. If not, don't expect me to dignify any of your babble with another response.
are you top or bottom
gay vince

you sound a masculine guy alot of dude talk
so i guess top
TheMidnight12AM said:
A post all for me? Cool. I didn't even see this earlier.

All for you. I liked what you said in my other thread.

Common ground starting between religion and secular humanism would best be the statement you quoted in your post. Between religions, first Christianity would have to come out of its fearful shell and Islam would have to cool the fundamentalism. Then we could agree that there is One God, omnipotent, omniscient, loving, merciful, etc...and then agree each religion had a prophet/incarnate that brought God's revelation...and leave it at that.

I'm thinking it may be hard to get even that. I was thinking of something different. Something like a peace treaty between religions, as opposed to one between nations, yet different from a peace treaty in that we devise some goals for humanity in general, outside of religion. This way, everyone could still be free to believe what they want, and at the same time we could jump some of the hurdles we face as a race. Hurdles that are caused by our division due to religion.

Where we go from there is no attempt to combine religions, because at that point we would lose our core values and what makes the religions unique. A global religion would probably evolve from Bahai or something similar, not from a unification of major world religions.

I think that that's the ideal, but not something I feel can be accomplished very quickly. Not in my lifetime, most likely, unless we do experience a near-extinction type event of some sort. Who knows? But, in the meantime, there's gotta be a way to motivate humanity into making some changes, even if they are small ones. And I do mean positive motivation. We need Tony Robbins. You wouldn't happen to be Tony Robbins would you? :)
how about some pics of you cotton if you aged between 20 and 27

are you hot dude
Cottontop3000 said:
All for you. I liked what you said in my other thread.

I'm thinking it may be hard to get even that. I was thinking of something different. Something like a peace treaty between religions, as opposed to one between nations, yet different from a peace treaty in that we devise some goals for humanity in general, outside of religion. This way, everyone could still be free to believe what they want, and at the same time we could jump some of the hurdles we face as a race. Hurdles that are caused by our division due to religion.

I think that that's the ideal, but not something I feel can be accomplished very quickly. Not in my lifetime, most likely, unless we do experience a near-extinction type event of some sort. Who knows? But, in the meantime, there's gotta be a way to motivate humanity into making some changes, even if they are small ones. And I do mean positive motivation. We need Tony Robbins. You wouldn't happen to be Tony Robbins would you? :)

Who's Tony Robbins?
Cottontop3000 said:
1.) we need to find some common ground, and fast. Otherwise, we may not be around much longer.
hows human race,for starters,...we are all part of it.
2.) Once we have found some common ground where do we go from there?
we make the world heaven on earth for everyone b/c as we atheists know this life is all we have,so might as well make it enjoyable for everyone and then people wont need any reason to steal kill fight..and everyone will be happy...
how we do this?...first,tax the churches,its a business like any other so why should it be exempt,

(anyway didnt JC teach to give all your money to the poor,?
does the Pope,Billy Graham ,Jerry Fartwell or any of those millionare televangelists follow His fuck!!they shear the poor dumb sheep for everything they can!!)

then make it illegal to spread hate,lies and unsuported concepts such as ID cretinism as science or truth..

when it comes to religions people should believe whatever they want ..,freedom of religion,..
just keep it to yourselfs=dont proselytize,
..freedom from religion!..

if god is all knowing she knows youre just doing it to earn points and wouldnt take your hipocritical ass into heaven anyway :p

also they have to avoid preaching such hatefull propaganda that different beliefs are wrong,evil etc.otherwise people/nations will never get along
I want to change the way people think, but is this a realistic goal?
you never fail until you stop trying!
Did you know that 12.4% of Americans live below the poverty level, in America? That's in the neighborhood of 34,000,000 U.S. citizens below the poverty level.
capitalism at its best..
For Texas, the level is higher: 15.3% of Texans live below the poverty level.
well, look at the bright side,its never too cold there so you dont need to spend much money on heating oil,do ya?
isnt Texas highly religious?
someone once said that religion stops the thinking mind,
so how do you expect people to improve anything when they dont think for themselves just pray to big G for everything or just say its all right its gods so
Go to church? I am the church! (534 posts)


.. The truth is that Jesus loves you just the way you are, always has, and always will no matter what you do or how you do it. Peace.

Cottontop3000 said:
Also, note the number of people with disabilities. About 16% of Texans over the age of 5. And about 17% nationwide. What does this say about America?
It's good that we take care of so many disabled people, but how are we creating so many disabled people, myself included. My disability (Social Security Disability) is for major depressive disorder.
find a REASON for your depression,and you'll find a cure!
could be the drugs you take?
could be the poverty youre in?
wouldnt moving someplace where theres more work do the trick?sure did for me!
I wonder how many of these are mental disorders. Does this possibly bring into question the whole concept of capitalism and western culture? How long before we implode like the Romans?
you are what you eat!
first they make you sick with all the junky foods,(count the number of chemical additives in anything you buy sometime)
and steroids grow hormone filled meat,and such..
then they sell you very expensive medicare,and people fall for it hook line sinker.
and anyone suggesting improving the system is called pinko commie anti american socialist..etc comparing you to the cowardly Frenchies who even though they pay high taxes, work only 35 hrs a week,can retire at 50 with full pension and everyone is covered by the medicare ...hmmm what to choose..American freedom to bear arms pursuit of happiness basicaly where anything goes,
or some kind of social system where everyone is entitled to a decent standard of life..
desicions decisions..
What do these stats say to you about the state of affairs in America?
youre screwed :D