Conservative Men and Abortion


Why is it that conservative men always seem to put 100% of the blame for unwanted pregnacies on women? After reading comments from conservative men (at other websites) such as "a woman has the right not to have sex," " a woman has the right to keep her pants on," and "women should be virgins until they are ready to take responsibility for their actions," I wonder where the men fit into this. Aren't they at least 50% responsible? Even moreso if they are the ones pressuring women into sex?
Conservative men are really good at telling others to take responsibility, but not so good at taking responsibility themselves.
Aren't they at least 50% responsible? Even moreso if they are the ones pressuring women into sex?

No. If a woman can excersize full dominion over her body, she is 100% responsible for what happens to it. *Excluding rape, of course*
Originally posted by Xev
No. If a woman can excersize full dominion over her body, she is 100% responsible for what happens to it. *Excluding rape, of course*

I disagree. Men are at least 50% responsible for the pregnancies they help create. And women have the right to end pregnacies that they do not wish to continue. If this right is removed our society will crumble.
well you have to hand it to women who have sex... they're brave. They do it even though they can't run away from the pregnancy like thier lovers can.
I disagree. Men are at least 50% responsible for the pregnancies they help create. And women have the right to end pregnacies that they do not wish to continue. If this right is removed our society will crumble.

I'll submit that there is a social responsibility, but not an ethical one. If you claim there is an ethical one, then the father has a 50% interest in whether the woman aborts.
It takes two to tango. Men are 50% responsible for any pregnancy.

A father has an ethical right to participate in the decision as to whether a pregnancy is to be terminated or not. In my opinion, the extent of that right should depend on the father's willingness to care for any child which results. The right should be at most a 50% say in any decision, however, which always leaves the woman in control of her own body. Ethically, though, the man's opinion does not count for nothing, even if effectively he cannot force things to go his own way (which is as it should be).
Master your own destiny

What cowards are these that can't comprehend that consequences bely action. Cowards and fools I say...those who can't grasp their own futures as it dangles inches from their fingertips.

Personally, I find the phrase "50% responsible" rather silly.... Aren't we 100% accountable for our own actions and hence the consequences of our actions on our bodies? Even more absurd is the thought that a man/woman is more than "50 % responsible" for the consequence of pregnancy if he/she has "pressured" their partner into intercourse... Pressured???? Excuse me???? Why is victimization so popular?? Beats the hell out of me. I was always taught that the power to decide what happens to my body is completely mine. In this world, you must protect yourself and stop fucking expecting someone else to take "50 % of the responsibility"

You have resources....if you're going to fuck don't be stupid, and if think you "can't help" acting stupidly because you are easily "pressured" , then I encourage you to buy a fabulous dildo and get off your urges in a way that won't fuck over the rest of your life, or some one else's. Maybe even complete celibacy is an option you should deeply consider until you pull your head out of your ass.

Think boys n girls.....THINK.

much respect

Originally posted by James R
A father has an ethical right to participate in the decision as to whether a pregnancy is to be terminated or not. ... The right should be at most a 50% say in any decision, however, which always leaves the woman in control of her own body.

Doesn’t it leave her in 50% control? I think the father should not have this right, for the practical reason that the father is indeterminate at that stage of the pregnancy. The father may be one of several men of unknown identity.
why james?

i agree with xev

if a woman can abort whenever she wants then suffer its her problem

if they change the laws so a court can STOP an abortian at the request of the father then you should also have a legal responcability to care for a child if the mother DOESNT abort

but while you try and force fathers to pay without giving them the right to chose its hipocritical

xev question for you
if we change the laws so men HAVE to pay for a child and that the mother cant abort without the aproval of the courts (so the father has a say too) does that mean if a father blocks a mother aborting in favor of rasing it himself that the women has no responcability for it after birth?
If it was entirely the man's 'fault" (ie. rape), the man is 100% responsible and should be made to pay. The woman is free to do whatever the hell she wants.

If is was entirely the woman's fault (ie. rape, for example screwing some dead drunk guy at a party), the woman is 100% responsible and should be made to pay. The man should be free to decide exactly what happens with the resulting pregnancy.

If it was a joint decision to shag, they are equally responsible for the outcome.

people look up at the section your in please

dont infect my section with religiouse garbage please
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It's a fair enough request. But that's the problem with this topic. The only support conservative men have for their persecution of women is the Bible. An unfortunate condition for the discussion ....

Tiassa :cool:
i think abortions should be illegal except in cases of rape and if the mothers life is at risk

other than that it should be what should happen AFTER the child is born

there as plenty of couples who are infertile, gay couples who would love to adopt

BOTH sides should be finatully responcable for it and the father should be able to stop an abortion if he wants to keep the child

i dont care if the state has to pay to look after the mother till she gives birth either

um dose that cover a non religiouse anti abortion stance?
Asguard posted:
"jullette all i can add to you is i wish your mother had aborted YOU"

My mother? What has she to do with this? She had sex because she wanted to. Having me was not something she intended to do, so why should I be indebted to her? The Eskimos leave their parents out on the tundra when they can no longer support themselves, many other dead cultures consider it acceptable to kill parents. I owe my parents nothing.
This thread was meant to address conservative men and their attitudes toward abortion and, more precisely, women. The double standard conservative men can also be addressed, but let's stay on the primary purpose of this thread.