Cop Asked to Leave Church


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
stupid stupid. He is chasing a suspect but is asked to leave a church because of his badge number. It just seems so witch-doctory to me. Like a voodoo curse is around the number.

He wasn't kicked out for trespassing on private property. He was kicked out for his badge number

I know. But the point is, it doesn't matter. It's their property, and they can kick people off if they want.

There isn't a problem.
so a cop can be asked to leave a church if they are black or of another religion? What does that say about that church and its beliefs?

I'm just saying, its superstitious voodoo. What moron would kick a firefighter out of their burning house if their badge number was 666?
stupid stupid. He is chasing a suspect but is asked to leave a church because of his badge number. It just seems so witch-doctory to me. Like a voodoo curse is around the number.
I'm surprised the police department in one of America's largest cities even issues that badge number. In general, business and government try to avoid confronting superstition. A lot of buildings don't have a 13th floor.
orleander, i cant get into your link but was he actually chasing a suspect or looking for one? If he was "in hot persuit" then it doesnt matter if its private property or anything else, hell mum and dad had the dog squad jump there back fense (with dogs, which is why they woke up because there own dogs were barking at the police dogs) because they were chacing a suspect. Im surprised the cop wouldnt just run straight through the idiots.