From what I can tell, the virus is primarily transmitted by being consumed by the host. Orally and via the eyes are major path ways.Anyone got any knowledge on whether gargling with warm salt water is beneficial for this virus ? I have read that it is helpful for all viruses in shortening the duration of the illness.
Would that imply a lessening of mortality rates,?
Apparently it may be the chlorine that is "active ingedient" and seemingly it may dehydrate the region ,flushing out the virus.
Is there much science in this,does anyone know?( Not my explation ,I have no knowledge except that I have always done this )
By using a salty mouth wash My guess is that you may temporarily make the mouth less hospitable to the virus, but the effect would last for only a few minutes or until the taste of salt departed.
If that were the case then maintaining a very salty mouth may prove beneficial but you would probably poison yourself in the mean time.
The best thing you can do is prevent your self from consuming the virus via the mouth or eyes. ( masks and goggles?)
but this is purely speculation on my part.