Creationist questions evolution

You need to provide real evidence, if you want this idea to be accepted.
False. It is accepted as fact - based on overwhelming physical and extant evidence - by virtually the entire scientific world.

You mean "to be accepted by you".

Let's take that stroll through your local museum.
The rules address that. This is still a science forum, and members are expected to defend their claims with consideration.
What considerations? Can people not believe in something they wish to discuss in relation to religious philosophy in peace? Too much to ask for James?
What considerations?
I mean giving consideration to defending their assertions.

Can people not believe in something they wish to discuss in relation to religious philosophy in peace?
Of course they can. They can start their own forum and talk amongst themselves.

Or they can ask questions, and avoid making unfounded assertions.

This is a public discussion forum. It's public. And it's for discussion. If they don't want to have their ideas challenged, they are in the wrong place.
I mean giving consideration to defending their assertions.

Of course they can. They can start their own forum and talk amongst themselves.

Or they can ask questions, and avoid making unfounded assertions.

This is a public discussion forum. It's public. And it's for discussion. If they don't want to have their ideas challenged, they are in the wrong place.
What idea do you want challenged?
Things that can't be checked we leave to philosophers. Here on a science board, we don't try to assert beliefs we can't verify.

Yet you believe one type of creature can turn into a completely different type of creature (eg; whale evolution), which cannot be scientifically verified.

Jan: Imagining too much might do your head in though. It does mine, especially evolution.

We shouldn’t have to imagine it, if it is a scientific fact.
Does the variation in cows and dogs do your head in?
It doesn’t mine. In fact, imagination is stimulated after the fact. These guys tend to base their worldview on imagination.

Yet you believe one type of creature can turn into a completely different type of creature (eg; whale evolution), which cannot be scientifically verified.
Pakicetus is not completely different from Indohyus. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. Legs, long nose etc.
Ambulocetus is not completely different from Pakicetus. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. Stumpy legs, long nose etc.
Kutchicetus is not completely different from Ambulocetus. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. Webbed feed on tiny legs.
Rodhocetus is not completely different from Kutchicetus. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. Tiny legs with flippers, high nostrils etc
Dorudon is not completely different from Rodhocetus. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. Almost no rear flippers, nostrils high on forehead.
Physeter macrocephalus is not completely different from Dorudon. Your 5 year old from your question before would think they were almost the same. No rear flippers to speak of, very high nostril.

It is only when you look back over 50 million years that you see what you think is a "completely different kind of creature" - made up by tiny changes along the way.
Just think we might lose our talking too. 15 years from now sitting in front of your computer with headphones on(sounding familiar?), shopping delivery one corner of room fridge another corner, no talking, we lose it.
Just think we might lose our talking too. 15 years from now sitting in front of your computer with headphones on(sounding familiar?), shopping delivery one corner of room fridge another corner, no talking, we lose it.
In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today
