Crop Circles


Registered Senior Member
hello all,

we're interviewing fillmmaker William Gazecki on his documentary Crop Circles: Quest for Truth tomorrow night on our radio show ( ) and i wanted to get some people's opinions beforehand so that we could bring them up to William.

my theory is that they are man-made by someone with lots and lots of money whose invested in zero-point energy physics.

i think that explains something, but not everything.

doesn't explain:

a - magnetic radiation left behind on crops
b - stem nodes on crops exploding
c - extremely compelx designs, which the boys at haven't claimed to have even made
d - why people haven't been able to reproduce the complexity and geometrical perfection
e - why people haven't been able to reproduce them in a short amount of time
im a crop circle skeptic, HOWEVER, i just watch this thing on TLC...

some of the crop circles where pretty insanse...
and how some of the circles had more relativity than just their shape (such as location and there was this one instance where 3 seperate crop circles formed a Stright line over miles of differnt fields, crossing roads and such)

and these was this one where while poeple viewing INSANSE pattern of a crop cirlce someone was up on a hill filming it and noticed a SMALL ball of light floating around the crop and then zip away....

im still a skeptic of these cuase its not too hard to fake crop cirlces with a board and rope and mesuring tools....

but lucky some of the crop patterns i saw on this show where unbelivable and why would anyone wish to waste their time doing it 'cept the fact it freaks out farmers and gives joy to UFO searchers
i don't doubt that there are plenty of hoaxes. but i agree with you, there are so many that are totally unexplained. and i simply don't believe anyone could produce the fractal circles. those are just too complex and precise for humans to pull off over a night.
Crop Circles... we need better proof! FAKE or REAL?! (a must read)

how come crop circles or as some would say Complex Designs imbeded in Farmers Fields, never appear in such places as SNOW, SAND, DIRT, or MEDOWS....

crop circles always appear in some farmers field far away from any mass populated area, even the really wierd ones that are hard to belive that they are faked.

if aliens were trying giveus some sorta sign why not embed their "calling card" (as i like to call it) into ICE or SNOW or even a SAND dune...

its always a farmers field....

some say it becuase they use "forces of nature" or a type of "VORTEX" to created these complex designes into fields...

you would think if they where trying tell us something they would put their "calling card" into ICE or SNOW.... if it where ICE, it would be pretty amazing that a complex formation could appear into solid ice, and if it where snow, it would be even more amazing that a complex formation could appear with no foot prints leading to it.. or any other reconizable signs then humans where there before it was discovered. it would make world headlines if a complex formation would appear into a mountin side over night, would it?

hell, why do crop circles only appear over night, why not during a storm? im sure the dark skies and lighting would provide plently of cover

some say that some of the complex crop circles are too wild to be made over night by poeple... but hell, if you plan it right and get enghou poeple anything is possible. one rule i always lived by is "MANY HANDS MAKE LESS WORK"

man, if aliens where trying tell us something they would
make their complex formations in OTHER places other than farmers fields.....

science SAYS that some sorta INTESNSE heat was present when these circles where formed cuase the stalks of plants to bubble...
i think they need to do more research.... (for example, when a plant is bent it will start to die where it was bent, not altogether, which would explain why some poeple think that the HEAT BUBBLING on the stalks of plants is cuased by heat, not some plant genetics, dying cells of the plant or other genetic defects)

poeple used to think crop circles where just UFOs landing and leaving a mark in a field, but the idea has gotten to far....

even after watching a interesting documentry on TV on crop circles i still hold the fact that 99.9% are FAKE.... just like i say 99.9 % of videos and photos are fake.

i belive that aliens are real, and i belive that they visit earth, but....

CROP CIRCLES are the biggest hoax ive ever seen....

i dont care how big or how complex these formations are... their all fake as i see them

its the human race, poeple would do anything for a good laugh!
we all know how poeple can fake this shit with a board, rope and measuring tools... i say even these complex one can be done over nigh

i belive in aliens, but anyone who belives in crop cricles is a fool
the complexity of crop circles is interesting. They didn't used to be so complex. They started of real simple (circle) and gradually became more complex.

that leaves 2 possibilities:

1. the crop circles got more complex after the human makers gained experience and this experience is passed on to other in some way.

2. the crop circles got more complex after alien makers gained experience and this experience is passed on to other aliens in some way.

guess which option i prefer?
unfounded theories

A Canadian - i can understand if you had some support to back up your claims, but you don't. i shall refute every one of your arguments.

how come crop circles or as some would say Complex Designs imbeded in Farmers Fields, never appear in such places as SNOW, SAND, DIRT, or MEDOWS....

crop circles always appear in some farmers field far away from any mass populated area, even the really wierd ones that are hard to belive that they are faked.

if aliens were trying giveus some sorta sign why not embed their "calling card" (as i like to call it) into ICE or SNOW or even a SAND dune...

its always a farmers field....

they certainly DO occur in other places besides crops; crops are just easiest to study because you have so much to pull data from. see: and (cntrl-f to find 'snow' 'ice' 'sand' etc.)

some say it becuase they use "forces of nature" or a type of "VORTEX" to created these complex designes into fields...

i believe the "forces of nature" you may be alluding to include the theory that since a large number of 'genuine' crop formations (formations with unexplainable scientific evidence that could not be created by humans, such as exploded stem nodes, elongated stem nodes, magnetic particles, and stems bent at 90 degree angles) occur over aquafers, and the electromagnetic anomoly caused by aquafers has something to do with the creation of the formations. and since so many of the formations are, or contain, circular designs, and since the magnetic particles are found more towards the outer edge of the designs, there is some sort of vortex involved.

you would think if they where trying tell us something they would put their "calling card" into ICE or SNOW.... if it where ICE, it would be pretty amazing that a complex formation could appear into solid ice, and if it where snow, it would be even more amazing that a complex formation could appear with no foot prints leading to it.. or any other reconizable signs then humans where there before it was discovered. it would make world headlines if a complex formation would appear into a mountin side over night, would it?

(re: snow, ice, see above) the formations people are so interested in are exactly those that have no footprints leading to them, nor any other obvious signs of human creation. and no, if you know anything about how the media works, anything anomolous or unexplainable barely reaches the media and, if it does, gets cast into the 'hoax' category pretty darn quickly.

also, plenty of circles happen during the day. usually the hoaxers do them at night, but genuine circles can appear at any time.

hell, why do crop circles only appear over night, why not during a storm? im sure the dark skies and lighting would provide plently of cover

again, they can happen at anytime. and lots of reports have come out about formations occuring after storms. some people think they are caused by the storms:. (see: )

some say that some of the complex crop circles are too wild to be made over night by poeple... but hell, if you plan it right and get enghou poeple anything is possible.

that simply is not true. i was in marching band in high school and, even with 120 people, it's pretty hard to make complex designs on the field. now, professional marching bands can do some crazy designs, but again, they're using hundreds of people. they're also just marching, not overlaying crops in a perfectly geometrical pattern in a field (and the geometry to these crop formations is carefully studied - see: ). plus, if it takes that many people to create a circle, why is there no evidence of footprints? ask any farmer and they'll tell you how much damage occurs from just two people walking through a field of crops. it's pretty hard not to leave a trail.

science SAYS that some sorta INTESNSE heat was present when these circles where formed cuase the stalks of plants to bubble...
i think they need to do more research.... (for example, when a plant is bent it will start to die where it was bent, not altogether, which would explain why some poeple think that the HEAT BUBBLING on the stalks of plants is cuased by heat, not some plant genetics, dying cells of the plant or other genetic defects)

just read this, i don't feel like re-explaining anything you could research yourself.

poeple used to think crop circles where just UFOs landing and leaving a mark in a field, but the idea has gotten to far....

even after watching a interesting documentry on TV on crop circles i still hold the fact that 99.9% are FAKE.... just like i say 99.9 % of videos and photos are fake.

i belive that aliens are real, and i belive that they visit earth, but....

CROP CIRCLES are the biggest hoax ive ever seen....

i dont care how big or how complex these formations are... their all fake as i see them

its the human race, poeple would do anything for a good laugh!
we all know how poeple can fake this shit with a board, rope and measuring tools... i say even these complex one can be done over nigh

i belive in aliens, but anyone who belives in crop cricles is a fool

wouldn't it make more sense to say that anyone who doesn't feel like doing any actual research on something and then tries to debunk it as if they know what they're talking about is a fool? you sound like just another narrow-minded person who thinks that just because they have an idea about something they are right, end of story.

you can believe whatever you want. but (needless to say, i guess) your last post was a waste of time. i welcome any further posts that contain real research into the unexplained phenomenon of crop circles.