CT-theory- part 2


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Under the CT-theory the Gravitation is balanced form of the Dynamic forms of Vacuum(DF-Vacuum). The initial (genuine) nature of DF-Vacuum is an Ungravitation (= anti-gravitation) .
Such or another force of a braking brings to such or another density of energy (matter) .
A star as a photon-emission (and gamma/beta radiation) process have a strong braking. Deficiency or strong of a braking (as overfalls) says us about reason of emission or absorption of the photons by electrons . As a whole the intra-nuclear forces "sticking" of the quarks in a nuclear are the force of the Great Universe Braking (GUB) . The forces of the GUB on the level nuclear-electrons more weak . The GUB-overfalls (GUBO) are the reason of the current as an electron flow in the natural or artificial systems . Therefore the CT-theory considers the current as a way of transfer of the dynamic forms . As a whole the GUBO has another ways of the information transfer (such as gravitational and ungravitational ) , CT-transfer (see bellow) as a method of the CT-Version.
Now we can imagine that the electricity is GUB-overfall . On the one hand relative so-called (+) and (-) potentials as GUBO . Under CT-theory the positive potential is the braked matter (mass) which needs in its form . That is under Form-building-processes (FBP) if we are going to create a form we shouldn't admit GUBO . On the other hand the negative pole is that's necessary form for the braked matter in the positive pole. That is we have two processes of the braking which give rise for GUBO . One process (in the negative pole) is the braking process for constitution the form (space-form) , another process (in the positive pole) is the process for mass (as a braked matter) . In this way we have two processes of braking : braking for a form (BFF) and braking for mass (BFM) . The BFF and BFM-processes increase the UnGr-potential . Both of them is the constituent part of the UnGr-potential . The realization of the UnGr-potential (assume of a person) is impossible without it .
There it's necessary to notice that the BFF and BFM are predicates , which establishment of the UnGr category as Ungravitational potential . The BFM is in gist BFF - the braking , which constitute the correspondences a forms with masses . These correspondences (parities) may be different for a one matter . Nevertheless in any case under presence of the electric current we have the appearing disparity between either form and mass for any matter with form . Therefore the realization of UnGr as the category is the process for overcoming of either disparity . However under CT-theory (as stated above) the parity between Form and Mass is UnGr (of an Object) . And appearance a form is appearance of an UnGr-potential . The increase of braking as the BFF and BFM of an Object is increases of individual UnGr-potential of an Object .
As stated above the TBF and Un-processes define the correlation between parts , form-building for one Object . Here it's necessary to define the vector of correlation between different objects .
In the childhood a person has the big BFM under the big BFF ; the grown up person has the big BFM under not great BFF . Therefore, figuratively, a child has as if kinetic UnGr-energy , grown up person - potential . In the Human being in sexual correlation(contact) the increase of BFF is a female nature and increase of BFM - male . These two braking processes define the realization of an UnGr-potential under sexual contact . Energy of form , and energy of mass . The NMF and PMF in space-time as a asymmetry of the space of one process (electricity process) is a whole Complimentary Form (CF) . Under the CT-theory the CF-s are the forms of one process (increase of the asymmetry/symmetry) , and CF-s take place in the several parallel processes . Despite of the increase or decrease of the symmetry/asymmetry the CF-s stay complimentary forms always .
As a whole the TC-theory considers a few situations : the increase of the BFF-process under the decrease of the BFM-process ; the increase of the BBF-process under constant (invariable) BFM-process ; the invariable BFF-process under the increase of the BFM-process . As will be stated bellow the individual fixing can bring the increase of the individual mass and form .
As a whole the Earth-system is homogeneous system and has some main GUBO- systems: the nuclear of the Earth, which is a center of the GUB-processes ; hard-crystal GUBO-system ; liquid-crystal (liquid-bio-crystal) and air GUBO-systems . That is the Earth-system is a space of the different GUBO-systems , which are established on the unified GUBO-process of the Earth . The different GUBO-systems establish the difference magnetic and electromagnetic fields and it superposition . The GUBO is reinforced between nuclear and Earth-system periphery. And on the contrary the GUB-process grows week from Earth nuclear to periphery .
About GUB-impulse of the Solar system . The CT-theory notices that outside our solar system we can have another correlation Gr and UnGr in the Universe . It connected with different Braking in the different points of the Universe . In particular the NASA repeatedly notices the different velocities (decrease) of it satellites , when it leave limits of the solar system . Under the CT-theory we can imagine that the Braking out of solar system limits much less , and , accordingly , Ungravitation potential of the solar system decreases . The Great Universe Braking Overfall (GUBO) is different in every point of the Universe all the more between star systems and empty space . Therefore if a spaceship enters in the solar system, it can use the GUB-potential of the solar system ; when the spaceship leaves (solar system , limits of the Earth) it should begin to accelerate in order to under acceleration increase its Breaking potential (and according to reserve or increase its UnGr-potential) . In our case in order to keep the GUB-impulse - GUB impulse of the Solar system and its UnGr-potential the NASA's satellites brake (it motions slow down) out of solar system .
We can imagine that the GUB-overfalls (GUBO) take a great part in the Earth-system . In particular a GUBO is a cause of the earthquakes , tsunamis, drift of the continents , geomagnetic processes . That is under the CT-theory if the GUB-process grows week at the same time increases the Ungravitational potential of the Earth-system . Such the phenomenon mechanism takes a great part in the Human being . In the difference periods of a person life we have the difference Braking (Individual braking- IB) . In the child's period the IB is weaker as a whole . In the teenager's period the IB grows weaker and a person starts grows up very quickly . After thirty years the IB increases , UnGr-potential decreases .
In particular the activity of a volcano increases with the weakening of the GUB-process in the Earth nuclear and has its periodicity . The weakening of GUB-process as a ungravitational process has its periodicity . That is the GUB-overfalls is accordingly periodical process too . Therefore under the TC-theory we should close examination the GUBO-s with a purpose of forecasting natural elements . Some contemporary ways of the forecasting are connected with a fixing of the overfalls of geomagnetic , electromagnetic parameters of the Earth . Under the CT-Version we can use some additional characteristics as a periodicity of el/mag activity and overfalls of the density of difference liquids.
In particular the sympathetic system of some animal's kinds especially "feels" the GUB-overfalls of the Earth and Sun . The disbalance (disharmony) between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems as Ungravitational and Gravitational potentials brings to many sicknesses.
We can estimate the GUB-overfalls under examination of a density of the virtual particles in the vacuum . Because of the GUB-overfall under the decrease of the GUB are bigger and the virtual density increases .
On the other hand the increase of the GUB-process brings to the increase of an Individual inertia (WI) , that is , to the increase of an Individual Space-Time (IST) and it stability .
Figuratively the Earth system is a space in which the Earth space has a systems convexities and accordingly concavities . The Earth as a magnet (magnetic field) is a continual process of overcoming of distortion of the space to establishment of the NF/PF symmetry . The electricity fields in the Earth systems is a current processes overcoming of the (space convexities and concavities) asymmetry NF/PF. As a whole the processes of the Dynamic form manifestations take palace in the processes of a heat exchanger , in a phenomenon of vacuum and de-vacuum processes (VDV- process). The VDV phenomenon takes a fundamental part in the constitution of wave nature as a undulating movement and spreading of a matter .
We know that the photon bombing of some kinds matter can brings to appearance of electric effect . Under the CT-Theory this is a result of conditions of the braking . That is an individual braking (IB of a point) decreases . The connection between nuclear and electrons decreases , that brings to the appearance of electricity . And the Electricity is an overfall between two points of a space (matter) which have different (forces) of the individual braking. Therefore according to the CT-theory an electric resistance of the matter connected with a force of braking (FB) of the matter . And so-called in physics (+) and (-) potentials are points where was created an overfall (GUBO) of the braking . That is (-) is the potential with more braking (FB) , (+) - the potential with less braking .
As a whole under the CT-theory the electron are an allocated dynamic forms as a concentrated after braking energy of the Dynamic Vacuum . Therefore as a whole the electricity is a flow of the dynamic forms (Dynamic Flow) . The magnet as a phenomenon of the braked matter is a phenomenon the direct appearance of the force of braking (Force of Individual Braking - FIB) extended out of object . Therefore in case of large (mass) objects - the FIB is large and it has a magnet property - its magnetic poles (+) and (-) in the one form of object. As a phenomenon (+) reflects the gnoseological possibility of object to have its FIB as (UnGr) form; (-) - reflects the presence of very such a mass of object as a quantity of braked matter under very such a form.
That is a correlation of Form and Mass as a UnGr and Gr . Between Form (of object) and quantity of Matter (Mass) . A degree of vacuum (Form) should correspond with quantity of matter (Mass) . Excessiveness of Mass (as a quantity of a matter) destroys a Form . That is the Gr is destroys a form of object . Therefore gnoseologically the Gr is a kind (form) UnGr. And UnGr is a correspondence of Form and Mass ; The Gr is a non-correspondence of Form and Mass . The FIB is the regulator of this dependence. Figuratively , the form and mass of the Earth are correspond each other . And as a whole the (+) and (-) in its nature are two sides of one phenomenal process : correspondence of Mass and Form . The UnGr as a Form is the processes of Fixing (fixing processes - FP) ; the Gr is unfixing processes (UFP). The increase of the UnGr-potential is the increases of FP ; the increases of Gr-potential is the increases of UFP .
The process of Form (forming processes) results from Vacuum (UnGr) and the process of the increase of quantity of matter (Mass) results gnoseologically from Vacuum too . Therefore, according to the CT-theory , the Gravitation is the Time(as a Period) of the correspondence of Form and Mass . And the UnGr is a Space (Form) of this correspondence . Every Object (as an opening space) in the Universe/Earth system has its Individual Space-Time of this correspondence. Under the Version the UnGr hasn't conception of the Time . The less FIB - the less the period between correspondence of the individual Form and Mass . And under the laws of energy balance every disbalance has its (+) as a Gr- period . That is every disbalance has its own Gr-period . And the contemporary period of the Earth has Gr-period . Some Universe Objects already have not such period . Figuratively the Magnet in the absolutely Vacuum hasn't Gr-period and has absolutely correspondence between Form and Mass . As a whole we should not mix up the Gravitation(Gr) with gravitational period (Gr-period) .
On the another hand the correspondence between Form and Mass it's not the UnGr (as stated above) or Gr . It's the situation of balance between it (homeostaz) . The deviations from it indicates the increase/decrease Gr/UnGr . In the Human being this deviation takes place during day, seasons , age periods (life) . The position of Gr/UnGr "pendulum" is a state of individual health . The FIB of the person regulates by neural , hormone systems and immune system as a whole . As a whole the FIB-program contains in the genetic code .
Certainly under the CT-conceptions the Gr is the form of the Vacuum and UnGr as a whole. Under the CT-theory a Gravitational force is a form(kind) of the FIB . The more the mass of object - the more the quantity of the braked matter - as a sum FIB. Therefore more large and density object attract another object . In case of artificial creation of the electricity or electromagnet attraction (as stated above) we artificial increase FIB of one of the objects that creates an artificial GUBO between objects . That is the object with artificial attraction has a more FIB than another one .

"At a depth of the sound -birth ..."

The main thing , that the mankind is able to create and manage by kinds of the FIB-s (electricity, magnetic, gravitation , el/mag) . And the (-) potential is the increased UnGr potential (under presence of GUBO between two points). Thus, under the CT-theory , the increase of the UnGr-potential connected with the increase of the :

n braking (FIB) processes
n vacuum processes
n forming process
n fixing processes of the Individual Fixing
n positive form-mass (PMF) processes (the braking increase)
n resistance of the matter
n fall of the temperature

The mankind is able to carry out the forming process according to the laws of mechanics , chemistry, biology , ect. . However one of the main category of the CT-theory - the FIB brings to the principle of a continual temporality of information transfer/collection . The more the FIB - the more a collection of information . And on the contrary , the less FIB - the more possibility information implantation in the space (in another objects) .
Here it's necessary notice that a process of the forming (forming process) of matter connected with the vacuum process in the very deep gnoseological sense. In the scheme we can see: Vacuum à Braking (GUB) à Inertia à (Quantity of the matter as Mass) à Matter with a form as a Parity between Form and Mass .
In this connection under the CT-theory the Individual Fixing (IF) takes a great part in the GUB-mechanism (FIB-program) . Every individual system (object) has its own diapason of fixing. That is the period when the IF-process brings individual braking process to WI (individual inertia) and accordingly, the increase of quantity of matter (mass). Out of the limit of this period (under continuation of increase of the fixing process) the WI-process decreases and can end . That is under
the CT-theory we have a Limit of Individual Fixing(LIF) and a Limit of the Individual Braking(LIB) . And, accordingly, the Threshold of the individual fixing(TIF) and Threshold of the individual braking (TIB) .
In the gnoseological roots under CT-theory the Fixing conception connected with Phenomenon of the Fixing as a whole . In particular contemporary physics know about "Heisenberge uncertainty" - that is about phenomenon of an observation under simultaneous
measurement of a positions (coordinates) and velocity (speed) of the micro-physic particles . According to the CT-theory there is takes place the Fixing phenomenon :
1)Any Fixing of a Process combines an Observer and this Process in the Complimentary Temporality Whole (CTW-process) especially on the micro-physical level.
2) On the micro-physics level the Fixing of any Process directly connected with Unfixing process .
An Acceleration (as the potential of a velocity) is the predicate of the Ungravitation . Under CT-theory we have the mechanism of correlation between UnGr and Acceleration(Acc) . The increase of the Acc brings to the increase of a Braking and according to the increase of an UnGr . On the other hand the increase of a Braking brings to the increase of an Inertia . The increase of an individual Fixing brings to the increase of an individual Braking and according to the increase of an individual UnGr (brings to additional UnGr from the Dynamic Vacuum) .
And under the CT-theory we should very grateful to the Nature . Due to this fact takes place the increases of muscles , immune system in the arduous period - war , diseases . As a whole the individuals get the possibility to accelerate or brake its actions as physician actions having at that the same results - the increases of the UnGr-potential (!) . And the mechanism of the Fixing take a great part in the both cases .
"About evolution of mankind (CT-Mankind)"

Without this phenomenal mechanism we couldn't have had evolution of a matter . In the morphological aspect of the CT-theory the Acceleration and Braking are the same conceptions
(any braking is the acceleration with mark of mines) . But as the vectorial direction we directed "backwards" . We can't move without it . Due to this mechanism ("W-mechanism") under acceleration and under braking a person (creatures) has possibility to increase UnGr-potential . Figuratively extraction of the UnGr energy connected directly with braking and Acc - processes . As stated below this is the process of allocation of the Time - individual space-time (IST) and the Time as a conception is individual form of a matter . That is every object has its own individual time. Under the CT-theory the process of a humane life is the continual struggle for stoppage of the individual time .
Due to mechanism of continual fixing the person not grows old and dies for 3 - 10 - 20 years during its life , but lives 70 years in average . It's not accidentally that under ache a person notices as a time (individual time) flows very slowly . On the other hand due to W-mechanism under individual Acc and increase of individual braking (simultaneously) a person can watches as the parallel time processes flow slower . Such phenomenal condition a person usually experience in very stress situations ( in a battle , in a crash ect.) . That is the importance of the W-mechanism connected with this phenomenon . The importance of this phenomenal mechanism is very great . As a whole this brings to the creatures orient on the space-time .
As is well known one persons orient in the different situations faster then another one . That is if under Acc the person has a good system of individual braking this is very good . Of course , this mechanism has its limit . A person cannot Acc endlessly . Every person has its own individual Threshold of a Fixing (TF) . After it a person has Unfixing. We can understand it during a simple example . If a person up and down the dumb-bells in one hand , so after some period he doesn't feel this hand (hand grows heavy and becomes dumb) . This is very simple and obvious case but according to the CT-theory we have very importance conception : the Gravitation is the Unfixing . The Earth (as a mass) is the process of Unfixing (of quantity of a matter) .
The presence of the W-mechanism creates the basis for evolution in the Earth-system .

About evolution of mankind (CT-Mankind) . This is the main conception and foundation of the CT-theory . Under the CT-theory the mankind is in the beginning of a Complimentary temporality period . Very soon it will be the CT-mankind . The CT-mankind will be has some levels . Now the vector of contemporary applied sciences develops our mankind to the electronic technologies . Very soon the means of communication will be placed in the brain and we'll be needn't in the mobile telephones . It will be the first step to the CT-Mankind of the 1-st level . The CT-Mankind of the 1-st level will be have united computer net and results of it activity will be send in the person brain according to tasks and commands which a person will be stays in case of need .
The CT-Mankind of the 2-d level (CT-Mk) will achieves practically telepathic transfer of information. As a whole it will appears the Unified Fund of Information Supporting(UFIS) . At this period every person will be as if mini-concern (company) and to have a huge information supporting and practical execution with the UFIS . This mankind will be "honeycomb" mankind . That is every person can be linked to a few works and to execute it in parallel in the different places of the world . Possessing of the programmed braking processes a person of Mk-2 can model many objects . This is a principle of the ant hill . Any ant is linked to the common job . If some ant not able to pull a straw another ants to try to help him . Under this process will be take place automatic money transfers .
The main thing the CT- Mk of the 2-d level can solve its problem in the dream(sleep) . According to the CT-theory the Mk-2 will be have possibility to manage by dream . Collective dreams are not far reality . The mankind gets the way to discuss and decide its problems in the collective dream during a sleep . That is the mankind gets the possibility practically to have period of individual life in 1,5 times more than now . But the main thing that the Mk-2 can take the collective
"We obliged to know about it as if we didn't want to know at all..." -
CT-theory about "the more advanced civilizations"

decisions in this period of its life , which is not used at all now. The person can have job in a day , than to analyzes ,
take decision and manage by processes during a night for next days . And what is more the Mk-2 can forecast very difficult processes to within 90% . Because a person of the Mk-2 will be uses almost all gigantic potential of the UFIS , which is, figuratively, one a huge computer .
On the CT-Mk-3 level mankind can forecast to within 100% and watch the processes of the past and future . As a whole a person of the Mk-3 can model some objects with force of its brain .
* * *
The more the TIF - the more the TIB (and less LIB) and on the contrary (the less...the less) . Now we can imagine that the TIF-LIB-mechanism takes a great part in the biological systems. If the biological object has a big TIF it's means it has a big Ungravitational potential . That is the energy for functional activity . On the other hand the increase of TIF often brings to the increase of the individual mass of this object . The destruction of the TIF-LIB-mechanism can brings to the decrease of individual mass . Therefore especially to the old age we can see more fat or thin persons . According to the CT-theory every object has its own individual diapason of the LIB .
In the Human being e.g. a swallowing process , enunciation , digestion , tachycardia , sexual process and sexual orientation ect., which connected with FIB . And neural and immune systems are a mechanism to balance of the NF/PF overfalls and GUBO as a whole . As a whole NP/PF is a part of the Gr/UnGr mechanism - correlation of the Gr/UnGr in the Universe . In particular the sympathetic system is responsible for increase of the Ungravitational processes in a person ; parasympathetic system for - Gravitational processes . Both systems very deeply intercommunicated and coordinate the actions of the person's organs .
We can imagine that process assimilation of alcohol (drugs) connected with increase of the Potential of Fixing (FP) . However TIF (Threshold of Individual Fixing) has its limit and therefore decreases in time . As a whole the processes of increase of FP brings to decrease of sugar in blood. Therefore as a whole we have two kind of diseases : with a problem of steady increasing of the FP(IFP) and steady decreasing of the FP(DFP) . For example the diseases of the IFP - diabetes , thyroid gland , arrhythmia , some mental illness . It in one's turn connected with increase of the TIB (Threshold of Individual Braking) and according to the increase of Potential of the Individual Braking (PIB) .
That is we can see : the increase of FP à PIB (TIB) à increase Ungravitational potential of a person . That is the increase of UnGr potential in this case brings to diseases . In this case we have an asymmetry between PIB and LIB . The increase of the PIB brings to the increase of the person's mass (weight) . That is in this process we have : the decrease of sugar in the blood à increase of the PIB(FIB) à increase of the UnGr potential à increase of a person's mass . The decrease of sugar in the blood in this case is a cause of appearance of the UnGr-potential (energy) . The increase of this potential becomes as a mass under mechanism of Braking , another part is a cause of a heightened sensibility and activity of a sick person . In one's turn the increase of a person's mass very often brings to decrease of sugar in the blood and according to increase of it eat up . It's a circular motion .
Therefore in particular diabetes is very hard disease . As a whole here we have direct (transparent) connection between weight and Individual Braking (PIB) . The more weight - the more PIB . And therefore fat people disposed to eat up of sweet food . On the other hand the decrease of sugar in the blood evidently connected with the causes of increase of the TIF and PIB as a whole . And just these causes are main . That is exist the causes which move the TIF up and down on the genetic or in depend on style of life . Under the CT-theory we can have a method of TIF regulation . In particular the sickness (and vomiting) is the result of Unfixing-process (from alcohol e.g.) which defines vacuum process in the person organism and the vomiting is the process of removal of an unfixing food . That is a person organism already has a natural mechanism TIF-regulation with its vacuum-devacuum , PIB , LIB , Fixing and Unfixing and Gravitational and Ungravitational regulators .
So under the CT-theory (as stated below) for these diseases are of very great importance the NMF (negative mass-form) and PMF (positive mass-form) . Figuratively, negative pressure and positive pressure in the person organism . It's created conditions for vacuum and devacuum processes . The principle of the humane organism activity it's the projection analogous principles and processes of the Universe .
As a whole according to the CT-theory (a Person) and Earth system are an electrolyte (crystal) - unified system as a computer . And it's very likely that more advanced civilizations can read and write any information using Compensatory Forming mechanism of the Dynamic Forms which allows them to use our Earth system as a unified PC (computer) in any point of Earth space . Perhaps they could and can transfer in our space using UnGr/Gr correlation of the Earth system .
About More advanced civilizations and CTC . The More advanced civilizations (MAC) not use a cosmic stations as a way of moving in the Universe . The way , which contemporary mankind develops now is not true because of it connected with use of a fuel with organic energy . Under the CT-theory the MAC use UnGr and Gr correlation of the Universe systems - correlation of spaces as forms under displacement in the Universe . The MAC is master of the Dynamic Forms (DF) and use the negative (NF) and positive forms (PF) of the Universe objects . So for the displacement from one planet to one another the MAC use it as a system of NF and PF .
Under displacement between star systems the MAC use it more gigantic potential of NF and PF ect . That is to displace on huge distances the MAC haven't necessity to use gigantic spaceships with a huge stock of fuel , food and "quantity of years" for life of crew " . Because of under the CT-theory the More advanced civilization can use the Complimentary Temporal Compensation (CTC) of times between two or a few systems . It means that the MAC under displacement can stop its time relatively another system . And what is more , under this process the MAC can watch the past and the future another system . The MAC needn't time for displacement between (and inside) star systems , because of , figuratively, the MAC use space-time dynamic flows like sportsman in the surfing , sliding in a one or another wave .
Figuratively like a skillful seafarer , which catches the flows of window , or flying air acrobat. This skill of CTC allows to remove (compensate) Gr overloads and overloads under acceleration/braking (Gr overload is Braking overload) . Therefore the MAC's spaceman can bare any overloads (if , of course , a CTC-program carried out correctly) and it spaceships can fly with huge accelerations and braking with unimaginable trajectories . We can imagine that this process look like as if a spider climbs on the cobweb . A CTC-process figuratively as if a play on the strings . When one note compensates another one .

May I ask... what is it that you are doing with your life these days?

I hope you don't mind my asking. Based on your post, above, it seems that you have a lot on your mind and feel a need to dump (and I don't mean that in a negative way)... anything special going on?