David Bowie passes away at 69 :(

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
David Bowie's representative confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that the legendary artist died today after a battle with cancer.
“David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief,” read a statement posted on the artist’s official social media accounts."

RIP :(
He has 2 children. He will be missed as he travels away in his "Tin Can". A song I've enjoyed since he created it...

Though I gather his bisexuality was faked, to bring him notoriety
Uh, probably not. Although he did cannily market.

He was always too much on the theatrical side, to appeal to me - my mother liked him, in this apparently cocaine-influenced interview we watched together:
She found him a nice young man, and intelligent. I agreed.
I only recently became really properly aware of David Bowie and his music. Over the years, I of course heard some of it and saw some of his videos, but he was one of those artists for whom I never really put all the pieces together into a single mental box labelled "All this is Bowie". But some time in the past year or two I did start to put the pieces together. I watched some documentaries about him. I watched and listened to some interviews he did. I read a bit about him. I started to put an artist's name to some of his songs that I already knew, and discovered some new ones that I didn't.

Conclusion: David Bowie was a very important and influential artist, who also seemed like a decent bloke (and that matters).

Cause love's such an old-fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure

We will remember you, David.
To me, Bowie was always a satirist. Hearing Ziggy Stardust, many times, in the early 70s I had that sense about his music, his whole act was a satire of rock n' roll fame.

When I first heard Alladin Sane, I thought about the obvious self-reference, the drug-induced psychosis thing, but man, that piano solo is way cool. I'll confess I didn't like all of his music, but some of it is practically legendary now.
I think, after watching Lazarus that he went as far as satirising his own death. He was an actor who understood pathos and irony, he just happened to also be a musician.

Now, death isn't really very funny, but there he is, trying to make it look like a sort of joke, telling us "don't worry about me". And of course, Ziggy still rocks.