Deadly Bat Epidemic Still Baffling Scientists


Bats in New York and Vermont are mysteriously dying off by the thousands, often with a white ring of fungus around their noses, and scientists in hazmat suits are crawling into dank caves to find out why.

"White nose syndrome," as the killer has been dubbed, is spreading at an alarming rate, with researchers calling it the gravest threat in memory to bats in the U.S.,2933,330789,00.html

Any ideas? :confused:
Sandy much as I abhore your politics I do appreciate your science article finds. Thanks for this one.

I find it odd that another species that is important agriculture is showing dieoffs. I thinking of last years honeybees die offs.
Sandy im sorry i havent read your artical yet (will when i get home later, just dont have time right now) but do you know if the fungus is being found on OTHER bats?

What i mean is that it could be a secondry infection that is caused by the weakning of the bats imune responce from the primary or it could be the primary itself. If its a secondry infection you would expect to see at least SOME healthy bats with the fungus as well without dying (at least thats my understanding) but of course those same results could be caused by some animals surviving.

to add:

Ok i did read it and it doesnt mention much, Do you have anyother infomation on this?
It would be interesting to see the results from a brain, lung and heart biopsy. These are the main spots you would expect to see a fungle infection atacking (as far as i know). If the infection is starting in the nasle passages and moving into the lungs or heart then that could well be the killer. Actually this sounds like white spot that fish get but that is a bacterial infection
All I know is what I read in the article. I think it's very sad and going to be very detrimental. :(