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If you knew you were near death, where would your thoughts be?

I bring this question to the forum because death is often the focus of much religious contemplation. Regardless of what your beliefs might be, everyone eventually must face their final moments… Eventually.
I theorize that people's reactions to incoming death will vary depending on their age or experience. A person who has fulfilled their life's expectancy, obtained abundant experience throughout their lifetime, and lived to an age where death is common will think primarily of others and what they have lived.

A younger person who feels they still have much to live for, and perhaps that death has reached them too soon, will be more prone to fear and struggle to espace their fate.

Ultimately, it depends on the person. Some people can accept their death, and others will do anything to fend it off.
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There ain't no atheists in foxholes under an artillery or mortar barrage.

And almost every dying man, if he has the time and strength remaining, will call for his mother. Not his wife, not his god, not his father, not his friends .....but his mommy. Does that tell us anything? Shit, I don't know.

Baron Max
There ain't no atheists in foxholes under an artillery or mortar barrage.

And almost every dying man, if he has the time and strength remaining, will call for his mother. Not his wife, not his god, not his father, not his friends .....but his mommy. Does that tell us anything? Shit, I don't know.

Baron Max

"Our Mother,who art in heaven?" :)
If you knew you were near death, where would your thoughts be?


Regardless of what your beliefs might be, everyone eventually must face their final moments… Eventually.

No, my beliefs give me eternal life. And no matter what atheists believe, they can't die either.

No, my beliefs give me eternal life. And no matter what atheists believe, they can't die either.

Your beliefs are that we reincarnate but with a different soul right ? So basically the idea is that we are recycled by nature.
Therefore you are not actually saying that you are immortal. You are just denying the existence of death by redefining life.

If you knew you were near death, where would your thoughts be?

I bring this question to the forum because death is often the focus of much religious contemplation. Regardless of what your beliefs might be, everyone eventually must face their final moments… Eventually.

To get the person who tried to kill me!

Seek a lawyer to sue the doctor who told me I was "just fine" two weeks ago.

Get a really great looking hooker and die happy!
Death of the individual--that sounds permanent to me. Still, would the belief in reincarnation be enough to avert your thoughts and give you solace? I can see how a true believer (someone of religious faith) might have the upper hand during the final moments leading to death.

If you knew you were near death, where would your thoughts be?

I bring this question to the forum because death is often the focus of much religious contemplation. Regardless of what your beliefs might be, everyone eventually must face their final moments… Eventually.

my thoughts would be with my kids, hugging them, and saying goodbye, because when its time to go its time to go!!
This topic isn’t generating as much thought provoking debate as I thought it might. Oh well… Thank you for your thoughts.
There ain't no atheists in foxholes under an artillery or mortar barrage.

Complete and utter nonsense.

I was an atheist. I've been the target of mortar and small arms in war. I remained an atheist throughout.

Moreover, there are many, many atheists in the military. And they are serving in war right now.
But.. what is it to you what we consider dying ?

when your body dies, your spiritual backup body continues to live in the spiritual world (temporary heaven). when the spiritual body dies you are born on earth again.
when your body dies, your spiritual backup body continues to live in the spiritual world (temporary heaven). when the spiritual body dies you are born on earth again.

And how did you come to believe this ?
If you knew you were near death, where would your thoughts be?
Hot Damn...

Pretty soon I'll never have to listen to that thrice~cursed alarm clock again !

But really - I suppose I'd experience every cliche` regret in the book...
Why didn't I bang more broads/make more dough/climb Mount Everest/start World War III or whatever.

Then I'd doubtless get skeered shitless about 'waking up' after finally dying in front of some scowling old feller in flowing robes with a big book before him on a lectern in front of a set of Pearly Gates, and me bawlin' -
It wasn't may fault !!!
Can't ya just send me ta Limbo ??!!!

And no matter what atheists believe, they can't die either.
The Hell you say !

I didn't come this far to be denied my Eternal Rest.

Screw the lid down tight, and bury that tin box deep Bro-Ham !

I ain't comin' back !

This topic isn’t generating as much thought provoking debate as I thought it might.
We're already dying...

Coherent thought is too much effort.
Bitter disapointment that man had not been able to solve the problem of involuntary death before my time ran out.

And cursing the stupidity of religion to the end - since it is those idiotic and baseless fantasies that have convinced billions of false hopes such that inadequate attention has been given to really solving the problem of death and obvious non-existence.

when your body dies, your spiritual backup body continues to live in the spiritual world (temporary heaven). when the spiritual body dies you are born on earth again.
And this is not an idiotic and irresponsible fantasy because......................