But water vapor isn't "exactly the same" as CO2 which stays in the atmosphere a lot longer. The graph follows the CO2 content, not water vapor.(??)
And thus is misleading and deceptive in the extreme.
The WHOLE POINT is to consider greenhouse warming. Omitting the primary greenhouse gas is anti-scientific. It is terribly dishonest.
You haven't explained why 3.4% is a lot different to (SIC) 17.5%, or why you chose to use the first value.
I didn't make up the 3.4% figure. I obtained it from reliable sources.
You, on the other hand, fabricated 17.5% by ASSUMING that all carbon dioxide increases are EXCLUSIVELY anthropogenic. Your basis for such an assumption is what, exactly? But even so, if you were to plot a 70 ppm increase from the bottom, the argument of deception remains. It's extremely small, in relation to 21,000 ppm.
I assume you did this "on faith". If that's true, then you aren't very good at science are you? Here you are, on the one hand trying to claim deception is being foisted on the world, and on the other using deceptive statistics, pulling numbers out of your ass.
And after I gave you sincere compliments, you stoop to this.
We were having a perfectly reasonable discussion about SCIENCE and then you spew your vulgarity and hatred. You think that's scientific, do you?
That's a bit of a hoot. Did you know that plants don't grow very well at high temperatures?
In the context of a 70 ppm increase, the correlative temperature is anything BUT "high."
Moreover, since you pretend to know SO VERY MUCH about science, you might wish to explain exactly HOW quickly oceans are warming up, and how far they have to go before phytoplankton begins to "not grow very well."
Then too the world's great tropical rainforests in South America and Africa seem to be doing quite well despite temperatures of well over 100 degrees F.
Let me introduce you to plants growing in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park, as well as those in the ocean depths.
Isn't science amazing? Stick with it, instead of trying to attack the messenger, Halfabrane.