The Man on the Throne
There was a moment during my experience where I saw myself approaching what looked to be a gigantic, magnificent man, sitting on a alabaster throne. Thru a kind of veil that was partially covering him, I was able to detect that he had very stunning chiseled features. In fact, he was so perfect looking, he almost looked statuesque.
The man was wearing what appeared to be a gleaming white robe and I saw that he had the most fantastic muscular body. It was not large and gross, but truly beautiful and symmetrical. The man's arm was resting on a flat smooth surface that was part of the throne, and when he would move his hand (even the slightest amount) a musical, sparkling rainbow colored essence would fall out and away from within his robe, eventually creating a pool of Light around his feet on the floor.
Initially, the thought that came into my mind that I was seeing God! But then, as soon as I thought this, very quickly, it was revealed to me that this thought was only partially true.
It was immediately made known to me that the physical form I was observing was actually an astral version of "me" in Spirit form, as God saw me existing as already!
I heard inside my mind, "This is your Higher Self." As I looked deeply into this beings eyes, I saw my own reflection and realized that the "inner voice" I had been hearing my whole life (as the voice of my own conscience) had actually been guidance coming for this personage−−who still resides in Heaven in a greater degree of wholeness and Light than I do here on Earth. In fact, I realized that I had only taken a very small portion of my Higher Self's Light with me for my journey here this go round. By doing this I would be encouraged to dig deeper and develop my faith and intuition; and secondly, I do not see how my human brain really could have tolerated too much more Light, as I believe now it would caused my body and mind to short circuit.
It was in the Realm that I learned God only sees each of us as our Higher Selves. It is only our ego mind that defines us as being something lower. I also understood that all other parts of me (in total) make my Highest Self who he is. Later, I realized that the gold and rainbow colored Light that had come out from underneath the robehad actually been the essence or Light of God.