Deja Vu


Valued Senior Member
Ever have the feeling that you have met someone once before, or that something has happened once before? I have been feeling that a lot lately. Is there a rational explanation for it?
Ever have the feeling that you have met someone once before, or that something has happened once before? I have been feeling that a lot lately. Is there a rational explanation for it?
I believe this is what Anil Seth describes as a "best guess" by the brain, which reconizes some aspects of an environment which has been familiar in the past and draws from that memory to construct a conscious best guess , which elicits an experience of familiarity in the observer.
Well, it is a curious thing that my current avatar that I recently uploaded feels as though it has always been there. Weird.
Well, it is a curious thing that my current avatar that I recently uploaded feels as though it has always been there. Weird.
It hasn't.
What you should take from your observation is we can be mistaken for all sorts of reasons. That is why science offers a dependable method of organising our knowledge. That must suggest to you that you need to review critically any view you hold upon reality.
Clearly our ancestors were guided by superstition to provide their answers but now we are now able to determine simple matters using good is that.
Tell me the reasons your selection of your current avatar seemed appropriate.
It a spiritual Sanskrit for Om. Dude, it belongs there, as if it's been there before or all along. How freaky is that?

The only freaky that comes over to me is your preoccupation with your avatar.

It's a symbol and meaningless to me.

Please explain the significance of Om ...I know of it but what I know I know what you know is my interest.

I had a mate who would sit with his arms out and his fingers set in a certain way and say Om over and over...he said it opened his inner self to the reality that could not be experienced any other way.

He was a fruit cake, dropped out of our group and ended up becoming a Hari Crishna and later after he left them became a drunk and a criminal. I heard he overdosed and died in NZ

He never seemed together and unable to face a simple life..going to work..coming home..he was always looking for something that none of us understood.

He talked about a higher level but it seemed fanciful and delusional...moreover undefined... It was always mysterious somehow.

He seemed normal but I thought he had some sort of mental problem given he just kept looking for something that did not seem to exist.

He started out as a Christian but really did not act as one may expect of a Christian.

I just dont understand "spirituality" you see ...I asking questions of folk who, like you, seem to think it could exist.

... I can't fathom in the least what spirituality involves or why folk chase the notion.

I think superstition has been such a part of our ancestors existence that now even though we know better some can still fall into superstitious behaviour.

It will be no surprise to you that I don't see any value but rather than dismiss it as somewhat silly I want to understand folk like you.

You seem like a nice chap it's just that I have not had contact with folk who hold, for me, strange ideas other than the mate I mentioned.. and some disappointing experiences with hypocritical christians.

For me the world is straight forward and open yet you seem to have this thing going on that is just so different to my nuts and bolts world.
And why don't you use your face as your avatar...I do.. simply to be honest and let folk have an idea who they are dealing with. ...just trying to be real.

Please explain the significance of Om ...I know of it but what I know I know what you know is my interest.
Google. I've run across people in my recent travels whom I have never met, yet I have. That avatar is just another download, yet as I look at it, I know it was meant to be.

There's no explaining it.
There's no explaining it.
I get it's fun.
Isn't it curious when you meet someone who you feel you already know. I often find people remind me of people that I have never met who I am not sure that they even exist...what can than mean?
I get it's fun.
Isn't it curious when you meet someone who you feel you already know. I often find people remind me of people that I have never met who I am not sure that they even exist...what can than mean?
Well, some things have no explanation, or I'm living the same life over, or I have already seen the script for this one.
Well, some things have no explanation, or I'm living the same life over, or I have already seen the script for this one.
Good for you.
You impress me as a decent person and so I can only support you on your journey.
Look after yourself and those around you.
Write your prayer book and know you will help others..that's all we can do.
There's no explaining it.
The brain apparently timestamps input via a two step intercommunication between the left and right hemispheres - the second visit to the left hemisphere carries or elicits the stamp. If this second arrival is not synchronized properly with the right hemisphere and the previous arrival in the left, the experience can register as already happened when it hasn't, or never happened when it has.

Whether or not that is actually what is going on with the common cases of déjá or jamais vu I have not been able to track, but it is an obvious possibility - among several others.
Whether or not that is actually what is going on with the common cases of déjá or jamais vu I have not been able to track, but it is an obvious possibility - among several others
Have you watched Anil Seth yet. He explains how the brain orders the sensory information and makes abest guess based on prior memorized experience. Rally good stuff.

Ever have the feeling that you have met someone once before, or that something has happened once before? I have been feeling that a lot lately. Is there a rational explanation for it?

I have experienced it once in a while. Well, Deja vu is recognized one of the term included to Kaplan's Psychiatry, These things amaze me though. I hope there is more scientific explanations to this.
I have experienced it once in a while. Well, Deja vu is recognized one of the term included to Kaplan's Psychiatry, These things amaze me though. I hope there is more scientific explanations to this.
As Anil Seth explains, the mind projects your reality from memory. Some artifact in a house may trigger a memory and for a moment you experience a flash of recognition, until the hallucination is controlled by other data.