Did Mary Mate With Jesus?


How many people think Mary was Jesus's woman an that they mated? How could anyone resist banging a fine piece of gal like her?
How many people think Mary was Jesus's woman an they mated?
i think that if jesus was real then he probably would have had a wife, however even the evidence of jesus existing is suspect and the only evidence of him existing is four gospels, there is no documentation of him existing but i dont really want to turn this into a whether jesus existed thread

How could anyone resist banging a fine piece of gal like her?
what if she was pig ugly :bugeye:
Did Jesus have hormones? All depictions of him show clearly the physical characteristics of having male hormones, such as facial hair, an Adam's Apple, etc. Although artists could have just been drawing of what they knew about the male form, let's assume the depictions are fairly accurate. So we can see he had a normal amount of male hormones.

Was Jesus sexual? If his hormones were firing normally, yes. He may not have been a horn-dog. I know several guys who enjoy sex, but it's not the be-all and end-all of their existences. If his hormones weren't firing normally, then he may have had no sex drive, or may have had his sex drive pointed in another direction. (How many of those apostles were young men? ;))

But let's assume they were firing normally. So Jesus is a sexual being that has, according to legend, chosen not to have sex. This is, IMHO, as unnatural an existence as any perversion you can dream up. It flies in the face of species preservation, amounts to genetic suicide, and goes directly against the divine order to be fruitful and multiply. Therefore, the legend implies that Jesus was a suicidal freak of nature who defied his own god. Not someone I'd care to base a religion around.

But if Jesus wasn't a suicidal freak who defied his own god, then we can safely assume that he had sex probably with more than just the woman in question, but wasn't necessarily a slobbering lech. He probably knew a few girls of loose morals before meeting Mary Magdalene and settling down.

And that's my 2 cents' worth, adjusted annually for inflation.
sderenzi said:
How many people think Mary was Jesus's woman an that they mated? How could anyone resist banging a fine piece of gal like her?

You must a very interesting fantasy life :bugeye:
sderenzi said:
How could anyone resist banging a fine piece of gal like her?

I think if a person tried to they would definately be able to control their passions. There are still people today (however few) that are immune to the passions created by the mind. There were many people like that and i believe Jesus was one of them.
I think they loved each other but it was platonic. By the way, "mate" is what animals do, humans make love or fuck.
I am not even sure Jesus existed ...leave alone mary magdelen( sorry I screwed up the last name).. I think the Dan Brown novel and movie gave a public relation boost to Vatican ..if they could create a contraversy then people instead of questioning was Jesus real or a creation of church ..they will get involved in was Jesus a father or husband ..it is a classic Psych-op case..
i think he probably fisted her. after that he was sick of the "relationship", so he figured he'd get crucified. jesus was xxxtreme.