Garbage in garbage out, I won't spend time with crack pots and conspiracy theories, a waste of my time.
Hi Buddha! As a genetic half-breed Mongolian-Scot/Buddhist, Truly Your's, kind of represents the content of your post. Consider the following scenario:
Two people are en conversant in a parked car adjacent to a convenience store.
The subject is the hot weather and the fact that they are thirsty and have no money.
The guy under the wheel suggests that the two of them go into the store and boost a six pack of beer.
The plan is struck with the agreement that wheel man will boost the beer while passenger person distracts the clerk.
Wheel man and passenger person successfully carry out their plan, return to the car and depart the premises, quaffing a lot of self-congratulating bubbly.
A six pack of stolen beer equals misdemeanor theft.
Since two (or more) persons contrived and planned ahead, to consummate the misdemeanor, it is consequently, a felony. Namely: conspiracy to steal FILL IN HERE.
This is merely an example of how commonplace conspiracy dynamics are.
Ostensibly, the plot thickens when the objective of two or more conspirators is to boondoggle the entire classroom, township, city, state, forum-thread and/or nation. Inevitably, more people and correspondingly more conspirators are required to effect larger parameters of conspiratorial influence.
The difference between a business committee and a conspiracy is whether or not the gathered participants agree to break (- and then do in fact break -) the law, or not.
The negative alternative is hardly a rare occurrence. Au contraire.
It's as American as Stokely Carmichael.
What the big time - mass media manipulating - conspirators (there are an abundance of very responsibly documented books and films about it) have fairly succeeded in doing is attacking the language, just as Huxley and Orwell predicted, long before most of this thread's readers were born. 'They' have installed artificial realities around their vulnerable parameters.
Example: 'There is no "they"'.
That is one of the ways 'they' identify themselves. They - given, unidentified conspirators - have names, addresses, telephone and SSI numbers, families and fingerprints, etceteras). They obediently adhere to denying that they fulfill their own referenced identity. In this way, 'they' disappear in a puff of so-called 'credible deniability'. Only nincompoops allude to 'they', or 'them'.
Compliments of the behavior modified legion of - knee-kick-reflex-conditioned - nay Sayers in the public sector.
Another example, 'they' have educated the general *public to believe that *they can escape the negative influences of violence-saturated public access television, by 'turning it off', or 'changing channels'. That's a swell dodge until you go to work or the grocery store and encounter those who don't practice that ('Great') escape.
Giving the presently presiding alternative viewpoint of this subject their fair shakes, it certainly is entirely true that the crack-pot, whacko, druggie elements do their share of giving responsible discussions about 'them', and 'conspiracy theories', a bad name.
Even in that valid and rightful skepticism there dwells the language and communications-slaying tactic of deliberately adding confusion to given controversies and issues, by introducing whacko, crack-pot information to the mainstream consciousness, such as the published JFK 'conspiracy theory', entitled: "JFK's Chauffer Shot the President". That is distilled, planted misinformation. Stuff that wears thinking people out ('Who Shot J.R. in Dallas? <Who cares?>)
The bad guy's who conspired to murder the President and get away with it are still here, having conspired furthermore to effect the (*intimidated and/or paid-off) court-established fact that there is a great deal of unreleased hard evidence that will remain unreleased to the American public until 2037 A.D. (*When they can murder the President - in plain sight - and get away with it - 'they' can murder anyone and get away with it.)
That restriction on the release of hard evidence (is no secret) regarding The Assassination of the 20th Century, is not a conspiracy. It is a telling fact about the (inevitable) conspiracy, not only to murder, but to protect the murderers of, the President. There is no statute of limitations on murder...
Hope you haven't spilled your garbage.
Tea - or popcorn - anyone?