Again, incorrect. Any animal will eat all it can and reproduce as much as it can, and (if allowed) continue until it kills everything else. In nature, predation/starvation/disease prevent this from happening.
I disagree with equation "eating all you can" and "reproducing all you can" with the definition of Greed.
Greed (
also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.
As I mentioned earlier, decision making is always based "in the direction of greater satisfaction". Determinism.
But as far as I know, only humans possess the mental ability to find abstract satisfaction in the accumulation of wealth and power.
Most (if not all) other organisms do not contemplate future needs, except storing food for winter, drought, etc. They act from immediate need and evolved survival instincts only and in hive societies all the wealth is shared. There are but a few species that engage in sexual intercourse outside of estrus. Exceptions can be found in hive insects which need only a single mating to produce continual fertility of the queen (as in bee hives).
But insects (except for queens) have a very short lifespan and their population must be regenerated very quickly, in order to maintain stable societies.
Although basic survival skills (in the direction of greater satisfaction) are the "mother" of greed, Human Greed itself has no longer any connection to basic survival needs, because it is not shared with the greater human hive.
I am NOT advocating, going back to living in caves, but neither do I see a "need" for storing trillions of dollars in tax-free off-shore accounts at cost of raping the earth's resources and destroying the ecosystem in the process. The results of that is the current " income inequality" and disparate living standards and I am afraid, also the lowering of the value of "life" in favor of abstract wealth.
The natural balance of the earth's ecosystem was accomplished and maintained by the natural sequestration of CO2 deep underground, preventing its escape into our atmosphere. This took billions of years.
But our infinite appetite for technology, has caused us to reintroduce most of that sequestered CO2 back into the atmosphere. The results of that (after just a few centuries of human activities) are slowly becoming apparent on a Global scale and maybe already be irreversible.
I hope not, but I am concerned.