Discussion Points for The Exorcist Movie

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Discussion Points for The Exorcist Movie

The recent Exorcist Movie posed an age old Truth, that the Devil is the quintessential Liar. Catholicism, and Judaism before it, were not initially very concerned with Evil and the Demonic, or at least not to the same extent as Zoroastrianism, which emphasized that the Universe was a Battleground between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness. It may be asked what Zoroastrianism has to do with Catholicism. Religious Continuity, for one thing. Even that Exorcist Movie remarked that the Devil’s Head Icon, a thing that was involved in the Plot, was Sumerian. Many Universal Truths are not easily compartmentalized into specific Religious Traditions. But, regarding Zoroastrianism, I viscerally believe there was something genuine about it, since, when attacked by Islam, there were many Divinely Providential Rescues. Particularly, there was the Ghost of a Virgin Princess that appeared then and purportedly still appears now, in opposition to the Usurpers from Islam, to protect what remains of the Righteous. Perhaps Apparitions of a Virgin Aspect of Divinity is common to all True Religions.

It might help to see Catholicism in the Light of Zoroastrianism’s insight. That Everything is contested by contending Elements and Agents of Light or Darkness… such a notion would startle the ordinary Catholic who assumes that The Holy Spirit was entirely successful in securing all Truth to the Catholic Church and its Doctrines. But Zoroastrianism would have been just judicially paranoid enough to suspect that the Devil could be cunning enough, and skillful enough in the Lie, to influence Doctrine toward Evil.

A recurrent motif in the Exorcist Movie was the Inverted Cross. To turn the Cross upside down. Is that not what Christian Doctrine did? Christian Doctrine took the Murder of the Messaih, and calls it a Sacrifice. They take a Messiah whose Mission was defeated, and say that He was victorious over Death. The Christ who taught Righteousness, in His Murder, is said to offer Forgiveness for Sin. Certainly this must be a Lie, because why would God participate in a Scheme that Justifies all that is Offensive to God. Forgiveness of Sins is effectively Liberty to Sin freely. Only Satan would propose a Doctrine that gives unlimited excuse to Sin.

One disappointment in the Exorcist Movie, though… I feel it is a Movie about Catholicism that must have been screen-written by a very Un-Catholic Screenwriter. Not one single mention of the Blessed Virgin. Particularly in a Fight against the Devil, the first Appeal would be to the Blessed Virgin. Why? Catholic Eschatology is convinced that when Satan is defeated, he will be defeated by The Virgin. And any Educated Catholic knows that the Blessed Virgin does not fight alone – Her Arm in Battle is the Mighty Michael, perhaps the only Spirit, Good or Evil, that can face down Satan singlehandedly. Even then, Michael is not alone – he is the Commander of the Legions of Avenging Angels. Yet in Hollywood’s version of Catholicism, Mary and Her Muscle, the Archangel Michael, are totally ignored. Are we to believe that the Vatican is now hiring Protestant Priests?
do you leo, believe the film the passion of christ to be real, because like the exorcist it is just story/someones interpretation. many of your posts, are your interpretation of whats right.
the exorcist film was made nearly thirty years ago.

leo, your fantasy are becoming reality.
leo now go and watch (it was made about the same time) one flew over the cuckoo nest, it will make you feel at home.
Organised religion is satan, so you cant expect it to be truthful let alone a film about it ! ie, satan isnt going to tell you how he can be defeated, thats why he wrote the bible to lead people into a false sense of security that he would be. If God inspired the bible, satan, as a devious fellow, would just not do what it said he was going to do !

These movies Leo, only prove how entertaining this whole religious sham is entertainment and not be taken literal.

However when influenced zealots of religious doctrines such as you, see such a spectacle of (special effects) you think this kind of crap to be real.

fahrenheit 451 said:
do you leo, believe the film the passion of christ to be real, because like the exorcist it is just story/someones interpretation. many of your posts, are your interpretation of whats right.
the exorcist film was made nearly thirty years ago.

leo, your fantasy are becoming reality.

Another instance that it takes intelligence to have imagination.

On Friday, all over the World, there was the release of a new Movie -- "The Exorcist -- the Beginning". Not the best movie ever made, but it provided something to think about... for those who bother to think.

Yes, much of "The Passion" was true. It was largely based upon the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Catholicism's foremost Seer and Visionary.
mustafhakofi said:
leo now go and watch (it was made about the same time) one flew over the cuckoo nest, it will make you feel at home.

Doesn't anybody get out?

Check the Newspapers, there is a new Movie out -- "Exorcist -- The Beginning". Not the best movie in the world, but had a few interesting moments.
kula said:
Organised religion is satan, so you cant expect it to be truthful let alone a film about it ! ie, satan isnt going to tell you how he can be defeated, thats why he wrote the bible to lead people into a false sense of security that he would be. If God inspired the bible, satan, as a devious fellow, would just not do what it said he was going to do !



However, just as it is a mistake for the Fundamentalists to have a largely unjustified Faith that God would entirely protect the Truth of every word ever published by their Arch-Enemies, the Catholics; so we can hardly imagine that the Forces of Good would be completely powerless and not be able to insert some hints and facets of the Truth.

Once in a Vision, the Prophet Elijah appeared to me and told me that the Principalities of Heaven and Hell were vieing for my Soul. So it is that the Principalities of the Spirit World have been vieing for all of our Souls. When I looked up in the Vision, various Flying Dragons twirled through the Sky in Winged Combat. No clear Victors were apparent, and no clear Losers.

In such an even Contest, why should we suppose that the Bible would be entirely of Satan.

A careful reading of the Bible can divide its contents between the Moral Categories. Abraham Good. Jacob Evil. Moses Good. Joshua Evil. Jesus Good. Paul Evil. So we should heed the old Proverb and not toss the baby out with the bathwater.

But, yes, I agree with you that reading the Bible is a risky proposition. Some people should simply not be allowed to read the Bible, since they can't be trusted to discern it properly. The Church used to protect the People from Satan by carefully controlling what was Taught to the People.

In the next Age, which is but a few years away, it is hoped that Satan will be entirely defeated and that a Completely Trustworty Scripture of Truth can be published. But until then we have that Mixture of Wheat and Weeds which Christ prophesized we'd have -- the Bible of Truth and Falsehood.
Godless said:
These movies Leo, only prove how entertaining this whole religious sham is entertainment and not be taken literal.

However when influenced zealots of religious doctrines such as you, see such a spectacle of (special effects) you think this kind of crap to be real.


This is the extent of how thoughtful you people are!?

"Josh gee, Leo, it's only a movie. But we're so stupid that we actually think that you must think it is real. But we know it isn't real, and so our minds shut down so that we can't think about any of the concepts that are presented. That's what us normal people do. If you aren't like us, then you must be crazy. We don't like you, Leo."

It is a good thing I come to these Forums to Teach and not Learn, huh?
. . . I come to these Forums to Teach and not Learn . . . .

That's your problem to work out, Leo.

As to the movie, why are you worried about it? It's a critical disaster and expected to tumble at the box office; taking it seriously at any level only lends it credibility it did not formerly have.
tiassa said:
That's your problem to work out, Leo.

As to the movie, why are you worried about it? It's a critical disaster and expected to tumble at the box office; taking it seriously at any level only lends it credibility it did not formerly have.

So you had to jump forward to under the Banner of Moronic Stupidity. What a Club!
Leo Volont said:

However, just as it is a mistake for the Fundamentalists to have a largely unjustified Faith that God would entirely protect the Truth of every word ever published by their Arch-Enemies, the Catholics; so we can hardly imagine that the Forces of Good would be completely powerless and not be able to insert some hints and facets of the Truth.

Once in a Vision, the Prophet Elijah appeared to me and told me that the Principalities of Heaven and Hell were vieing for my Soul. So it is that the Principalities of the Spirit World have been vieing for all of our Souls. When I looked up in the Vision, various Flying Dragons twirled through the Sky in Winged Combat. No clear Victors were apparent, and no clear Losers.

In such an even Contest, why should we suppose that the Bible would be entirely of Satan.

A careful reading of the Bible can divide its contents between the Moral Categories. Abraham Good. Jacob Evil. Moses Good. Joshua Evil. Jesus Good. Paul Evil. So we should heed the old Proverb and not toss the baby out with the bathwater.

But, yes, I agree with you that reading the Bible is a risky proposition. Some people should simply not be allowed to read the Bible, since they can't be trusted to discern it properly. The Church used to protect the People from Satan by carefully controlling what was Taught to the People.

In the next Age, which is but a few years away, it is hoped that Satan will be entirely defeated and that a Completely Trustworty Scripture of Truth can be published. But until then we have that Mixture of Wheat and Weeds which Christ prophesized we'd have -- the Bible of Truth and Falsehood.

Hi leo,

I was mainly refering to revelations, the bits about what satan will do in the end days, any self respecting devil would read revelations and say 'aha, so thats what they think i'll do, tee hee, i'll fool them by not doing it', or, like you say, its more likely that satan also got into mans head and managed to inspire him to write bits of the bible. Obviously if the bible were written by god it would be perfect and would not cause men to actually fight because of it.

Maybe the original sin was satan lying to adam and eve, telling them that he was god and that he created them. So everybody has in effect been worshipping satan for the past few thousand years !. If i were god, i would communicate to man through my perfect creation of the universe, just so as not to confuse them.

Luckily we have people like you who are cleverer than satan to teach what god really means.

pre-Bible there was the understanding of godDESS inclusive of both good and evil. they of course not being in 'strife' which was the ;inspiration for the Hebew biblical writers ala Zoroastrianism. rather good and evil were complimentary

see what the Hebre creation myth calls evil is death. so life=good= evil =death right? not so for the peoples of the Goddess......life death regeneration is a dynamic continuum, you cant HAVe life without death and vice versa

patriarchy wont accept death, and so invents 'evil' as an outside cause. from there ther has to be a battle. but its all in their heads, and the literalist readers of their naive myths
kula said:
Hi leo,

... Obviously if the bible were written by god it would be perfect and would not cause men to actually fight because of it.

Maybe the original sin was satan lying to adam and eve, telling them that he was god and that he created them. So everybody has in effect been worshipping satan for the past few thousand years ...


We need to understand that God has His Own purposes. The Universe is not Created for Us but for God. God is the Ultimate Benificiary.

So let us suppose that God wants to harvest the Good Souls and toss out the Bad Souls. Would it not make sense to Write a Bible that would bring out both the Good and the Bad. Choose Jacob and God knows you are Evil, but choose Joseph and God knows you are good. Likewise, choose the Narrow Way of Christ and God knows you are worthy, but choose the Wide Way of Paul the Wolf and God knows that you are like the weeds and the chaff.

And Regarding Satan pretending to be God. God and Satan can be distinguished from each other by their Moral Reference. God will support the Collective of Unified Angels with the Cohesion of Love and Charity. God's Angels will be of Like Mind as God -- they will be oriented toward Collective and Social Behaviors. Satan will be quite the opposite -- an Individual exercising Right of Conquest over individuals he defeated and enslaved. His Demons, though obedient out of Fear or Temporary Interest will only be biding they time waiting for an opportunity to take over and be the Victor and Supreme Conqueror themselves.

This brings us to the Moral Difference between Good and Evil. Good is Love and Selflessness as it is absorbed in the Welfare and Happiness of the Collective. Evil is selfishness as demonstrated in predatoriness and parasitism.

Understanding these Moral Distinctions, we can always discern between Good and Evil; between God and Satan. Nobody can be fooled. A Good Heart cannot be corrupted to Evil; while a demonic soul will break loose and rebel from the ties and obligations of Social and Community Love.
We need to understand that God has His Own purposes. The Universe is not Created for Us but for God. God is the Ultimate Benificiary.

Sounds like he's a selfish bastard.

Good is Love and Selflessness

God is therefore not good.
BTW I love Satan selflessly, guess that makes me a good man.
Your a smart man Leo but you should apply your intellect to something usefull.

"Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens"- Byrne.
Dee Cee
Leo Volont said:
So let us suppose that God wants to harvest the Good Souls and toss out the Bad Souls. Would it not make sense to Write a Bible that would bring out both the Good and the Bad.

Very good point

unless of course we are all god in a different physical body observing our own creation. But if thats the case, maybe he just wants to sort out his own personal good and bad aspects, eg. so his ego can manifest as men, he see's that, and destroys those aspects of himself.

DeeCee said:
We need to understand that God has His Own purposes. The Universe is not Created for Us but for God. God is the Ultimate Benificiary.

Sounds like he's a selfish bastard.

Dee Cee

It makes God sound like a Selfish Bastard only if you think that the Center of the Universe should be yourself.

God is Creator of the Universe. Who is it that He should please?

We must accept the truth that we are secondary. We have a choice to make. We can be part of God's Community of Love and Sharing. Or we can be one of the Outsider Predator Barbarians. It does not really matter to God. God is happy just to sort us out.
Leo Volont said:
Or we can be one of the Outsider Predator Barbarians.
Well we get to wear cool costumes. All you get is the loss of self identity.