Do fat people starve to death slower than thin people ?


Valued Senior Member
Serious question !
I am thinking about all the people who have put on weight during the pandemic
is there any natural instinct to get fat during a crisis ?

is there any species evolutionary bye-off(pay-off)

i assume a fat person who has clean drinking water, can survive a little bit longer without food before they die, than a thin person ?
or is that a myth ?
if it is a myth where is the science data evidence ?

is there any studies on this you can post a link to ?

obliviously some reality's are constant like
when stressed people will eat as a response for self control
they feel like they are in control if they are eating etc

aside from the body chemicals they get addicted to from eating.
& aside from the physical action addictions of eating like sex addiction(i wonder how closely these to addictions are aligned)

if you have any real knowledge
or data
or questions or thoughts
please comment

eating under eating or over eating & eating in general and body weight is an issue that effects all people and all health systems

my area of interest is the psychological side of any concepts of "drivers" and/or ability to help control those,
if it has any natural programming which needs to be defeated to gain control etc etc
im sure long term down stream will have better outcomes for all patients.
my interest is personal hobby

basic question
in a crisis do people over eat and also maybe under exercise to gain weight to help their programmed belief of better survival odds ?(discussion point, please discuss)
Serious question !
I am thinking about all the people who have put on weight during the pandemic
is there any natural instinct to get fat during a crisis ?

is there any species evolutionary bye-off(pay-off)

i assume a fat person who has clean drinking water, can survive a little bit longer without food before they die, than a thin person ?
or is that a myth ?
if it is a myth where is the science data evidence ?

is there any studies on this you can post a link to ?

obliviously some reality's are constant like
when stressed people will eat as a response for self control
they feel like they are in control if they are eating etc

aside from the body chemicals they get addicted to from eating.
& aside from the physical action addictions of eating like sex addiction(i wonder how closely these to addictions are aligned)

if you have any real knowledge
or data
or questions or thoughts
please comment

eating under eating or over eating & eating in general and body weight is an issue that effects all people and all health systems

my area of interest is the psychological side of any concepts of "drivers" and/or ability to help control those,
if it has any natural programming which needs to be defeated to gain control etc etc
im sure long term down stream will have better outcomes for all patients.
my interest is personal hobby

basic question
in a crisis do people over eat and also maybe under exercise to gain weight to help their programmed belief of better survival odds ?(discussion point, please discuss)

Although, this OP also has so many questions, so many types though snticipated one, so many tellings etc alike my OP of Antibody Cocktail tooic posted by me but I shall not deal it similar to as my OP in that topic was dealt. So enjoy.
Although, this OP also has so many questions, so many types though snticipated one, so many tellings etc alike my OP of Antibody Cocktail tooic posted by me but I shall not deal it similar to as my OP in that topic was dealt. So enjoy.

you are a narcissist
acting out your need for vindictiveness as a sense of rightful need to hurt others because you feel your own control of others has been defied.

but you think you are hiding your vindictive need for hurting others with single polite words on the end of your posts

doesn't fool me

also all your fake typo mistakes as if you have very poor English

that also doesn't fool me

in your attempt to fake through the science, you have lost control of your narcissistic egos need to hurt others when it feels like it is not the top dog

and there you have un done yourself

now what ?

feel better ?

you thought you were smarter than me and had to try and prove it

now look what you have done

you outed yourself

lost control of your Egos need to hurt others

adult needing to inflict emotional damage when it cant get what it wants

sad !

my guess is you are an Indian pharmaceutical sales rep looking to line your own pocket while getting everyone else to do your work for you for free
while playing with superstitious anti-vaxer content
your quiet happy to play both sides of the debate for personal profit
while playing lap dog to the political authority, whom ever they were or become(because political regulators own your ability to make personal profit)

you went out of your way to post in my thread

your welcome
i have a thesaurus of fake platitudes i can give away for free

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you are a narcissist
acting out your need for vindictiveness as a sense of rightful need to hurt others because you feel your own control of others has been defied.

but you think you are hiding your vindictive need for hurting others with single polite words on the end of your posts

doesn't fool me

also all your fake typo mistakes as if you have very poor English

that also doesn't fool me

in your attempt to fake through the science, you have lost control of your narcissistic egos need to hurt others when it feels like it is not the top dog

and there you have un done yourself

now what ?

feel better ?

you thought you were smarter than me and had to try and prove it

now look what you have done

you outed yourself

lost control of your Egos need to hurt others

adult needing to inflict emotional damage when it cant get what it wants

sad !

my guess is you are an Indian pharmaceutical sales rep looking to line your own pocket while getting everyone else to do your work for you for free
while playing with superstitious anti-vaxer content
your quiet happy to play both sides of the debate for personal profit
while playing lap dog to the political authority, whom ever they were or become(because political regulators own your ability to make personal profit)

you went out of your way to post in my thread

your welcome
i have a thesaurus of fake platitudes i can give away for free

No, not like it. A post which you can understsnd (therefore commented) but other members can not, is an insult of other members not of me. When we discuss on an international forum, language can be different due to their individualities. Hence all just try best to manage. One can not expect, everyone should post in his language. Think on it. I am not hurting you but probably you hurt me initially and derailed my that thread.
Do fat people starve to death slower than thin people?
Yes. The more stored fat you have, the longer you can go without food - always assuming you have enough water, and a salt-lick for electrolytes and vitamin B for metabolizing fat. Without the last two, you'd starve to death while still fat. You can do your own research on the chemistry.
is there any natural instinct to get fat during a crisis ?
Yes. (Also to procreate, in case you wondered why a fright makes you horny.) There is an instinct to eat whenever we have the chance. Also to choose high calorie foods, for the same reason. It's our normal behaviour, which we have to train ourselves to resist consciously. Our instincts, and our bodies have not caught up with the concept of abundance: they're always expecting a famine, a harsh winter, displacement, drought, raid by another tribe, locust swarm, flood....
We didn't get fat because of a crisis - and anyway, we don't have the attention span to sustain crisis mode for over a year. After one or two months, quarantine became routine, just as homelessness, a refugee camp and even living in war zones becomes routine.

Why people put on weight during quarantine: inactivity, boredom, frustration, irritation, anxiety. They don't want to put on weight; they're simply not doing the things they normally do with their muscles and with their time and attention.
And don't discount the snack-food industry. If you had to find, grow, pick, kill, clean and cook all your food, you would only eat once or twice a day. When a bag of salty, oily munchies is within arm's reach all the time, you tend to stuff your face all the time.
I should know!
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discouraging people to get vaccinated is killing people
maybe it is a translation error
that is how your posts appeared to me
sorry if i misunderstood

please say how i derailed your thread.
that was not my intention
Trying to know better about a medication, is not discouraging from it. Simply, this you misunderstood about me esp when I myself is already fully vaccinated. Anyway leave it. Sorry for all our odd exchanges.
Serious question !
I am thinking about all the people who have put on weight during the pandemic
is there any natural instinct to get fat during a crisis ?

is there any species evolutionary bye-off(pay-off)

i assume a fat person who has clean drinking water, can survive a little bit longer without food before they die, than a thin person ?
or is that a myth ?

It's at least a placeholder explanation that doesn't seem likely to be toppled by anything else. During famines, inherently skinny people would presumedly have had a survival disadvantage. Past cultures intermittently revered plumpness. Even in the early 20th-century, stories like Mariano Latorre's "A Woman of Mystery" still seemed to present "chubby" women as desirable, beneath a token veneer of accommodating the trending repugnance.

A history of obesity

EXCERPTS: In the evolutionary history of humankind, bodily fat seems to have served nature’s purpose by outfitting the species with a built-in mechanism for storing its own food reserves. During prehistoric times, when the burden of disease was that of pestilence and famine, natural selection rewarded the “thrifty” genotypes of those who could store the greatest amount of fat from the least amount of the then erratically available foods and to release it as frugally as possible over the long run.

This ability to store surplus fat from the least possible amount of food intake may have made the difference between life and death, not only for the individual but also—more importantly—for the species. Those who could store fat easily had an evolutionary advantage in the harsh environment of early hunters and gatherers.

The esthetic value and cultural significance attached to obesity is reflected in the mysterious nude female figurines of Stone Age Europe, dating back to more than 20,000 years ago, considered to be matriarchal icons of fertility or the mother goddess.

[...] The scarcity of food throughout most of human history and consequent connotations that being fat was good and that corpulence and increased “flesh” were desirable are reflected in the arts, literature, and politics of the times. [...] Only after the technological advances of the eighteenth century did a gradual increase in food supply became available.

[...] corpulence continued to be favored and associated with affluence, power, and influence as reflected in the portly figures of the industrial barons and the feminine figures of Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) from the early decades of the past century.

A similar attitude is reflected in the literature of the period, where the personality of the corpulent is depicted as jolly, lovable, and good natured, such as Cervantes’ Sancho Panza and Shakespeare’s Falstaff, who stand in sharp contrast to the introvert, miserly, and agonizing personality of such slim characters as Cervantes’ Don Quixote and Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Attitudes towards obesity started to be altered in the eighteenth century and really began to change in the nineteenth century, principally for esthetic reasons. However, only in the latter part of the twentieth century did being fat become stigmatized. As a result, the literary and folkloric stereotypes changed from that of an amiable chubby individual, as reflected in the characterization of Joe by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) as “a wonderfully fat boy,” to that of Marty, the hero of the 1953 play by the same name by Paddy Chayefsky (1923-1981), who attributes his rejection by girls to being “an ugly fat man.”

Thus, before becoming bad, fat became ugly. The consequent passion for slimming continued to mount steadily and reached a frenzy by the middle of the twentieth century, when the supermodel Twiggy, with her sticklike figure, burst into the fashion scene and became a teenage icon. Still, at the end of every calendar year, we are reminded of the old notion of the jolly fat figure in the person of Santa Claus, in contrast to that of the miserly slim one of Scrooge. (MORE)

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When Fat Was in Fashion (NYT - Oct 23, 1977): [...] For about 400 years, roughly between 1500 and 1900, bodily weight and volume, for both men and women, had a strong visual appeal. There were variations according to country and century in this standard of good looks, but in general it was considered not only beautiful but natural to look physically substantial. In conventional art, not only refined courtiers but servants and rural laborers were depicted as solidly fleshy, clad in thick clothing, and taking up a good deal of space. Among the desirable qualities of upper‐class elegance, slimness did not figure except as the property of hands, feet or noses, and occasionally the feminine waist all by itself, independent of other proportions.

[...] Today, slimness is considered an attribute of youthfulness, and both traits are viewed as highly desirable. In earlier centuries, however, youth was seen as an age of blooming plumpness, a time for physical abundance and satisfaction. The “shrunk shank” of Shakespeare was the property of a “lean and slippered” man well on in years. Any skinniness or boniness found in youth was an indication of undesirable morbidity—not only a lack of good fortune and muscle, but a lack of will and zest. There was more than sensuous pleasure associated with the fullness of body. It was a visual expression of stability and order.

[...] The opulent fleshy beauty of Rubens's women probably made the leaner ladies of his day frown when they patted their own meager stomachs, and wish they could compete in the big leagues.

Yet today the very name of Rubens is apt to produce a reaction of disgust. Those puffy knees, those bumps and hilts of flesh have never had less fashionable appeal than right now, in the very year of Rubens's 900th anniversary. He was born on June 28,1577, and, like it or not, 1977 must confront the Rubens ideal: His enduring importance as an artist commands international attention, even if it can't coerce universal love.

Rubens's greatness as an artist has remained unchallenged ever since the beginning of his career, but by the 1920's Rubens's art had become increasingly hard to like. The rippling exuberance of his nudes seemed to reflect too arrogantly the fatness of his time and of his patrons, and perhaps even the unseemly “fatness” of his own lot... (MORE)​
Obesity may shorten life, but many animals fatten themselves up during summer to survive the winter. So being fat for a specific reason may be a survival mechanism. A Labrador dog has a nice layer of fat, which helps in buoyancy and protection from cold when retrieving . Whales have enormous amounts of blubber to protect against polar waters.

p.s. I much prefer amply endowed women as compared to scrawny skin over skeletons......:tongue:
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Fabulous post
Thanks for the info

snack-food industry.

my suspicion is that salt & types of fats combined act as massive neuro-transmitters equally as strong t the bran as things like meth-amphetamine, heroin , opium, ketamine.

i am pro a sugar tax & a saturated fat tax, possibly also pro a MSG & added salt tax to leverage compulsory legal medical and direct cost accountability to foods that create community costs.
im not pro trying to sue the snack food industry.
just get on with the tax system and have it all go directly to universal health care
(i am a liberal but an actual liberal not a fake liberal hitler drag queen)

inactivity, boredom, frustration, irritation, anxiety.
after spending a few years inside a world class sales & service team that was breaking glass ceilings & sales & service records against global standards
i was lucky enough to observe the complex interaction of work & exercise
it is such a complicated reality as soon as you start with more than 1 person.
changed from that of an amiable chubby individual, as reflected in the characterization of Joe by Charles Dickens (1812-1870) as “a wonderfully fat boy,” to that of Marty, the hero of the 1953 play by the same name by Paddy Chayefsky (1923-1981), who attributes his rejection by girls to being “an ugly fat man.”

jumping in while its fresh in my mind(still reading)

his name is surely Russian ?

he Stalin famine & the Chinese communist revolution would probably have driven a new era of championing the thin body as a form of support for the people by example f hard work & not taking more than your fair share of food.
the social curse of tens of millions dying from starvation would be a HUGE social culture driver

i expect genetic absolutes define common frames like fat old Russian lady
fat old arctic women
etc etc
basic survival driving Darwinian evolution(is there any suggested technological advantage in colder climate cultures from this?) my suspicion is yes

my personal opinion of suspicion is colder climate cultures have advanced greater technological science via this route where hot climate cultures have gone in the opposite direction

my thought RE current trends of sexual desire for fatness(my opinion)

Africans like big fat bums on women because it shows they can survive breeding & walk a long way
in Africa if you cant walk regular long distances for drinking water to survive, you dont survive
is this the same in the middle east ?

reading about the depths they dive to, i wonder if fat has served some type of additional primary driver purpose of function to allow deeper diving
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reading about the depths they [whales] dive to, i wonder if fat has served some type of additional primary driver purpose of function to allow deeper diving
In preserving body heat, yes. But since fat is buoyant, it would make diving more difficult. On the up-side, those Rubenesque women are also less likely to drown.
In preserving body heat, yes. But since fat is buoyant, it would make diving more difficult. On the up-side, those Rubenesque women are also less likely to drown.
So when the ship sinks, find yourself a fat lady for life raft......sorry.....could not resist.
How hard did you try?
Well, I admit not very hard, but then I already have voiced my preference of curvy women over bony women, so I hope to have a some credit for making a little innocent fun of the advantages of increased buoyancy.

It was a reflex parody on the character "the Unsinkable Molly Brown", in the film Titanic.

Margaret "Unsinkable" Molly Brown

fashion advice from Mae West: "more is more"

It was not meant to offend. If it did, I apologize. At my age, I am developing several physical and mental deficiencies and make fun of them. I am a realist, but with an indomitable spirit....:rolleyes:
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Well, I admit not very hard, but then I already have voiced my preference of curvy women over bony women, so I hope to have a some credit for making a little innocent fun of the advantages of increased buoyancy.

It was a reflex parody on the film : The Unsinkable Molly Brown"

It was not meant to offend. If it did, I apologize. At my age, I am developing several physical and mental deficiencies and make fun of them. I am a realist, but with an indomitable spirit....:rolleyes:

It's as if church had returned to every facet of life again. Those at a local party in Wilford Manor timorously appending a "hopefully I wasn't misinterpreted as saying something sacrilegious or profane" when Pious Nelly or Amos Virtue is within earshot of a conversation. The Lord's spies be everywhere.
Those at a local party in Wilford Manor timorously appending a "hopefully I wasn't misinterpreted as saying something sacrilegious or profane" when Pious Nelly or Amos Virtue is within earshot of a conversation. The Lord's spies be everywhere.

Aside from my curvy wife, my best female friend calls herself as being "fluffy". I love her mind, we are sympatico in many respects.
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It was not meant to offend.]
I know that! And I'm not that easily offended - especially not on behalf of people whose opinion was not solicited. I was tempted to point out that the increased buoyancy is very slight - nowhere near enough to offset the burden of a skinny guy clutched on for dear life... OTOH, there is some comfort in going down together.
Thanks, BTW, for reminding me of dear Molly Brown. The pix were appreciated, as well.