do u belive in vampires????


Registered Senior Member
alright this is for all those believers of vampires, i have a very wierd story that i actually think a vampire might have tried to bite me but didn't suceed only because my friend had came back for me, if u belive in vampires then boy do i have a story for u, if u wanna hear it then just write i belive in vampires and i'll post it
Siren said:
alright this is for all those believers of vampires, i have a very wierd story that i actually think a vampire might have tried to bite me but didn't suceed only because my friend had came back for me, if u belive in vampires then boy do i have a story for u, if u wanna hear it then just write i belive in vampires and i'll post it
...when i was a kid--bout cant remember 9,,,,my mum had been to te cinema to see Dracula. she told me about it.
she told me how the women in te film wore tese high neck dresses and how Dracula would peel tem back and suck their blood.
wen to bed, and was so freaked i pulled the covers right up to my ears. not moving. i ended up lying in a pool of sweat!! mum found me in that state. was her bleedin fault
lolol yeah i wasn't ever really afriad of them i thought they could exist but yeah one night it was 2 days after my borthday it was about 9:50 almost 10:00 and me and my friend decided to go for a walk so yeah we were walking in the woods bc i live in p.a the only lights were from our flashlights when suddenly i thought i heard somone else walking besides us so i told her to stop and we heard a footstep echo then stop and so i looked at her and i was like run? and she was like yeah! so now were running but i have like asthma so i stopped but she didn't notice i did so she kept on going, i slumped against a tree and closed my eyes for a second, thats when my flashlight went out and i heard slow footsteps and i thought maybe it's my older bro playing a trick on me so i stand up and yelled "heyy johnny it's not funny come on out now i know it's u!" but nothing happend then all the sudden the footsteps stopped and i looked around and then suddenly i saw like a shadow wiz passed me really fast that i turned around and fell to the ground then shakily stood up and was like wtf! then i saw it again only right in front of me then everything sort of went black for a lil bit until i heard my friend yelling at me as to where i was so i told her what happend she got freaked out and helped me back to the house bc i was really dizzy so i told her i was gonna go brush my hair and stuff so when i looked in the morror i was beginning to bleed right like on my collar bone so i whiped it away and there was litterally two marks that looked like bite marks i still have scars and now i will never go into my woods at night lololol
Psychic vampires are real, people who get a kick out of draining your spirit. No supernatural phenomenon are required, though.
Communist Hamster said:
Mm-hm. This from the guy who has a ghost in his room and can "heal" people. Odd how most people don't get any paranormal stuff happen to them, but a select few teenagers get enough to even it all out.

Anyway, Vampires don't exist. Zombies do, however. Prepare now!

Interesting...I wouldn't be surprised if this were true at all, the Government still thinks it can cover up UFO's and Roswell and stuff...
My dear young maiden clingeth
Unbending. fast and firm
To all the long-held teaching
Of a mother ever true;
As in vampires unmortal
Folk on the Theyse's portal
Heyduck-like do believe.
But my Christine thou dost dally,
And wilt my loving parry
Till I myself avenging
To a vampire's health a-drinking
Him toast in pale tockay.

And as softly thou art sleeping
To thee shall I come creeping
And thy life's blood drain away.
And so shalt thou be trembling
For thus shall I be kissing
And death's threshold thou' it be crossing
With fear, in my cold arms.
And last shall I thee question
Compared to such instruction
What are a mother's charms?

I am sure they existed... I am even sure that they still exist.

Siren said:
lolol yeah i wasn't ever really afriad of them i thought they could exist but yeah one night it was 2 days after my borthday it was about 9:50 almost 10:00 and me and my friend decided to go for a walk so yeah we were walking in the woods bc i live in p.a the only lights were from our flashlights when suddenly i thought i heard somone else walking besides us so i told her to stop and we heard a footstep echo then stop and so i looked at her and i was like run? and she was like yeah! so now were running but i have like asthma so i stopped but she didn't notice i did so she kept on going, i slumped against a tree and closed my eyes for a second, thats when my flashlight went out and i heard slow footsteps and i thought maybe it's my older bro playing a trick on me so i stand up and yelled "heyy johnny it's not funny come on out now i know it's u!" but nothing happend then all the sudden the footsteps stopped and i looked around and then suddenly i saw like a shadow wiz passed me really fast that i turned around and fell to the ground then shakily stood up and was like wtf! then i saw it again only right in front of me then everything sort of went black for a lil bit until i heard my friend yelling at me as to where i was so i told her what happend she got freaked out and helped me back to the house bc i was really dizzy so i told her i was gonna go brush my hair and stuff so when i looked in the morror i was beginning to bleed right like on my collar bone so i whiped it away and there was litterally two marks that looked like bite marks i still have scars and now i will never go into my woods at night lololol
If that was your English Assesment, you get a U.
You notice no one said they believed in vampires and she told the story anyway? Conviction is questionable at best...interesting story, though...
I BELIEVE IN VAMPIRES...they are amongst us



We can only see their actions...
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Do I believe in vampires? Evil blood sucking creatures, inhabiting the dark underbelly of society, preying on the weak, corrupting the innocent, acting destructively, with a wanton disregard for human life and dignity? Of course I beleive in them. In my country we call them lawyers.
If you lack the mental ability to tell, I encourage you to improve your logical interpretation skills.
No, I'm saying that was almost a compliment considering what scum sucking bottem dwelling parasites most lawyers are...