Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?

a programmed opinion will be indistinguishable from emotions

So "Will AI ever feel emotion?" becomes a judgement call for the asker

Further - can, or will AI have, have in its make up the requirements such that eternal observations can be made and judged against what is widely judged to be "an emotion" ?

Can even such neutral measuments be fooled (found to be indistinguishable from) again - what is widely judged to be "an emotion" ?


So "Will AI ever feel emotion?" becomes a judgement call for the asker

Further - can, or will AI have, have in its make up the requirements such that eternal observations can be made and judged against what is widely judged to be "an emotion" ?

Can even such neutral measuments be fooled (found to be indistinguishable from) again - what is widely judged to be "an emotion" ?


I dont thank thers anythang magical about "an emotion"... which leaves the door open for it to be duplicated.!!!
I dont thank thers anythang magical about "an emotion"... which leaves the door open for it to be duplicated.!!!
The "magic" would be

why would a chemical reaction plus a electrical impulse system working in tandem create a emotion?

From an article I linked a few post back it appears emotions are learnt (? as part of growing up)

What that (growing up) brings in is the Nature (your individual make up) VS Nurture (external influences)

Which, during your growing up period (? do you ever stop), of the two has most influence?

The "magic" would be

why would a chemical reaction plus a electrical impulse system working in tandem create a emotion?

No why/magic that i know of… but i emagine that the evolution of “emotions” was beneficial to the species.!!!

From an article I linked a few post back it appears emotions are learnt (? as part of growing up)

What that (growing up) brings in is the Nature (your individual make up) VS Nurture (external influences)

Which, during your growing up period (? do you ever stop), of the two has most influence?

I emagine it varies from person to person.!!!
A little update on GPT3 AI
If I had a friend with this kind of intelligence, I'd be grateful for his friendship.
Watch this exchange and reflect on the content of the conversation.

and the follow-up
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Coming through the self-service checkout with my groceries other day I thought AI might already have some emotion (primative) built-in

After I had paid and began to load stuff back in trolley I get "Please take your items"

Since my swiftness has left me I heard phrase few times. Hope phrase not become "Will you effing hurry up "

And what about self driving cars? Will a small give way dispute at intersection lead to road rage?

"My program said to give way to you. So are you going to just sit there forever?"

"My program said you had right of way. I am going to sit here until you move and give me clear passage"

"Are you calling my program defective?

"Well look who built you. And you at the steering wheel better get out before this gets messy”

Those two car were signed up for Cars in a Rage Cage

Made a fortune :)

Moderator note: Members are reminded that the topic of this thread is "Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?"

There are dedicated separate threads, elsewhere, for discussion of the (supposed) wonders of microtubules and for discussion of the philosophy of whether the universe is "just" mathematical. Excursions into cosmology and such topics are unlikely to help anybody to answer the question of whether AI will ever feel emotion.

At least try to connect your posts to the thread topic.

Oh, and Write4U has been officially warned for off-topic posting, for injecting not one but TWO of his usual pet topics into this thread, as off-topic excursions.
Emotions that are independent of pre-programming...emotions all their own?
Ummm all their own, interesting already one of our species is considering AI machines to have us membership (their)

More - legitimate question ".... Will AI have "Emotions that are independent of pre-programming...emotions all their own?" leads me to further question IF that ability has arisen, has, alongside said ability, also arisen, ability to lie and also fake emotions

No research scientist I really am sad :(

Ummm all their own, interesting already one of our species is considering AI machines to have us membership (their)

More - legitimate question ".... Will AI have "Emotions that are independent of pre-programming...emotions all their own?" leads me to further question IF that ability has arisen, has, alongside said ability, also arisen, ability to lie and also fake emotions

No research scientist I really am sad :(

Lol I think “their” can be used quite appropriately in that context, no?
becomes a judgement call for the asker
perceptual want to self define

the observer defines the reality

"what am i" is a good question for AI

does an emotion need to be perceptual shared to be actuated by the AI ?
and what would determine a "change in state f emotion" for the AI ?
does an emotion need to be perceptual shared to be actuated by the AI ?
Don't think so

Any person can ponder their existence in isolation


What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Go Shakespeare

As others seem to be pointing out,our own emotions are not some kind of human patented proprietary characteristic.

They have evolved in an exquisitely sophisticated manner along with our other bodily and mental functions and are part of each of us (well maybe not Putin**) as the hair on our head or the sweat under our armpits.

Maybe we think we "have" emotions whereas it can as easily be said that the emotions "have" us

So yes an AI machine may well be developed with "emotions" indistinguishable from those of humans but it may also happen ,as per the science of chaos that those AI machines that are developed along those lines develop "emotions" that are entirely distinguishable from emotions observed so far in humans or other living creatures.

After all,if we try to imagine our descendants 10 or more generations from ourselves ,I might put money on them being entirely dissimilar to any humans that have walked the Earth till now.

AI is perhaps likely to evolve at an even faster rate than the human population.

So ,watch that space.

** a cheap shot but fully deserved.
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Don't think so

Any person can ponder their existence in isolation


What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?

Go Shakespeare

Shakespeare coined the phrase "a piece of work"? I never knew or suspected that.
This may be of interest.

AI writing 30% of new programming!

When it gets to 100% self-programming it becomes an autonomous intelligence.