Well it would do. Nonsense is always a "counterpoint" to truth, after all.
By all means look for different points of view, but don't forget to engage your own critical faculties (assuming you have some) before concluding which viewpoint is more likely to be right. (Anything with Russian fingerprints is worth treating with suspicion, in view of their well-documented misrepresentations.)
The Democrats are not denying the content of the documents released by Wikileaks. Instead, they are setting up a distraction, by making Russia the story. Many people, on the left, are fooled into thinking if Russian releases truth, which is not being denied, the truth will magically become a lie. This is an example of relative morality, that the left likes. Truth is relative, to who says it, and not to the actual content.
The question one might ask is, why is getting the truth out, about the real Democratic party, so important to Russia; if we assume Russia is behind this? If the Russians were giving out misinformation, that is one thing. But the Democrats are not denying the information. Why would Russia help the American people see the truth that should normally be hidden? Why wouldn't the evil Russians marvel at the ability of the Democrats and their media wing, to lie, use misdirection and propaganda?
Much of this has problem has to do with the conditioning called PC. PC is about the correct public face and voice. However, it does not address what people really feel in private. This is evident with the democratic party. They say the right things to make people feel good in public, but say other things in private. This is why there is so much division in America. This is dark side of feminism, where you smile at your enemy at the party, but gossip about her behind their backs when they are out of of sight. The party smile is PC.
The Democrats have been the party of division even before the Civil War. It took a war to reunite America. Trump is not PC, because he merges his private opinions with his public opinions, so people can hear the truth of what he really believes and not see the prettier of his two faces; his PC face. Politically correct means what is right and proper for a politician, but not always for a real person. Free speech is there so there are not internally divided citizens, public and private facts, which translates into a divided country. Russia seems to prefer one face, over two faces, since two-faces, extrapolate to international events may lead to WW3, as distrust and propaganda reign.