Valued Senior Member
From your postings, all I have seen is Western propaganda about Russian media, never seen a quote from Russian media from you.And where is your evidence that "Joepistole has no idea about the real situtation in Russian media".
I have seen American journalists in Russian TV trying to defend the American position several times. I have seen many times discussions about the level of corruption in Russia, quite serious discussions about what has changed and what remains problematic, but referencing and making fun of your beloved corruption index. Translations of interesting English articles are quite common there. (I have to admit that some of my links to some American sources have such translations as their origin.) I have not seen similar things in Western media. The Russian position is usually grossly misrepresented, simply inventions, without links. Ok, may be I simply have not seen good American sources somehow hidden in the net, but I have not seen it. Ok, help me, give the links.If you believe that then you are clearly ignorant or dishonest or some combination thereof.
Sorry, only some media are owned by the state. Not unimportant media, of course, similar to the situation in Germany (which has a lot of state-owned media) and Britain (BBC). There are privately owned media in Russia too. And, no, there is no political need to kill journalists. In Jeltsin time, killing them was more common than today. And not because Jeltsin killed them for political reasons, but because they tried to investigate all those highly criminal and corrupt structures, and criminals killed them. Today the criminal situation is in comparison much better, so also the survival of journalists.If Russian media was truly as you represent it, it wouldn't be owned and controlled by the state as it is. It would present issues fairly and honestly, and it wouldn't need to kill journalists in order to suppress them.
The most famous cases of killed Russian journalist of the last years have happened in the Ukraine, where they have been killed by the Ukrainian Nazis. (If I see what they do in Syria, I expect some dead Russian journalists there in near future too. Russians like to do dangerous things. I know. Two of my Russian friends, alpinists, have died because of doing dangerous things reasonable alpinists would not do.)