Never has for me, and think gods come more from trying to explain Universe (not Universe intelligence) ACTIVITY ie gods upstairs blowing wind, throwing down lighting.
Right it's the "activity" by unseen powers that gave rise to the "assumption" of sky beings (gods). This was proven by observation of Chimpanzee behavior during thunder storms.
It's a LANGUAGE. Any other interpretation is on the persons view
No, ability to "do work" is called "potential". Mathematical mechanics are not language, they are inherent potentials. "Values" are language, a number is like a word, it contains "information". Bacteria and insects have chemical language and they do communicate, even without brains.
seemingly apparently but not really
Right, mathematical behaviors may seem intelligent, but because there is no "intent", it must be called "quasi- intelligent"
Problems arise calling something quasi-because it skews thinking towards the subject actually being IT
That's not my problem. That's a subjective limitation of the observer.
What sets mathematics apart from other languages is that unlike other languages, maths are self-referential giving the appearance of "internalizing" information .
Internalize, psychology
1. make (attitudes or behavior) part of one's nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.
"people learn gender stereotypes and internalize them"
" slime mold and paramecium learn by internalizing stereotypical environmental information"
IMO, ability to internalize and learn from experience is quasi intelligent, a form of proto-intelligence which over time evolves into a true self-aware intelligence such as found in higher forms of biological systems.
See there is your problem - or my denial . You appear to have concluded (settled) on the Universe as being mathematical construct. I have no such thought. It's a lot of stuff which follows physics.
If you can claim that stuff follows physics, why can I not claim that physicking (poetic liberty) is an interaction of stuff which follows mathematical imperatives, such as in medicine. (Based on your meter reading of 150, take 10 units of insulin.)
IMO, the evidence of a mathematically driven Universe is overwhelming. I don't call that cognition "settling for", but the "greatest intellectual achievement" of the human brain.
He developed something in his head, IN OTHER WORDS, it was DEVELOPED. Not just pick up off the floor
He developed the mathematics for another purpose. Turns out that the maths were usable for an unrelated natural function.
If anything, that proves the mathematical nature of natural behaviors i.e "constants".
Observations of reality (physics in operation) noticed a discrepancy in the mathematics being used to describe said reality. To find the particle the LHC was built and particle found.
Right, mathematical analysis and correct mathematics, programmed into the LHC, produced the Higgs, for an "instant" before it decayed into simpler "values".
Note this is where we appear to clash
I contend The Universe is stuff (reality) and physics runs the stuff. Observations of the physics of the stuff leads to the missing stuff being found.
Not in the case of the Higgs. It was mathematics that lead to the manifestation of the "missing values".
Your take appears to be mathematics runs the universe.
Not quite, My take is that the universe is a mathematical object and everything in it is subject to the mathematics of the universe.
Example: a triangle is a mathematical object and every property of a triangle is a related mathematical "value" .
Only after the physical world was found to be wanting ie observations first THEN mathematics
But that is from a human perspective! The physical world and its mathematical properties never changed to get it correct. It evolved from Chaos into its current "organization". It was mathematically correct from the beginning and perhaps even before anything physical existed. Mathematical interaction based on intrinsic "values" and "mathematically self-ordering processes may just be a Cosmic Truth.
Only after the human observation of the physical world was found wanting (theism), did humans invent the symbolic equivalents to the universal mathematics and thereby was able to mathematically discover the discrepancies and correct the original mathematical errors. The birth of Science. The Universe (physical world) never changed it's behavior, it was always logical and translatable into mathematical "relational values" and "mathematical functions".
Physical is what it is (to humans), Mathematically is how it works (universally).
Has anyone ever mentioned that the "scientific method" itself is a discipline based on mathematical rigor, a formalized systematic observation and analysis of chronological dynamic evolutionary interactions using extant relational values and mathematical (algebraic) functions, universal constants..
It was humans who had to discover and utilize mathematics to "learn" what makes the physical world tick and how it all functions.