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Valued Senior Member
Tony Blair on TV at the moment sitting in church for the memorial of the London Bombing dead.

Isn't he at the very least indirectly involved in their deaths? Also did God give him the OK to order wars?

Why is he allowed to even step foot into a Church? He has blood on his hands no doubt about it!
alexb123 said:
Isn't he at the very least indirectly involved in their deaths?

But with that thinking, taken just a little further, aren't YOU also, at the very least, indirectly responsible, too? Aren't many of your everyday actions somewhat in support of the very system that has "created" some of the issues of which you allege?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
But with that thinking, taken just a little further, aren't YOU also, at the very least, indirectly responsible, too? Aren't many of your everyday actions somewhat in support of the very system that has "created" some of the issues of which you allege?

Baron Max

Could we take it even further and say that everyone is responsible for everything?
alexb123 said:
Could we take it even further and say that everyone is responsible for everything?

Well, sure ....that's sorta' what ye're implying in your original post, wasn't it? I don't see much of a leap from what you said to what we've now agreed, do you?

Baron Max
We're all the same under God's eyes.

There's nothing against judging in the bible, but I still hold that it's not within the best interests of a christian to judge others.
Did we "provoke" the terrorists and lead ourselves into Sept. 11? It is an ignorant statement for you to say Blair is the reason these people chose to kill themselves and bring others down with them. I doubt YOU have the strength to lead a nation in such times, and I doubt you actually want to believe that a war is an excuse for such a criminal act.