Doubtful, as evidenced by the clownish post by a self-proclaimed "authority" above.
It's just a matter of time before those inadquecies he's compensating for become a burden to the site again.
Much anger... such transference. It's amazing, Balerion, just how single-minded you really are... you only care about your whims and desires, not what is "truly best" for the forum. It's beyond pathetic. It's beyond sad. You proclaim to love this place, yet you throw a fit and stamp your feet at every perceived slight... what should we think of you, Balerion... Hm? It is like dealing with a young child, who has yet to learn that "no means no"... you throw a tantrum expecting the rest of the forum to cave in, and when we don't, you get angry, stamp your feet, and hold your breath.
You asked at one time "What is so fucking difficult" about making changes in this forum... this, exactly this, is what is difficult. If every little whim of every single person on this forum was implemented immediately... where do you think we, as a community, would be? What focus would we have?
I'm not claiming things are great now... but there was a time, not that long ago, when so much as questioning the actions of the moderation/administration would result in you being permanently dismissed. There was a time where even the most minor of infractions would see you infracted and quite possibly dismissed.
Complain all you want Balerion... but I'm sure if you dig through your mental archives you will come to the realization that things have improved tremendously in that respect. The big failing right now is a lack of actual discussion.
As for any "inadequacies" I may have, in my personal opinion, my biggest failing is that I have not been able to pursue a career in bio-nano technology... though I dare say they would be none of your business either way.
Now, shall we further railroad this thread off topic with your apparent hatred of me (and the moderation team in general), or shall we leave that where it belongs (in your head)?