just wondering, does time even exist, i mean, things, juts happen, and happen, and what happened is don, we cant go back to it, it means, happened, and finished, and byebye, so, time and clocks were invented by many civilsiation (chinese, egyptian, greek, arab, indian i guess, etc...) humans in general, invented time just to orgenise their lifes, and their buisness, since humans have a memory, then he would say, what he remember of what happened in a certen day, and i think, in the real life, there's no future, and no past, there's only now, but in history you can effcorse say past, and mayeb in teh predeiction like economical predictions, or like, i will fo that something, etc... future, but, time don't actually exists, i know, earth turns around the sun, and the moon, and the day and the night, and the full round around the sun, etc... as for the day and night thing, it happen, and over, etc... but we cant turn teh clock back in the actual life, and go back to 1900 or something, or go to the future, but for some of you, who think that traviling to teh future is real, i think not, but, you live longer, when you be in a ship with at least the speed light, or mayeb more, and stay in it, for a year, in that year, while on earth it's two, you want feel it that it's two, cause even clocks are affected by gravity, and turnign speed etc... and when we use a clock on earth, it doesnt mean that it's right when you are on the moon, also, the time and the speed of time, is not the same when you are in a planet with less gravity than earth, but with teh same size, mass, cycling around the sun distance, how far from it's sun it is, etc... like teh same as eearth, but lesser gravity, the time of teh clock, will be lesser, and not because time exists so the claock act like that, but because the clock is affected by the gavity, and etc...
so, what do you think?
so, what do you think?