Does truth have many versions?

Interpretations are not set in stone but facts /data are (They lie in the past)

Interpretations are provisional and can be updated when new perspectives come into view.

That new perspective can also be an alternative interpretation which can then enter into competition for a clearer view of the "facts" in question.
Then that answers my original question; there can be different versions of truth.
I guess that depends on what definition of truth you want to use.

A lot of people speak about "my truth" (i.e. their truth); but that's more accurately called belief or personal certainty.

If you want to talk about "the" truth then that's a different ballgame.
I guess that depends on what definition of truth you want to use.

A lot of people speak about "my truth" (i.e. their truth); but that's more accurately called belief or personal certainty.

If you want to talk about "the" truth then that's a different ballgame.

To your last statement , agreed .
I guess that depends on what definition of truth you want to use.

A lot of people speak about "my truth" (i.e. their truth); but that's more accurately called belief or personal certainty.

If you want to talk about "the" truth then that's a different ballgame.

Yea, I’m talking about different truths applicable to facts. A poor example in need of a better one would be “the sky is so blue, today,” but another observer states “well, it’s mostly blue, today.”

Both would be right, about a fact. I’m not articulating this as best as I can, but origin’s post touches upon it.
Yea, I’m talking about different truths applicable to facts. A poor example in need of a better one would be “the sky is so blue, today,” but another observer states “well, it’s mostly blue, today.”

Both would be right, about a fact. I’m not articulating this as best as I can, but origin’s post touches upon it.

Depends on your perspective , inotherwords .

But why there is a blue sky to begin with .... ? Because it is a truth .

Anywhere on this planet a blue sky appears . Beyond the clouds .
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Yes, it does.

In terms of how two people can see facts differently, and how those different ''versions'' of facts can be equal in measure. Just because facts can be ''interpreted,'' doesn't mean they're subjective, in my opinion.
The day was 75 degrees. I said it was a bit cold and you said it was a bit hot. Hot and cold are subjective terms. We could both agree that it was 75 degrees. That's the factual part.
The day was 75 degrees. I said it was a bit cold and you said it was a bit hot. Hot and cold are subjective terms. We could both agree that it was 75 degrees. That's the factual part.
I know what you’re saying but that’s not where I was heading with this topic.

It’s not about opinions or feelings with the facts, floating somewhere in the background.

Obviously, you may feel hot and I feel cold, if it’s 75 degrees outside. Those are feelings, though.

What do you make of origin’s post? I feel you’re ignoring it lol
I know what you’re saying but that’s not where I was heading with this topic.

It’s not about opinions or feelings with the facts, floating somewhere in the background.

Obviously, you may feel hot and I feel cold, if it’s 75 degrees outside. Those are feelings, though.

What do you make of origin’s post? I feel you’re ignoring it lol
I don't feel I'm ignoring it. I feel like I'm not getting it in the way that you are. Please explain.
By “truth,” I don’t wish to beat a dead horse in terms of the whole “objective vs. subjective truth” line of discussion.

Rather, I mean can there be different versions of objective truths? (Or facts)

Let me provide an example to illustrate what I’m asking. So, you and a friend watch a movie together, at the same time. You both discuss it with one another after it finishes. Instead of agreement, you both get into a spirited debate over the plot and ending. But, the writers clearly have a certain, central message that they wish for their audience to understand.

Is it possible for and your friend to be correct? Is it possible for both of your “truths” to be objective?

Not subjective, but objective. If you were to tell your version of the movie’s plot to a friend, inspiring your friend to watch it, and that friend agrees with your version, is your initial friend...wrong?

With math, things are less grey but with science, I’ve read a number of posts on this forum that seem convincing. But with scientific theories to be accepted as truths, they need to be peer reviewed and agreed upon by a majority. Right? That is probably not as grey as I’d prefer for this conversation.

If I’m convinced of someone’s truth, is that enough? I ask because of my thread, A Christmas Carol and how members here who have viewed its different adaptations in their own free time, come away with their versions of the truth. Or are we more forgiving when it comes to literature, film and art?

One final question - can objective truth have many versions? Is a fact not a fact if you and I see things differently?

I look forward to our own spirited discussion on this topic.

3 different versions. Both objective and subjective.
The past truths. The present ones. And the future ones.
Any more questions?
True .

Its their job .

Ego & Self Actualisation for compulsory individuation requires self referencing.

hive mind reality does not allow for creative intellectual progress.
entropic negative return is a natural state of natural wild brains
this is why predatory systems are always in play.
to step out of the predatory system there is a large leap required.

my comment was more a semi critique of the nature of the Ego.