dream death


Registered Senior Member
Have you ever had dreams where you die? And do you wake up and/or stop dreaming, or do you go the great beyond?

-I was once eaten by a T-Rex in my dreams. Very quickly, so no pain or anything.

-I had a strange dream unlike the first: I was struggling to survive in this battle or shipwreck, and i decided "it's useless, and I'm going to Heaven" so I just gave up. I actually died in my dream and was transported to Heaven. I dreamt (though this is against what Christianity says) that God judged me by comparing my "Hell points" (bad thing's i've done i guess) to my "Heaven points". I had 6 Heaven and 2 Hell Points, so they averaged out for me to go to Heaven. That is when my dream ended.

Any other interesting deaths in dreams?
Kind of a related side note: I woke up one morning completely convinced that sleep is what it's like when you're dead. Of course that has no basis in reality, just a feeling. It was weird.

I've never died in a dream that I'm aware of though.
Once i had a dream where someone shot me...After that i felt very sad about myself...i thought i was dead and lost...and then i woke up.
I had an OBE when I was very young, I still remember it fairly clearly, I was screwing around at a zoo and was eaten by an alligator, it was very quick, I just saw the jaws open and then everything went black. An intederminate time later I found my four year old body soaring among the skyscrapers of NYC (where I lived at the time) until, eventually I found the apartment building I lived in and fell into my napping body through the ceiling. We lived on the top floor.

I've had three opinions about death:

-We die and get to do whatever we want whenever we want forever

-The moment we lose consciousness time for us stops, we have no perception of time, so the last moment we were alive is frozen forever, but we don't care because we can't percieve the time at all.

-We just fall asleep and dream. Eventually we wake up and are someone else, it's just like a larger synonym to daily life.
My stomach has been torn open by a sword - many times
I have been shot - many times
I have fallen from great hights and died
I have been killed by a knife

all the times I have felt myself dying
the most interesting was when my stomach was torn open by a sword - I think I now know exactly how it feels. Wonder how my brain knew it :confused: maybe my past life...

btw- in that dream I battled with swords with some mage and I was killed again and agian (I simply respawned to the begining of the dream after I died from the wound)
I think in some 5th time I eventually killed the mage.

I have respawned in all my dreams after I had died.
Once I saw that I was falling from a great height, crashed in the ground, died, and my mind instantly found another body to live in.... weird
I have a few dreams where I have died. There was a cople of times where I would fall from something high up and I would wake up and my body would just twich violently, every limb. Kinda like you see in the movies when someone gets shot with an AK a few times.

Another time tho, and this relates to what Avtar said about knowing the feel of haveing a sword in you. I havent had a dream, or atleast one I can remember. But for some reason I know what its like to be shot, I dont know if this Is just a result of playing too many games, or that I was shot in a previous life or something along those terms. But it seem too real and too much of a big feeling to be Video games.
often in dreams where i am being persued, or death starts to be coming up next, i usually gain the ability to control my dreams. sometime though i do die and wake up. no pain involved.

thoe only "great byond" expirience i have had, i mentioned in another thread, and it was underground in a forest. everything was cartoon like, and there were other girls there in the underground forest that were mean to me, so my mom came and got me and brought me home.

maybe becuase in my religion, we return to the earth when we die, instad of heaven or hell and that is why i don't dream of them....

well.. no.. i doubt that.. i think it was just an odd dream. :D
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Kind of a related side note: I woke up one morning completely convinced that sleep is what it's like when you're dead. Of course that has no basis in reality, just a feeling. It was weird.
Suppose when you die you're consciousness can never again return to your physical body. Assuming it leaves it. Just a thought.

They say dreams are only real for as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same about life?
all the times I have felt myself dying
the most interesting was when my stomach was torn open by a sword - I think I now know exactly how it feels.

Ya never know until ya try!
hmmm, ya right
but I have a good plan
we cut you open with a sword and you tell us how you feel ;) :p
I had a lot of dreams about life after death. I end up in hell each time. The color in hell is always red and dark green.
I've had couple dreams when I died.
The first time I remember of dying in a dream was from getting shot in back of car.
Soon as I got shot, everything started going black in my dream, I seriously thought I was going to die.
And during the time of my dream death, I kind of woke up, but I was still seeing the dream in my head and it made it even worse, thats why I thought I was really dying cuz I was awake feeling, seeing the dream as if it was really real. It was like a lucid dream or something.
I did feel pain at left side of my chest after it was all over but it was gone in a min.
I died.

I was a renegade, living in some desert-filled country. Our mission was going very well; we had managed to sneak into the enemy's barracks while they were sleeping. Suddenly, some silent alarum awakes the soldiers, who at the time resembled black indefinite shapes (being hidden under blankets).

My comrades and I split, each of us scattering so that not all of us will be caught in the same net. I was running down the dirt road already, and I could see a copse of scrawny weather-beaten trees by the side of the road. All around was open heat-baked desert, so I ran to the copse and scurried under the dry brush. Some of my friends were already there, and we crouched silently as we waited.

The enemy came by, we could hear the clumping of their boots before we could see them. I lifted my eyes, hoping to memorize some faces in case I ever came across them again, so I could remember their face before they were tortured slowly for information.

But no! A most horrendous feeling of dread came over me, as I looked up at their faces. The enemy was not inhuman, not aliens or evil men with thick brows and sloping foreheads. They were teenagers, young men and women just like us! Chattering amongst each other, while the girls gaily tossed their hair, and the boys telling wildly exagerrated stories of past feats of bravery, with a prisoner bound and forced to walk on shackled feet between a pair of these soldiers. And the strangest emotion came over me: I did not feel hate for the enemy, or the need to destroy. They were just like us.

Gazing at these happy youths of war, one suddenly caught my eye. A girl, a bit older than me and taller, had been giggling with her fellow soldier, when she abruptly turned and met my eyes. I held my breath, wondering if she had seen me or was just looking into the brush. No- No..she had seen me. A black moment, and without knowing how I had gotten there, I was one of the prisoners, walking with my ankles chafing from heavy iron cuffs in dry heat.

They brought us into a spacious antechamber. It was warm, with comfortable armchairs and clinical tops, much like a bathroom that has been turned into a lounge. The light was a yellow ambient glow, the wall colours a soft pastel blend that spoke of calmness and serenity. I sat down on the edge of a chair, and stared into my hands as the enemy laughed and talked over my bent head.

Because I knew what would happen. I knew this wait in this lovely antechamber meant only one thing - inevitable death. It was a mockery, the way they bantered so nonchalantly amongst themselves, as if they had not a care in the world while we slowly screamed and burned to death in chlorine gas.

The sound of cutlery drew me out of my reverie. The enemy were preparing some sort of Last Meal affair: delicious-smelling lobsters, succulent fresh strawberries in cream, oven-baked bread slightly steaming...the delicious aromas wafted around, it was nearly to die for. Each prisoner was given a choice of their last meal, but when the girl came round to me, I stubbornly refused. They whined, they begged, they simpered, but I would not take any of it. Because if I did, it would be all over.

Many times this happened, with different groups of prisoners being brought in. Most of them looked surprised at the treatment, as if to say "Hey, this might not be so bad. Maybe I won't die after all." They maintained this attitude till they left through the steel door on the other side opposite of the room, where I never saw any of them return.

However, I knew my method would not keep up for long. I knew this, to the very depths of my soul, that I would die. Do you know how sad and frightening it is, to know without a doubt that you will die in the next couple of moments? No second chance, no redemption, just leaving, and at the hands of the enemy. I remember sobbing at the end of my dream, because this tormented me so.

Finally, I gave in. I took a sundae that was handed to me by my smiling murderess, tasted sweet fudge for the last time, and walked towards the heavy steel door. It opened, and the brightest light shone through it. I never saw what was on the other side.
--- --- --- --- ---

In the morning, I woke up to find I had actually wept, because the feelings evoked were so strong they broke through and made me cry in real-life. And when I woke up, the feeling was so godawful, like my parents had died, my friends had died, and everyone who cared about me or I them had left me all alone. All alone. :(
*pats blue on the back*

Cheer up Ada! It was just a dream. And a nicely written one.

When I feel strong emotions in and after dreams I try to only rate their interesting-ness rather than the feelings themselves, this helps to put myself out of the picture of the dream, that way the emotions don't feel sad anymore. They're sad alright, but I don't feel them anymore because it's almost like they didn't happen to me.

This can also work in real life. When something cool or awful is about to happen to me and I know it, I just think to myself oh boogers this is gonna be good. Almost like I'm watching a movie.
I always wake up when i die in a dream. i always guessed it was because my mind (subconciously and conciously) had not a fathom of what it was like to die, so it didn't know how to recreate it in a dream.
One time i had a dream i was adrift in the ocean and all of a sudden a storm brewed and i was carried hundreds of feet in the air by a wave and instantly, right as i started coming back down fast, the waves were gone and i was calm seas, i fell so fast and was totally scared and i woke up right as i hit the surface.

weird eh?
Originally posted by Joeman
I had a lot of dreams about life after death. I end up in hell each time. The color in hell is always red and dark green.

Tell me, does your hell bear resemblance to this:

Red stones, no open sky.
Looks and feels like a giant cave.
Pretty moist air, sometimes heavy grey fog low near ground (or something like that)
In most parts there is light coming from overhead, without a visible source of light. Some places are dark.
And dark green water that is not slimy, but instead looks like there would be green algae growing in it.

I've seen that kind of a place in my dreams many times.
It does not happen in a "normal" dream, but the dream has some kind of a "realistic" feeling in it.

I've never previously thought about the place as any kind of a hell, because I haven't seen anything evil there.
(now when thinking about it, I cannot recall meeting any people there. There have been some living beings, but I've never actually interacted with them or even seen them from up close.)

Your post just reminded me of these dreams so clearly that had to create an account and posted this.

I'm quite tired now, so please forgive the lack of clear thoughts. :)
Ive never actually died, although Ive come close and woke up with pain that would correspond to wounds in the dream... that sucks...

I would say the closest was when I encountered a banshee.

I was in a Victorian mansion quite a lot happened in there but at one point I saw somone was at the door, I opened it to a small being standing about 4 feet tall, hunched over, its clothing was like the blackest of black, seeming to almost suck in light, its torso was hidden in these black rags, it reached a hand out to me, its hand and arm looked like bones but wrapped in a thin layer of sickly shiny black skin. Its face was hidden in a shroud, as it reached out with its hand... God I will never forget the way that thing looked, Its head was elongated, everything black beady bulging eyes, black teeth fangs like a snake but its mouth was full of them. It had like a muzzle kind of face it almost reminds me of H.R. Gieger's aliens but not quite as it had eyes and was a bit different. And then it screamed at me. The sound is burned purmenantly in my brain it felt like my mind was shattering, and even more frigtning I thought my soul was too, I clamped my hands on my ears but it didnt do a thing, I knew it was a dream and tried to shield myself but I couldent focus, that horrible screech... finaly it felt like my connection to the dream world was severed, yanked out like an electrical cord. I woke up in cold sweat, my ears ringing, and unable to Hear right for several hours, and a headache that didnt quit for the entire day...
Not something I would like to repeat, nor would I like to encounter a thing like that again...
Everytime I die in my dreams, it happens because of global catastrophic events.

The one that I remember the best is when I stood on my porch and gazed into the horizon when I noticed an enormous ball of fire falling from the sky heading to a spot of about 150 miles from my house. When it collided with the ground, I didn't first hear or feel anything, but only after a few seconds I felt the ground vibrating violently and I could see the ball of fire expanding more and more in the distance and getting closer and closer, advancing in an array of explosions to where I stood. It soon became so huge that it covered the entire landscape and I could actually feel the heat of the thing, and a second later I was swallowed by the flames. That was when I woke up. I suppose that was the final part that, if it happened in real life, I would have died. That was really hellish, but that's the sort of dreams I looove.

I never died from a gunshot, though I was shot dozens of times in my dreams. Don't know why, but I always pretend dead in the dream, however I can feel the pain of the wound after I wake up.

I can't also die from drowning. Everytime I jump into a pool or something similar, I can breathe underwater and see normaly, and it feels more like I'm flying, not diving.

When I was about 6 years old, I remember being eaten by a giant evil deformed hamster in a cage. This is a dream I still remember like I've just dreamt it. I can still hear the grotesque chewing sounds of that hamster. Chilling......:eek: