Dreams, souls, and OBEs


Registered Senior Member
Wow, dreams are amazing in my perspective. I've read a book or two about them and now I'm on a book by Sylvia Browne Book of Dreams It's very interesting and I just find dreams fascinating! I mean how they can give us messages and things. I'm having this dream about this shadow. I jumped out of a window last night to get away from the shadow that was drinking milk. The first dream (I've had two)about this shadow (that wears a hat) was me running away from it leaving my friend behind. I have no clue who the friend was but the whole thing happened in Russia, my home, with some flashes of scenes of ASmerica, I don't know, it's confusing. I can't wait until I have a lucid dream (I can't recall having one) where I can change stuff and realize I'm dreaming. Do any of you have any suggestions or techniques to having one? Thanks.
I also hope I have a prophetic dream. I tried telling one of my family members about how I'm reading this book and all this stuff about reincornation but he jsut thought I'm crazy and got real mad at me saying I'm not normal or something. I totally think it's normal to wonder and read about this stuff. I wish there was some way to convince that person that this not bs, but he jsut said that I should stop reading this book and that Sylvia Browne is a liar and is one of those crazy lunatics. I think her opinions are so interesting, although some I could disagree with, and she isn't trying to prove anything, just express herself.
I just can't believe some people think souls subjects and dream messages are bs. It's okay for them to have an opinion like that but it made me real mad when that person was saying I'm crazy and I should stop reading about that stuff.
Please share your experiences, dreams, and OBE's here. OBEs are very intersting but I'm jsut too afraid to have one because I'm afraid it'll be dark once I separate from my body and I'll get too scared. It might be worth it though.
Oh, also has anyone ever been hypnotised to recall their past lives? I wish I could do it but since I'm kind of young I don't think I can:p
Originally posted by vitaminA
I'm having this dream about this shadow. I jumped out of a window last night to get away from the shadow that was drinking milk. The first dream (I've had two)about this shadow (that wears a hat) was me running away from it leaving my friend behind. I have no clue who the friend was but the whole thing happened in Russia, my home, with some flashes of scenes of ASmerica, I don't know, it's confusing.

Maybe that shadow is you.
The shadow of your past pursuing you.
A part of yourself that you are trying to leave in the past, but are finding it difficult to get away from.
Are there things about yourself (such as bad habits or other things that you don't like about yourself) that you are trying to change?
Maybe a person or memory that you are trying to forget?
Just a thought.

You said it was in Russia, which is your home, but had flashes of America?
What do you mean?
Do you live in America now, but used to live in Russia?
Have you ever been to America?
ok I was just typing this and everything erased, lol.
Thank you so much, the shadow explanation is making sense! I never thought of it that way but I've read about that interpreting technique.
Oh what I meant about the changing scenes was for example, in my first dream, it all started outside of my house that's in America. My neighbor had just told me I was going to die soon. (this is the second time I'm having my neighbor in a dream that has something to do with "death") Then all of the sudden I was in russia, my old neighborhood, where everything had changed. That kind of thing. Or when I go up to my russian apartment and when I come it's my american house.
When I say this I mean no disrespect towards your family member whatsoever. But when you encounter such people who have such an opinion of spiritual pursuits and the unknown, life after death etc.. I find that if you look at what they are truely living for, you may find that it revolves arround fullfilling the superficial parts of life, however this isn't neccecarily the case. Fullfilling the superficial parts of life means things like constantly pursuing sex/relationships, constantly worrying about the bills and taxes, dreaming of buying a new car or house etc... usualy there is very little wish for self-realization or betterment.
If you see this as being the case, simply question what it is that you value the most. The simple pleasures of life or your spiritual seeking. Obviously this person has their mind set that all this is mumbo jumbo and bs and chainging their mind is futile at this point, however if you continue with what you are doing and find some kind of peace and happyness maybe they will perceive that and begin to question themselves. You don't need to tell him anymore about what you believe or know about the subject and don't need to think about it so much, instead you can focus on the reason why you got mad when he told you it was bs. You can't fix him, but you can fix yourself. :)