drone? What? help me here guys

drone is a photoshopped 3D MAX object that is being superimposed to various backgrounds to make it seem like it was there.
lol so its kinf of publicty? is that it?

A little like that man (dont know if you know it) that makes a stupid, but funny, dance in the most possible places he can: he dances on many countrys, in many stupid places (underwater) etc. Then he puts the videos on internet. He got famous because of that.

Or like the idea old idea "All of your bases are belong to us" lol where some guys tried to get that sentence in the most possible places...

So, the idea behind this"drone" its just a little like that?

Another question: why some guys freak out and act like the drone were real? i found that some people try to prove they are real ufos!!!! Amazing! Stupid!