drugs anyone?


Registered Senior Member
Every single time I take a drug or alchohol these days I get depressed the next day, and no! its not a hang over. Any time my brain gets in contact with any foriegn material even cigerette my morale goes down the drain. Sex also depresses me right after climax. Just what is the relationship between morale and the chemistry of the brain? And why do others become happy instead?
Are you doing these things in isolation or in combination? If you are drinking or taking drugs quite regularly, they could be having a deppressive effect and that is bound to affect any other thing you happen to do as well, including sex.

It could also be that you are unhappy with other aspects of your life such as your job or relationships, or even yourself; drugs and alcohol could enhance the feelings of loathing you are experiencing.

Focus on the problem areas in your life and try to change them. Stop taking drugs, smoking and drinking, at least for a while and see if that helps your mood. Try a detox program, go to gym or do some sports to revitalise your blood and your brain.
Maybe you have a general allergy syndrome. Why do you take drugs or alcohol then?
devils_reject said:
Every single time I take a drug or alchohol these days I get depressed the next day,...

What drugs and how much of them and how much alcohol? I think ye're asking a question without giving us enough information to provide any kind of answer other than just random guesses and stabs in the dark.

Try to ask the question like: "I ingested 10 lbs of heroin, smoked 5 lbs. of cocaine and 2 lbs of MJ, and drank 20 liter bottles of gin. And the next day I was a little depressed. Does anyone know why?"

Baron Max
devils_reject said:
Every single time I take a drug or alchohol these days I get depressed the next day, and no! its not a hang over. Any time my brain gets in contact with any foriegn material even cigerette my morale goes down the drain. Sex also depresses me right after climax. Just what is the relationship between morale and the chemistry of the brain? And why do others become happy instead?

its not the drugs, its you, you have to be more happy inside, and find the true happyness and contentment within yourself, then you will start finding the highs of life again, and stop the cigs and alcohole, try pure weed its better for you,

the highs in life are appreciated most when you dont abuse them.

Perhaps you have a problem with endorphins or seratonin being released.

Something like 5HTP might help. Obviously you should see a doctor though.
All drugs are different. Nobody wants to say what they're taking on a public forum but that makes it difficult to speak to your particular issue. Lumping them all together like that, as if you haven't noticed that they don't all have the same effect, makes me wonder whether you're mixing them. That can be really bad. They can cancel out each other's primary effect so you feel like you haven't taken enough, but reinforce the aftereffects.

Some drugs, like cocaine, make you high by sucking the endorphins out of your system to create euphoria. You go into sort of an endorphin debt so you can be sure the next day will feel pretty down no matter how well it's going objectively. Some drugs like caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and the opiates have a drug-withdrawal chemistry that makes you feel like you need more of the same drug the next day, the classic addiction scenario.

Many people report that marijuana:

A. Gives them a nice high,
B. Cures withdrawal symptoms of many other drugs, and
C. Does not induce withdrawal symptoms of its own.

They have found marijuana to be a reverse-gateway drug. Helps them get off whatever they're addicted to, and then allows them to give up the marijuana without feeling bad. It's rather ironic that the government lackeys keep trying to convince children that marijuana works in the exact opposite way, as a gateway into the use of other drugs.

And of course some people just like the high. People who use too much marijuana may feel stupid, lethargic, and stuffed with food the next day, but not usually depressed.
In the beginning, there were no drugs or alcohol: humans survived. There is no need for them today unless meds are used to cure a disease.
devils_reject said:
Every single time I take a drug or alchohol these days I get depressed the next day, and no! its not a hang over. Any time my brain gets in contact with any foriegn material even cigerette my morale goes down the drain. Sex also depresses me right after climax. Just what is the relationship between morale and the chemistry of the brain? And why do others become happy instead?
do you include sugar, coffee, ...food? cause they are all 'drugs' too..........it isn't only human species which seeks out chemicals which change consciousness. in the book, Animals and Psychedelics, Georgio Samorini, reveals that all animals have sougt out various drugs,........in OUR garden in late summer we have wasps drun on fermented pears. ever met a pissed wasp...?

people need educatin about drugs. there is so much BS. you have State demonizing cannabis and yet promoting binge drinkin and fruity hig percentage alcohol. we have kids under age wth severe drinkin problems........they ban psychedelics. when you research about cultues ancient and modern who repsected psychedelics, therewasn't the drug problems we have now

take nativ e American peoples. now, in some reservations there are severed drug problems, such as they naver had befoe the invasion of booze-lovin white culture

now that culture pushes its fukin evil 'meds' on ewveryone, even children and tiny tots as young as 2 upwards

Godless........about your prob. whats yer diet like?
valich said:
In the beginning, there were no drugs or alcohol: humans survived. There is no need for them today unless meds are used to cure a disease.

Well if you put it that way, 'in the beginning' there was nothing! But, a little bit after 'the beginning', humanity began to discover and produce whatever was needed by them and this included mind altering as well as medicinal drugs in the first instance, because they grew wild. Alcohol probably came a litle while later, but not by much; fermentation of fruits and grains is a natural process and it wouldn't take a massive leap of the imagination to suspect that, especially in times of food shortages, people began to eat the fermented fruit and drink the juice that accumalated in the bottom of the barrel and bingo, they had alcohol.

It's not the use of drugs and alcohol, which is so bad, it's the abuse and abuse of anything is potentially a killer. Too much food makes you obese and that kills you; too much physical exertion wears out your body and your heart and that kills you; too much inactivity weakens your body and your heart and that kills you; too much stress and worry fucks up your mind and body and that kills you; too much sugar, too much coffee, too much orange juice, vitamins, minerals... even too much water could kill you!

Proper use of drugs and alcohol can stimulate both, mind and body and can enhance the enjoyment of simple pleasures; they can be used as aids to spiritual awakening and can open doors of perception and windows of creativity, not to mention avenues of original thought.

Having said all that, drugs and/or alcohol are an individual's choice and they are not for everyone, you certainly don't need them to survive on an individual level, but the world would have been a much poorer place without their influence throughout history.
hah...wonder if we can see mind as a chemical event. not o very much want toclarify what i mean here so you dont think i am being materialist. so let me make it clear. i don NOT believe brain produces consciousness. i believe Nature is senient/conscious

having said that one cn also see tat chemicals have an effect on the brain. if i drink wine, have a tok, take a pich of psychedelic my feelingsa will radically change. materialists will usually stop at chemical and elctrical interactions at tis point. i am of the persuasion who wont, and who recognize that consciousnss is VASTLY more unexplinable than just limiting 'it' to chemicals and electrics etc. for example, subjective consciousness. it cannot be measured. so putting you clear about tis i will get o what i am gonn sa

maybe left brain thinking is a drug that can be abused to much and cause harm---followin on from Tblariddims insights. to much left brain thinking cuts organism in two!.....it believes it is in control,and is superior to Nature, feelings, emotions, the body etc etc

THE primal mediine for such a one-sided approach to reality has and will always be, psychedelic exprerience

now of course, one can abuse psychdelics as well. so the skill is NOT to, and to use them Intelligently sos the abuse of obssessive left brain thinking doesn't destroy the very Earth, which is not only OUR home, but ALl species,and all generations from all species, including our own, yet to come
Several decades ago the Feds promised us a drug free society.
Well, I want my free drugs, and I want them NOW! :rolleyes:

“I had a rational idea this morning but I didn’t like it.”
devils_reject said:
Every single time I take a drug or alchohol these days I get depressed the next day, and no! its not a hang over. Any time my brain gets in contact with any foriegn material even cigerette my morale goes down the drain. Sex also depresses me right after climax. Just what is the relationship between morale and the chemistry of the brain? And why do others become happy instead?

Get a girl/boyfriend! :)
Careful with the :m: ! It cost me a chick some months ago... XTC can make U permanently depressed. I advice U against it. :m: is okay to use, but take a break from all drugs+booze+caffeine+cigarettes... Two weeks will do it. Then wait two more weeks. DO NOT take so-called "anti-depressants"!!! They can worsen it all.

Drugs to stay away from:
other stimulants

You might need a psychedelic experience to enlighten you, but careful. Some of it can fuck you up...

Take care! Peace!
Fraggle Rocker said:
People who use too much marijuana may feel stupid, lethargic, and stuffed with food the next day, but not usually depressed.

HAHAHAHA! Somehow that made me laugh my ass off! :D :m:

Weed usually makes me feel GOOD the day after. Sometimes stupid and lethargic (I usually don't carry alot of money around. Broke teen ager, so I don't feel stuffed with food :rolleyes: )
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