Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: To all the members of this forum, I'm just curious, but please explain ...

1) Do you believe the Exodus was a real event or not?

2) Do you believe Moses was a real person, or maybe even a pharaoh, or not?

3) Do you believe there are actually Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea?

4) Do you believe Abraham was an historic person or the anthropomorphism of the Sign of Aries, the Ram?

5) Do you believe Jesus was real or just another concocted dying demigod myth?

6) Do you believe the Bible contains lies?

7) Do you believe Christianity is evil?

8) Do you believe the Bible is coded to explain astrological movements?

9) Do you believe monotheism is based on sun worship?

10) Do you believe Christianity is dying worldwide?

Thanks to everyone for your input. Please expand on these ideas. There are some new Christians on board, so maybe we can get some interesting dialog going.

~ Medicine*Woman
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: To all the members of this forum, I'm just curious, but please explain ...

1) Do you believe the Exodus was a real event or not?

I believe those people escaped from slavery, yes. Was there some divine involvement? No.

Medicine Woman said:
2) Do you believe Moses was a real person, or maybe even a pharaoh, or not?

Of course. I think the majority of people in the bible were real. Now the stories, in entirety? Probably not.

Medicine Woman said:
3) Do you believe there are actually Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea?

There's a possibility. It's close enough, why not?

Medicine Woman said:
4) Do you believe Abraham was an historic person or the anthropomorphism of the Sign of Aries, the Ram?

Again, probably a real person.

Medicine Woman said:
5) Do you believe Jesus was real or just another concocted dying demigod myth?

I actually do believe that Jesus was a real person. A prophet and a heretic (to the Jews), but a real person. Just because he has a fantastic story connected with his existence doesn't render him fantastic.

Medicine Woman said:
6) Do you believe the Bible contains lies?

Not "lies" necessarily. It probably contains misinterpretations, exaggerations, falsities and metaphors. But lies are deliberate and malicious...I don't think that's the intention behind these incidents.

Medicine Woman said:
7) Do you believe Christianity is evil?

I don't believe that anything is inherently evil. Not even people. But evil is a product of humanity. Christians can be evil, but not the religion itself.

Medicine Woman said:
8) Do you believe the Bible is coded to explain astrological movements?

It wouldn't surprise me. A lot of ancient socities worshipped the heavens, and lived their lives by the agriculture demanded. This is found in their literature, art, architecture and culture in general. Just because Christians "don't worship the sun", doesn't mean they don't live by it.

Medicine Woman said:
9) Do you believe monotheism is based on sun worship?

I used to think this until I learned that Judaism was predated Egyptian religion. Up until then I had thought that "God" came directly from gods like "Aten". ("Giver of life", "One God".)

Medicine Woman said:
10) Do you believe Christianity is dying worldwide?

I think faithful religiousness is dying. But that's not a bad thing. We're talking about an ancient religion that we've been holding on to for, possibly, too long. Culture will invariably update.
1) I'm unsure exactly how to answer this based upon how you have asked it. If you're asking me whether I think the biblical account is accurate - then no. If you're asking whether I think some small community of slaves did a runner - then perhaps. It has after all happened quite a lot. I guess people don't generally like being slaves. Of course from a biblical perspective they all started whinging eventually when they realised doing a runner had left them with no food etc.

2) Most likely an updated version of the Legend of Sargon.

3) I suppose it's a possibility. About 15 years ago I went down to Hythe for the week. I had a flat literally next to the sea, and one night the ocean vanished. That's no word of a lie.. I walked out and the sea had gone. I walked out into where the water usually would be and continued for an extreme distance.. I could see eels, fish, crabs and other sea creatures squirming on the sand/mud floor, but I could not see the sea.

I would consider that a freak tidal occurence and something I have never seen before or since. I felt like it I could have driven a car a good distance out to sea and then run back.. In years to come someone might have found the remains of this car under water and thought some sky fairy had parted the ocean.

But of course we're talking several millennia ago where they wouldn't understand tidal patterns let alone freak tidal occurences like that time in Hythe. So perhaps some slaves did do a runner through a location that is generally submerged. Some of you might know how fast the sea comes back when it's ready to. The cases of people dying here when tide comes in is insanely high because they just do not realise how quick it is. It's not like you see it crawling in slowly and have time to get out the way.. No no, one minute it aint there, the next you're literally swimming with the fishes.

4) Again I think it is quite possible that someone, (later known as Abraham), did exist. From a biblical perspective the guy is clearly Sumerian of origin, and has clearly taken Sumerian stories with him, (the ram caught in the thicket and so on). I would claim this person responsible for the early parts of the OT seeings as they are based upon Sumerian stories, (creation/flood/etc).

5) More than anything I consider jesus as a political move to pull one over the jews. A creation of someone, (oft considered as paul), who literally took the god of the jews and removed the 'jews' part.

6) Not "lies" specifically. It is a story, with some form of historical basis, that has been vastly exaggerated and 'chinese-whsipered' to hell and back - written by a people that didn't know much about anything.

7) I believe it is a major set back to humanity, and something that would most certainly be better off extinct - but it would seem the people still need it, and no, other than it's flagrant stupidity and cowardice I do not consider it 'evil'.

8) No.

9) Not really. Monotheism is the obvious and natural progression of "simple man". You start with a god of war, sea, land, air and banana milkshakes and then realise that if gods are what you claim them to be then you only really need one. Interesting to note though that the early portions of the OT still write 'gods' as opposed to god.

10) Unfortunately no, and it wont really happen. You see, statistically speaking the less educated are more religious, and the less educated have more children. What this means is that the less educated, (Africans are some 93% religious and are the least educated), have more children than the educated and thus will overtake us all eventually. The average worldwide IQ will drop and we'll all devolve into cavemen. Sad but true.
Medicine Woman said:
1) Do you believe the Exodus was a real event or not?
Yes, but not exactly how the bible states it.

2) Do you believe Moses was a real person, or maybe even a pharaoh, or not?
In one way or another, yes. Either that, or an amalgam of various leaders, much like King Arthur.

3) Do you believe there are actually Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea?

4) Do you believe Abraham was an historic person or the anthropomorphism of the Sign of Aries, the Ram?
I dunno. Whatever.

5) Do you believe Jesus was real or just another concocted dying demigod myth?
Possibly. IMO, he was part of some upstart cult, and when he was martyred for his cause, they made him the center of the thing...which evolved over time into christianity.

6) Do you believe the Bible contains lies?
To quote Master Shake from Aquateen Hungerforce: "All it is clicks and whistles..."

7) Do you believe Christianity is evil?
Evil? No. Stupid? Yes.

8) Do you believe the Bible is coded to explain astrological movements?

[quote9) Do you believe monotheism is based on sun worship?[/quote]
It's kinda what it evolved out of, yeah.

10) Do you believe Christianity is dying worldwide?
I certainly hope so.
Hapsburg said:
Yes, but not exactly how the bible states it.

In one way or another, yes. Either that, or an amalgam of various leaders, much like King Arthur.


I dunno. Whatever.

Possibly. IMO, he was part of some upstart cult, and when he was martyred for his cause, they made him the center of the thing...which evolved over time into christianity.

To quote Master Shake from Aquateen Hungerforce: "All it is clicks and whistles..."

Evil? No. Stupid? Yes.


It's kinda what it evolved out of, yeah.

I certainly hope so.

Medicine Woman said:

2) Do you believe Moses was a real person, or maybe even a pharaoh, or not?
~ Medicine*Woman

If he was he was one strange guy
Medicine Woman said:
3) Do you believe there are actually Egyptian chariot wheels in the Red Sea?
~ Medicine*Woman

Only if some nutter put them there
Medicine Woman said:
5) Do you believe Jesus was real or just another concocted dying demigod myth?
~ Medicine*Woman

Real but a fraud
Medicine Woman said:
6) Do you believe the Bible contains lies?
~ Medicine*Woman

Medicine Woman said:
7) Do you believe Christianity is evil?
~ Medicine*Woman

Yes, God sent 7 plagues and there are evidence based rumors of mistreatment of nuns in the vatican
Medicine Woman said:
8) Do you believe the Bible is coded to explain astrological movements?
~ Medicine*Woman

no, get real

Medicine Woman said:
10) Do you believe Christianity is dying worldwide
~ Medicine*Woman

My local church has a congregation of 3 so yes
SnakeLord: I'm unsure exactly how to answer this based upon how you have asked it. If you're asking me whether I think the biblical account is accurate - then no. If you're asking whether I think some small community of slaves did a runner - then perhaps. It has after all happened quite a lot. I guess people don't generally like being slaves. Of course from a biblical perspective they all started whinging eventually when they realised doing a runner had left them with no food etc.
M*W: Thank you for your reply. Yes, I did ask the questions in a simplistic way, so 'everyone' would be able to understand. As always, your answers are more informative than those I elicit. I hope this will be a learning experience, especially for our new members.