Elizabeth II


Valued Senior Member
It looks as if she may be dying. The family has been summoned to Balmoral. The longest reigning monarch in history. To be succeeded by Charles III, the first Charles since the Stuarts in the c.17th.

There will be a huge state funeral and then a coronation. As it happens, I spent a day at a choral workshop last month, singing Handel's Coronation Anthems, which will get an outing in Westminster Abbey when Charles is crowned.
She has led an extraordinary life and has managed to handle her role with such class and grace, no matter what has been posted in the media about the Royal Family, over the years.
There will be a huge state funeral and then a coronation.
Woah there, Trigger. She's still kickin'...

There will be a huge state funeral and then a coronation.
10 days of mourning, leading up to the funeral, which will be a "national day of mourning". Ceremonies and processions and lots of pomp and circumstance until the funeral itself. Not to mention 24/7 news coverage.
The coronation will be in a 6 months or so, I'd have thought. Spring 2023, maybe. Noone will rush it - unless Charles starts getting ill (he is 73!). Apparently he's the oldest (UK) monarch at the start of their reign.
10 days of mourning, leading up to the funeral, which will be a "national day of mourning". Ceremonies and processions and lots of pomp and circumstance until the funeral itself. Not to mention 24/7 news coverage.
The coronation will be in a 6 months or so, I'd have thought. Spring 2023, maybe. Noone will rush it - unless Charles starts getting ill (he is 73!). Apparently he's the oldest (UK) monarch at the start of their reign.
Yes the BBC is already wall to wall with coverage, lining up a load of Phil Spaces to think of something to say. It will go on for days like this.

I have as much respect for Elizabeth as the next man but all I need is a well-written obituary or two.
Yes the BBC is already wall to wall with coverage, lining up a load of Phil Spaces to think of something to say. It will go on for days like this.

I have as much respect for Elizabeth as the next man but all I need is a well-written obituary or two.
Hopefully it won't be as bad as SNL's take on Francisco Franco.."Francisco Franco, still dead, day 200".

They should just skip ahead to Prince William or retire the whole Royal thing and make it "Six Flags over Kensington" or " Disney World-Buckingham". Listening to Charles drone on is about as painful as listening to Al Gore speak.

Maybe Tiassa can get a job as a speechwriter for Charles?
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God serve our gracious Charles
God serve our noble Charles
God serve the King(he's coming on stage)
So ... does the National Anthem change its lyrics? Do they have to get permission from the artist?
It goes back to what it was when her father was on the throne, yes: “Queen” -> “King”.

We are already in the 2nd day of Charles III’s reign.
So ... does the National Anthem change its lyrics? Do they have to get permission from the artist?
It's not just that.

Lots of bank notes and coins will need changing, since they have QEII's face on them. Not just in the UK, either - also in other Commonwealth countries (e.g. Canada, Australia).

Public post boxes in Britain also apparently have EIIR (Elizabeth II Regina) on them, so they'll all need changing eventually.

There will be a reconsideration of various Royal warrants (i.e. special recognition of companies that supply things to the monarch, whether it be cutlery, clocks, or other goods).

Meanwhile, the other members of the royal family will go through some adjustment to official titles, Dukedoms and the like. Prince Harry's kids now get to call themselves Prince and Princess, which they were previously not entitled to do, because only the children or grandchildren of the monarch are allowed (apart from those close to the top of the succession list, I think), and Harry and Megan's kids were the Queen's great grandchildren.

Some Commonwealth countries will apparently need to amend their constitutions to recognise the new King as head of state, apparently, though that change is already automatic in countries like Canada and Australia.
Where is the place the Queen will be buried? Beside her husband grave?
How many days her body will be available for the public to pay respect?
How make sure the body will not stink?
You're aware they're British royalty, right?
Am I aware that Prince/King Charles is British Royalty? Why, yes I am. To the one, it's pretty obvious and to the other, well, it's obvious.

Are you not able to wax verbosely for the Royals?
Lots of bank notes and coins will need changing, since they have QEII's face on them. Not just in the UK, either - also in other Commonwealth countries (e.g. Canada, Australia).
You make that sound onerous ;), when it really isn't. In the UK at least, current notes and coins will remain legal tender for as long as they are in natural circulation. There's a natural flow of currency being officially destroyed and replaced with new currency from the Royal Mint, and all that will happen is the new stuff will bear the King's head rather than the Queen's. I remember having old shilling coins with the old King's head on it, right up to the point they changed the 5p piece to the small thing it is today (1990, iirc). The shilling became equivalent to the decimalised 5p, so shilling coins were legal tender as 5p, even if they were so old as to be pre 1952.

The same for all our stamps. They remain legal tender pretty much for ever, irrespective of which monarch's noggin is on it. :)
Public post boxes in Britain also apparently have EIIR (Elizabeth II Regina) on them, so they'll all need changing eventually.
Only in the process of natural replacement, or for brand new post boxes go up. I don't think they'll replace the existing ones just because of the change in monarch.
There will be a reconsideration of various Royal warrants (i.e. special recognition of companies that supply things to the monarch, whether it be cutlery, clocks, or other goods).
Certain badges (such as those the police wear) that display the monarch's cypher will need to be updated, sure. And the King may change some of the warrants, but not necessarily so, and likely over time rather.

Don't get me wrong, there are many things that will need to be updated to reflect the change in Monarch, but unless it specifically needs to reflect the current monarch, the change will likely only be introduced gradually as things are naturally replaced. I.e. there is unlikely to be a significant effort to replace things like coins/notes, stamps, post-boxes etc.
And yes (before saint asks!), the QE2 ship (retired) will still be called the QE2, even if it is now a floating hotel. ;)
Meanwhile, the other members of the royal family will go through some adjustment to official titles, Dukedoms and the like.
William and Kate automatically become the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, taking over from the now King and Queen Consort. The title Prince of Wales is apparently not an automatic one, but will presumably be passed to Prince William in due course. The other titles, yeah, things will change and be passed around, not that the specific titles will mean much to many people.
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It's not just that.

Lots of bank notes and coins will need changing, since they have QEII's face on them. Not just in the UK, either - also in other Commonwealth countries (e.g. Canada, Australia).

Public post boxes in Britain also apparently have EIIR (Elizabeth II Regina) on them, so they'll all need changing eventually.

There will be a reconsideration of various Royal warrants (i.e. special recognition of companies that supply things to the monarch, whether it be cutlery, clocks, or other goods).

Meanwhile, the other members of the royal family will go through some adjustment to official titles, Dukedoms and the like. Prince Harry's kids now get to call themselves Prince and Princess, which they were previously not entitled to do, because only the children or grandchildren of the monarch are allowed (apart from those close to the top of the succession list, I think), and Harry and Megan's kids were the Queen's great grandchildren.

Some Commonwealth countries will apparently need to amend their constitutions to recognise the new King as head of state, apparently, though that change is already automatic in countries like Canada and Australia.
There is no need to change banknotes or coins. When I was a child there were plenty of coins with George VI on them in circulation. As for postboxes, you can still find ones with VR on in some places, not to mention lots of GRs. Britain is comfortable enough with its long history not to worry about retaining signs of previous monarchs around the place.

As you say, there will be some amendments to official constitutional documents in various places and there has already been a cascade of changes to royal titles.
Where is the place the Queen will be buried? Beside her husband grave?
The Queen will be buried within the King George VI Memorial Chapel in Windsor Castle.
Prince Philip's body will be moved from its current location (St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle) and reburied next to hers.
How many days her body will be available for the public to pay respect?
3, I believe.
How make sure the body will not stink?
Air fresheners. ;) The body is embalmed, which prevents much of the smell (by preventing/slowing down decomposition), and the rest will be covered up by chemicals, air flow etc.