End of Days


This too shall pass.
Registered Senior Member
Is it just me or have other people noticed that there seems to be much more talk these days of the end of the world? Its probably just people assuming 2012 will be the date.

Either way this scare does serve a useful purpose, it seems to me that humanity is finally starting to realize how vulnerable we are. Its almost like a global awareness is dawning that there are many ways to cause mass extinction and its only a matter of time when the next one occurs (ignoring the fact scientists say we are in a mass extinction right now caused by human factors).

But the scary part is that our sun is going to approach and cross the galactic plane in 2012, something which has not happened in humanities history and we dont know what effects this will have if any.

But the scary part is that our sun is going to approach and cross the galactic plane in 2012

Where did you hear that?

I thought the Sun was already approximately in the galactic plane.
People have always thought the end was right around the corner. Remember Y2K? The same thing happened with Y1K. There is no more talk of it now than there ever has been. Most religious prophesies also say something similar about it coming just when no one thinks its going to come. I am somewhat confident that nothing will happen in 2012. Why? Because so many people think that something will happen...
About what would happen on 2012?? Sound fascinating but a bit scary. Imagine we will all die!! But, based on what I have read and observe, it's kinda true though..

Do anyone of you know about Planet X?? It's the kind of dwarf that is approaching the solar system.. That's why when you use some telescope programme, you can notice that some part of the space is blocked by a square black box.. So obvious that you can it actually stir your interest to check it out rather than ignoring it.. The question is why is it blocked? Is it related to something that none of the commoner like us should know about it? Is it the habitat of the aliens?

SOme predicition is that once the planet is apporaching the earth.. It will cause gravititional change.. And most likely some calamity like earthquake.. tsunami or even.. (some unknown phenomenon that we have not seen in our life)..

Dying? Ooo.. Don worry.. A prophet says that 10% of the human population would survive the blow.. Could it be anyone of us here? Who knows?
There is an explanation on what is going to happen on 2012. I'm not going to tout and yell like some loon who saw Jesus in a cracker, but there is real mathematical fervor over this coming event. You can find it on you tube. I can't yet post links but I am sure you can figure it out. Basically "planet-x" with a exaggerated oval-like orbit is going to cross through our orbit and cause solar and magnetic problems for our planet. Meanwhile our entire solar system is going to be aligned with the galactic center which will cause erratic solar flares. Obviously this event is not certain, nothing ever is... but it is quite interesting to see what will take place in the next 4 years.
I was under the impression that the polarity of the earth is going to switch in 2012 as well as earth lining up with the galactic center. I'm going to have plenty of popcorn and soda sitting in a lawn chair with telescope at ready.
Basically "planet-x" with a exaggerated oval-like orbit is going to cross through our orbit and cause solar and magnetic problems for our planet. Meanwhile our entire solar system is going to be aligned with the galactic center which will cause erratic solar flares. Obviously this event is not certain, nothing ever is... but it is quite interesting to see what will take place in the next 4 years.
That's got no basis in science at all. It's complete nonsense. All the stuff on Youtube about it is done by hippies, wackos and morons. I guarentee that none of then know any astrophysics at all.

Absolutely nothing of that kind will happen over the next 4 years which doesn't happen usually anyway.
Hardly hippies, wackos and morons considering planet x itself was found and documented by NASA itself. The people that postulated this mathematical certainty are the same ones that have been explaining what may happen.
Dr. Robert S. Harrington who was chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory found and analyzed its trajectory but was denied a public disclosure and then died before he could publish anything about it. look him up.
Is it just me or have other people noticed that there seems to be much more talk these days of the end of the world?

I would think that it is you. I read so much and hear allot about going to Mars, or the Moon with humans . I read much about space and watch the ISS being built by a hanbdfull of countries. I see many ventures into exploration of space as well as the Earth. I guess if you don't want to see things you never will.
Same thing? You mean, people worried their abacuses would seize up because beads only went up to 999?

Yeah genius...

I wasn't referring to the Y2K computer crash, just the widespread belief that the world would end in 2000, whatever the cause.

People believed the same thing about Y1K.
I would think that it is you. I read so much and hear allot about going to Mars, or the Moon with humans . I read much about space and watch the ISS being built by a hanbdfull of countries. I see many ventures into exploration of space as well as the Earth. I guess if you don't want to see things you never will.

I am well aware of these things. I am a little confused on how this relates to the end of days?
All and any that have a doomsday scenario.

Also some food for thought I also found out that our sun will reach the peak of its solar cycle in 2012.
Its certainly fun to look into the future and see what the possibilities are! Anyone think there is a chance that something really freaky and unsuspected may occur? I keep seeing some real strange stuff up ahead...its going to be good times yeah!
Dr. Robert S. Harrington who was chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory found and analyzed its trajectory but was denied a public disclosure and then died before he could publish anything about it. look him up.


That is rather fishy, do you think they offed him to prevent a wide scale global panic?
I wouldnt doubt it.

But using the "standard proto-planetary formation" theory does NOTHING to explain Neptune's retrograde orbit. Something MASSIVE changed its orbit so its like nothing else in the solar system orbit wise.