ENIGMA:immortality for the enlightened 2012 verses death ,fear and hopelessness


mature with wisdom
Registered Senior Member
Immortality will be a reality by 2012 for people with insight,The question is "how is it going to be done?,people without insight will die!!!!
Is this a truth or is is a falsehood non sequiter!!!
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Immortality will become a reality to people with insight and humility,the next level of consciousness for mankind is Immortality , death will be irradicated. Solar disorder will kill millions , so Immortality will be a reality on the earth
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"Those that evolve would go their own way never looking back to their human existence since it is the progency that would jump the level and would have no reason to act like a human any more than a human acts like an ant! "
The future of the human race is based on immortality,the body then becomes corpreal, and Mankind will then have the abilty to travel throughout the Universe.Immortality will be gained through knowledge...death will be irradicated
We have changed physically, mentally, technologically, philosophically and the speeding up process will be carry on to 2012,This is called the singularity because it is seen as a very short period where the advances in technology are so incredibly rapid that it almost appears like an overnight event. " Are you on the road to Immortality?
its only gibberish to people who are in darkness(ignorance)
best dominic
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Are you aware that you might be the one in the darkness? Just as long as you accept it as a possibility.
Looks like an attempt to turn Transhumanism into religious gibberish.

Awareness of the probability of the singularity is a good idea, but this isn’t something mystical or spiritual. The singularity is what many see as an inevitable result of our rapidly increasing development of technology, especially computer technology and the expected birth of true machine intelligence and thereafter the highly probable creation of intelligence greater than human.

With such developments at our disposal or more probably beyond our control it is very difficult to predict what might happen next. With such rapid technological and genetic progress it is also assumed that man will readily take advantage of these developments and use them to enhance his own capabilities far beyond his current abilities.

Curing the disease of aging and the transfer of neural patterns to more resilient media will potentially and probably lead to unlimited lifespans and the dream of actual immortality, although that is a stretch for the moment.

The prediction of 2012 seems too early. The year 2040 has been oft quoted as more realistic, but the work IBM is currently undertaking on the design of Blue Gene that will create a computer that should have little problem of achieving and surpassing the processing power of the human brain by 2007, seems to indicate that 2040 is too far out. However, the current plans for Blue Gene are not as yet seemingly directed at brain emulation.

However, it is very difficult to predict what will happen as technology continues on its apparent exponentially increasing trend towards super-intelligence and technologically enhanced humans.

What seems certain is that the next two decades are going to see some massive changes far in excess of anything we have seen in the past 100 years. Most people, and certainly those who are very wary of change will most likely be left behind or will not benefit. Those who welcome such technologies and are prepared to use it will indeed appear to move to another level of human evolution, one of our own design and manufacture.

There are many concerns, certainly in the arena of uncontrolled nanotechnology and in the area of self-aware super intelligent machines. Some suspect we may not survive, and this seems like a justifiable fear. Those of us who welcome these changes are hoping that we can enhance ourselves rapidly enough to compete with the SI machines on an equal basis. At the moment it looks like SI machines will be here before we can upload ourselves to achieve that hoped for equality. If SI becomes malignant then that is the end of the human race.

The greatest problem is that these changes are likely to occur so rapidly that we will not have time to react, unless we foresee the problems and plan for them now.

Does that help?

Of course I could be entirely wrong and IXL777 is talking about something entirely different.
Chris , thankyou for your erudite reply.
"Looks like an attempt to turn Transhumanism into religious gibberish".

Awareness of the probability of the singularity is a good idea, but this isn’t something mystical or spiritual. The singularity is what many see as an inevitable result of our rapidly increasing development of technology, especially computer technology and the expected birth of true machine intelligence and thereafter the highly probable creation of intelligence greater than human.

Immortality is linked to a higher level of consciousness, a higher level of harmonics.The synthesis of light and sound, reason and intuition.

The big bang created infinite sound of harmonics and harmonics equate to different dimensions. a higher level of consciousness.. therefore people who have negated their alter-ego, negative thought patterns have a higher level of consciousness, intellect and are preparing themselves for Immortality by 2012.

Red maya...black....giza....yellow cambodia white..rennes le chateau.are the 4 major arks to be looking at."Are you preparing for Immortality . or are you still in a 3rd dimensional state?..

Lao-tzu...not me 2000..one doesn't have to give this information out..we could leave you all in darkness ,however , humility and altruism must prevail using positive thought patterns.

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Actualy, this age has been predicted by so many to be the 'end' of a certain era of humanity.
Nostredamus, Chirsitianity and armageddon.
The hindu's end of a cycle on earth.
The mathematical prediction of singularity.

If nothing else, we live in a very exciting time. I think everyone feels that changes on a grand scale are taking place as we speak.
I think even the Aztecs(Incas?) made a calculation that the world would 'end' some time this century.

Funny how most predictions of appocalyse fall within the 100 years of our existance. And not any other time during the past millenium.
Make You Wonder

Originally posted by moonman
Funny how most predictions of appocalyse fall within the 100 years of our existance. And not any other time during the past millenium.
I imagine every year for the past few thousand has been predicted to be the end. Such claims seem to mysteriously die out after their time is past.
It would be interesting to see some list of these... Those that never were fullfilled.

I'm not scrutinizing, I'm serious, it would be interesting. ;)
Re: Make You Wonder

Originally posted by LaoTzu
I imagine every year for the past few thousand has been predicted to be the end. Such claims seem to mysteriously die out after their time is past.

i would imagine, for some claims, the deadline gets extended

Funny how most predictions of appocalyse fall within the 100 years of our existance. And not any other time during the past millenium.
The difference this time is that the changes are of our own making, and are to a large extent mathematically and scientifically predictable. The predictions of the past were based entirely on religious phobia and unsubstantial religious fantasies.

For thousands of years one of the highest levels of technology we had was the horse and cart. Then about 100 years ago that started to change with the first automobiles and within 70 years of that we had landed on the moon.

The first computers were built in the 1940s and had clock speeds of a few hertz and for something simple would consume a large room. The same functions now are some several billion times faster and consume space that can only be observed with a microscope.

What is difficult to comprehend, because we are living the times, is the rate of change that has never been experienced before in the history of the human race. It is entirely invalid to compare these current rates of change and predictions with anything in the past. There is simply no precedent for what is happening at the current time.
Originally posted by IXL777
Immortality is linked to a higher level of consciousness, a higher level of harmonics.The synthesis of light and sound, reason and intuition.
Pure conjecture.

The big bang created infinite sound of harmonics and harmonics equate to different dimensions. a higher level of consciousness.
Care to prove your presumed correlation between hyper-dimensionality and “a higher level of consciousness”. Care even to explain what a “higher level of consciousness” is?

therefore people who have negated their alter-ego, negative thought patterns have a higher level of consciousness, intellect and are preparing themselves for Immortality by 2012.
What’s a negative thought pattern?

Red maya...black....giza....yellow cambodia white..rennes le chateau.are the 4 major arks to be looking at."Are you preparing for Immortality . or are you still in a 3rd dimensional state
one doesn't have to give this information out..we could leave you all in darkness ,however , humility and altruism must prevail using positive thought patterns.
Drug induced hallucinations and epiphanies are best shared with people who are likewise influenced.
Sharing these thoughts with people who are straight only lets them know just how fucked up you are.


Well that pretty much killed this thread, and I was just warming up.

Oh well, it is probably better dead.
Originally posted by Cris

Well that pretty much killed this thread, and I was just warming up.

Oh well, it is probably better dead.

I'd be happy to go on about Transhumanism if you like. I've a few weird ideas but I haven't explored it too far.

Still, I think IXL777 is either a nutter, on drugs, or just fucking with us.
