Enlightenment is a Hoax. Stay away from it.


Registered Member
After years of meditation and study on philosophers like ramana maharshi, rajneesh, jiddu krishnamurti, adwait vedanta and many othets , i found the fact that this concept of enlightenment is all bogus. This is market to earn money. People are running from their lives in the name of meditation. Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain. You cant shut them down by meditation. Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.

What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.

Thinking you know something because you thought about it while your body was in some sort of funny position

Michael 345


Thinking you know something because you thought about it while your body was in some sort of funny position

Michael 345

After years of meditation and study on philosophers like ramana maharshi, rajneesh, jiddu krishnamurti, adwait vedanta and many othets , i found the fact that this concept of enlightenment is all bogus. This is market to earn money. People are running from their lives in the name of meditation. Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain. You cant shut them down by meditation. Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.

What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.

This is market to earn money.
all facets of life require currency exchange for food to survive
greed & scams is not unique t any one culture or religion

it is factually disingenuous to ascribe the function of money to be the drive of something that requires money as a base cause
those religious people who swear off money beg for free money while others pretend salvation is achieved by giving them money.

that has nothing to do with enlightenment

People are running from their lives in the name of meditation.

yes a fact
but a fact that stands individually

suggesting that enlightenment is bogus because people are chasing anything is also a lie

that makes 2 lies

Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain.

chemistry & electricity and biological physics drives the base form of brain function
humans are biological electro-chemical

you are suggesting meditation & any other state than what you prescribe is false
this means you are dictating others reality
this is fascism & manipulation rather than liberty & freedom of thought

You cant shut them down by meditation.
shut what down ?
who said something is shut down ?
what are YOU saying is "supposed o be shut down"
by what ?
meditation ?

your making a claim !
you need to back that claim up with some basic concepts otherwise your just preaching like a crazy person on a street corner

Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.

complete bullshit scammery
your dictating what others reality of their mind is. telling them what they should think & how to think it
this makes you a fascist manipulator

2 lies
2 claim with no substantiation facts links or any explanation
2 dictations of thought to your own desires

& you think that invalidates what ?
enlightenment ?
meditation ?

What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.

and so i have
you read like a scammer(im not stating i think you are, i am saying your comments read that way) looking for people to scam rather than someone wanting to discuss something

reading a book does not make you experienced

just because 99% of all religion may be a scam(are you proving something somewhere?)
does not invalidate any concept of meditation
(i personally believe around 80% of American Christianity is a money scam offering loos concepts that make people psychologically dependent on them rather than independently minded they then exploit that psychological dependence by forced compliance donations of money)

other forms using power scams are of the same nature

keeping in mind

Enlightenment covers both Christianity & Catholacism & potentially Islamism Shinto & Hinduism

are you saying all forms of enlightenment(all religions) are fake ?

You cant shut them down by meditation.

shut "what" down ?
(((i am expecting you will not answer i hope i am wrong)))
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After years of meditation and study on philosophers like ramana maharshi, rajneesh, jiddu krishnamurti, adwait vedanta and many othets , i found the fact that this concept of enlightenment is all bogus. This is market to earn money. People are running from their lives in the name of meditation. Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain. You cant shut them down by meditation. Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.

What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.

I had a lot of issues with the concept of emptying your mind. Just did not work.
The concept of refocusing to the sympathetic nervous system allows me to relax and let my mind shut down for a bit. It is very refreshing therefore enlightening.
"Enlightenment" has many meanings.

There are several paths people take to enlightenment. Some work for some people; some work for other people. For some people, nothing works. It's no different than religion, or Weight Watchers, or Alcoholics Anonymous. Different approaches work for different people.
After years of meditation and study on philosophers like ramana maharshi, rajneesh, jiddu krishnamurti, adwait vedanta and many othets , i found the fact that this concept of enlightenment is all bogus. This is market to earn money. People are running from their lives in the name of meditation. Thoughts and thinking are the basic functions of human brain. You cant shut them down by meditation. Enlightement is the result of boredome of man from ancient times.

What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks.

Even the Western Enlightenment is probably going to be historically revised to a white, patriarchal monstrosity -- thanks to the ever spreading offshoots of postmodernism.
Something like meeting the Buddha on the road and killing him: If you think you're enlightened, you probably not.
Curious. If you have no curiosity about woo are you really a true scientist.

Not exactly correct to say scientists have no curiosity about woo (and I am NOT a scientists)

More that woo proponents have not given scientists anything to run with

It's like woo proponents invite you to join you at this wonderful banquet, so you sit down at the table, receive a plate, no knife or fork (instruments) and the grinning woo proponents (they always grin) say "what about that?"

I had a lot of issues with the concept of emptying your mind. Just did not work.
The concept of refocusing to the sympathetic nervous system allows me to relax and let my mind shut down for a bit. It is very refreshing therefore enlightening.

Sounds like relaxing and relaxing is just not quite going to sleep


I thought being enlightened was gaining extra knowledge

feel free to ignore/not answer my questions if they feel like they will discuss any personal nature you wish to not discuss

I had a lot of issues with the concept of emptying your mind. Just did not work.

emptying your mind as words
as action
is 2 different things
it is not easy

it is ridiculously hard

it is like
standing naked in the middle of a busy city street at lunch time
on 1 foot balancing
while holding a cell phone in 1 hand
a book in the other
while reading the book to someone sitting beside you
and the cell phone on speaker phone conference calling to people asking you questions

many people think "emptying your mind" will be easy & easily achievable because they think they have many instances in life where they feel they have had no thoughts
but in reality their "no thoughts" were in fact "no ego"

now imagine your standing their naked on one foot
and people walking past are throwing rotten fruit at you(not hard enough to really hurt or physically knock you off balance)

sound easy ?

The concept of refocusing to the sympathetic nervous system allows me to relax and let my mind shut down for a bit. It is very refreshing therefore enlightening.
this is a great skill/tool
very very useful
never underestimate it

mind shut down for a bit
can be achieved through drugs exercise sex meditation & some other activates

but each person most often has a different mental functionality of what "shutting down" is

some people just turning off 1 emotion may be shutting down
while other may be turning off all emotions
while others may be turning off 1 or several voices in their head

here is the question you should choose carefully how or if you will answer

what is "it" you are practicing "shutting down" ?
Even the Western Enlightenment is probably going to be historically revised to a white, patriarchal monstrosity -- thanks to the ever spreading offshoots of postmodernism.

how many evangelical church members are there in the usa ?
baptists & evangelicals comprise the vast majority

bible camp
born again services
healing services

the vast majority endorse a concept of "enlightenment" as a core principal of required destination

eastern types of enlightenment phrased as western opinions does not define all concepts
but they tend to project that as absolutes to service their own ego

to the other...
if your playing with fear
it is satanism your looking for
that's not my department, please inquire somewhere else


Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. In a 2018-2019 survey, 65% of adults in the United States identified themselves as Christians

Church attendance
Gallup International indicates that 41%[111] of American citizens report they regularly attend religious services,

A study from 2015 estimated some 450,000 American Muslims who had converted to Christianity, most of whom belong to an evangelical or Pentecostal community.[30] In 2010 there were approximately 180,000 Arab-Americans and about 130,000 Iranian Americans who converted from Islam to Christianity. Dudley Woodbury, a Fulbright scholar of Islam, estimates that 20,000 Muslims convert to Christianity annually in the United States.[129] Many Druze immigrants to the United States converted to Protestantism, becoming communicants of the Presbyterian or Methodist Churches.[130][131]

when in Rome ...

one could argue that conversion is the action of attaining religious enlightenment
and thus enlightenment is the action of conversation
to become enlightened to the lord & the way

so roughly 500,000 people become enlightened every year in the USA
and define themselves as christian (or catholic)

It's like woo proponents invite you to join you at this wonderful banquet, so you sit down at the table, receive a plate, no knife or fork (instruments) and the grinning woo proponents (they always grin) say "what about that?"

that is a baby-boomer social cultural intellectual species evolution aspect of intellect
religion & skeptics share the same cutlery

I thought being enlightened was gaining extra knowledge
each different religion defines it in their own way
some it is seeing/meeting god
others it is letting go of earthy obsessions
and various other things
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Enlightenment is a hoax and so is religion so i recommend staying away from both.

All religion is obviously nonsense and the sooner religion and religious beliefs disappear from the world the better I think because religion only causes more misery for people and there is already enough misery in this world as there is so we shouldn't cause more.

Religion is bad for you in the long run because it's based on things that don't exist and that aren't actually true. So in order to actually advance science and figure out how the universe really works we must put aside our childish religious beliefs.

Maybe the harsh and somewhat brutal reality is that human life as a whole isn't really precious or valuable.

Life is only precious when considering your loved ones and the people you care about but maybe in the grand scheme of things humans are quite not important.
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If you are searching for "the secret" then enlightenment is a hoax.
It is said that a master explained that before enlightenment chop wood and carry water, after enlightenment chop wood and carry water.
Enlightenment is to be at peace within yourself and with the universe to the point that you become aware of consciousness. Possibly to be aware at the quantum level.
Questing to attain the sidi skills is to try to accomplish something. Enlightenment is just being; quietly appreciating the "isness" of everything. To be because you are. Then it is back to chop wood, carry water.

A lot of the misconceptions about enlightenment stem from enlightenment being confused with the quest for the sidi skills. This may arise because it is said the enlightenment is the step toward achieving the sidi skills.
Since I have never wanted to be invisible I do not quest for the sidi skills. I have no idea if it would be possible or not. They remain like Schrodinger's cat. They may or may not exist. I leave it to someone else to open that box.
What are your thoughts about it. Please write here. Thanks
Rather than "enlightenment", I like the term "well-grounded".

This state of internal balance can be achieved by periods of rest and reflection in a place shielded from the stressful demands of modern-day life.

This is why churches are excellent havens for introspection and self-actualization. This can be a quiet place in the country or forest, removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. This is an old ritual for seekers of "enlightenment".

As atheist, I always found the atmosphere inside a church very restful and refreshing. No prayer or religious thoughts are required to achieve inner peace. Just let the mind drift and seek tranquility. This helps in restoring inner balance.

Question; What compelled you to adopt "Schutzstaffel" for nom de plume?

The Schutzstaffel (SS; also stylized as ᛋᛋ with Armanen runes, 'Protection Squadron') was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II. It began with a small guard unit known as the Saal-Schutz ("Hall Security") made up of party volunteers to provide security for party meetings in Munich. In 1925, Heinrich Himmler joined the unit, which had by then been reformed and given its final name.
Under his direction (1929–1945) it grew from a small paramilitary formation during the Weimar Republic to one of the most powerful organizations in Nazi Germany. From the time of the Nazi Party's rise to power until the regime's collapse in 1945, the SS was the foremost agency of security, surveillance, and terror within Germany and German-occupied Europe.
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