Epidemic cholera?!?!


Valued Senior Member
CNN Haiti cholera


I'm not scared but I am "angry".
How is this possible epidemic of cholera?
We are in the Dark Middle Ages?
I'm not bothered so much bird flu, swine flu, global warming, global cooling, etc. ...but cholera epidemic??
Shame on us.

A typical scenario for cholera is water contamination. A country whose infrastructure has been destroyed and remains unrepaired for so long is certainly going to have a lot of contaminated water.

Dadgum. We had just about reached the point where we could say with a straight face that the Third World no longer had a beachhead in the Western Hemisphere.
Simply seeding stagnant water with Iodine would probably help. Failing that, there are other, more expensive biocides that would help. Why do they not do this?
I'm not bothered so much bird flu, swine flu, global warming, global cooling, etc. ...but cholera epidemic??
Shame on us.

Shame on those in charge of Haiti I'd say. The government there doesn't care what happens to its people and steals any provisions that is sent there to aid them. The government of Haiti has always been corrupt and tyrannical for over a century now. So the government doesn't help to get building laws strengthened or to have tough waste disposal laws and water treatment facilities built. So we shouldn't be ashamed about what Haiti has done to itself but only on guard that those who immigrate here don't bring this condition to our shores and create the same type of problems here as they have there.
cosmic said:
Shame on those in charge of Haiti I'd say. - - - So we shouldn't be ashamed about what Haiti has done to itself
The government of Haiti is not something that Haiti "did to itself". The government of Haiti has been in great measure imposed by outsiders, most importantly the US.

Compare the cholera rates after disasters in neighboring and comparable countries that have managed to establish their own governments, against the wishes of US interests.
Shame on those in charge of Haiti I'd say. The government there doesn't care what happens to its people and steals any provisions that is sent there to aid them. The government of Haiti has always been corrupt and tyrannical for over a century now. So the government doesn't help to get building laws strengthened or to have tough waste disposal laws and water treatment facilities built. So we shouldn't be ashamed about what Haiti has done to itself but only on guard that those who immigrate here don't bring this condition to our shores and create the same type of problems here as they have there.

Please carefully follow the chart I posted.I wonder where it will peak?
People who die have no connection with the government.
I am convinced that a case is worse than bird flu pandemic,but it is not publicized so hot.
The government of Haiti is not something that Haiti "did to itself". The government of Haiti has been in great measure imposed by outsiders, most importantly the US.

Compare the cholera rates after disasters in neighboring and comparable countries that have managed to establish their own governments, against the wishes of US interests.

Sorry to burst your bubble but those in charge of Haiti are the ones who aren't doing what they should with the help they have recieved from America and only taken that help for their own personal uses to forward their agenda to keep in total control of their citizens. America can't make those in charge change their ways by not helping them because then the MEDIA will say "look at America, not helping a third world country overcome its problems again!" So thanks to the MEDIA America has had to provide help to Haiti or suffer the consequences of a MEDIA that will make it look like shit again.
cosmic said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but those in charge of Haiti are the ones who aren't doing what they should with the help they have recieved from America and only taken that help for their own personal uses to forward their agenda to keep in total control of their citizens. America can't make those in charge change their ways by not helping them because then the MEDIA will say "look at America, not helping a third world country overcome its problems again!" So thanks to the MEDIA America has had to provide help to Haiti or suffer the consequences of a MEDIA that will make it look like shit again.
That government, the one in Haiti, is not the Haitian's fault. It was imposed on them by foreign powers, over decades, and the US was the most important of those powers. Compare the cholera epidemics that did not happen in Cuba after the recent multiple hurricane seasons, or the links above to the various countries after Hurricane Mitch in '98, when some competence remained in the US executive branch.

Meanwhile, the recent US aid you are talking about is largely bottled up in Congress, and has not been delivered to be stolen or anything else.
adoucette said:
The earthquake that devastated Haiti took place 10 months ago. Since that time a total of $1.1 billion in U.S. aid has been delivered,
And another 1 - 2 billion or more promised, because it was badly needed (for things like non-emergency infrastructure rebuild) not delivered. Hence, fertile ground for cholera and other diseases.

Cuba did not need this kind of help, in the bad hurricane years. But Haiti does.

The many decades of ruination of the Haitian government and economy by US, importantly among others, interests, are home to roost.
How is this possible epidemic of cholera?
We are in the Dark Middle Ages?
I'm not bothered so much bird flu, swine flu, global warming, global cooling, etc. ...but cholera epidemic??
Shame on us.

Cholera is endemic in many parts of the world with poor sanitation. There are an estimated 3–5 million cholera cases and 100 000–120 000 deaths due to cholera every year. (WHO)

Cholera epidemics routinely break out in these parts of the world after disasters of one type or another because the poor water sanitation rapidly becomes very poor and people cluster together in large numbers. Whilst cholera is a continual problem worldwide it cannot be compared to the potential pandemic threat posed by influenza. Cholera is not transmitted person-to-person as it's an intoxication and is contained at the point of the water contamination; influenza is viral and is transmitted person-to-person, and so represents a global pandemic threat.
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It is likely that the cholera was accidentally imported by aid workers. The genetic strain is similar to one found in Nepal, and Nepalese workers came to Haiti a bit before the epidemic.

It is very easy to prevent. Boil all drinking water. Or use a jug with a micropore filter to clean drinking water. Such jugs could be distributed easily. Or add a drop of bleach to all drinking water, and leave to stand for a while before drinking.

Cholera in drinking water is a clear sign of fecal contamination.
Okay...this disease is spread by contaminated drinking water. Has anyone told the Hatians they can kill the bacteria in the drinking water by sitting it in a clear, sealed, plastic bottle for six hours in strong sunlight?
(No kidding-this was tested and found to work on the water in Kibera.)

Do they have plastic bottles? Should we send them plastic bottles of drinking water, which they could then keep reusing for this purpose?

Haiti really is a mess of our making...