evolved od adapted to the environment


In the latest National geographic they show some monkey which have adopted in an cold environment were there is snow.
Also surprised me this monkey have grown a thick fur .
Question why Neanderthal man did not grew a fur while been in Europe during ice period ?:)
In the latest National geographic they show some monkey which have adopted in an cold environment were there is snow.
Also surprised me this monkey have grown a thick fur .
Question why Neanderthal man did not grew a fur while been in Europe during ice period ?:)
Neanderthal used animal furs as clothing so they didn't have to adapt to the climate by growing hair.
Neanderthal used animal furs as clothing so they didn't have to adapt to the climate by growing hair.

I see because he covered himself that is interesting. So why mediterranean man have more hair on their face then the Eskimos ?:)

Do you think he made shoe for himself also ?
So why mediterranean man have more hair on their face then the Eskimos ?
The ancestors of the Inuit and Native Americans migrated from Eastern Siberia over the Bering land bridge about 12,000 years ago. Most people in Eastern Siberia, like Asians, have little facial hair.

Facial hair covers only a tiny part of the body so there is little evolutionary pressure one way or the other. In arctic environments, facial hair is a slight disadvantage since moisture from the breath freezes on it and it ceases to hold warmth.

And, since I'm sure you're going to raise it, light skin evolved to get additional vitamin D where sunlight was less intense than the tropics. The Inuit remained dark-skinned because their diet has large amounts of seafood which is rich in Vitamin D.
It has been hypothesized that one of the advantages early modern humans had was the practice of shaving their facial hair to prevent that beard freezing problem. Likely early Siberian stock did as Native Americans did and pulled facial hair as it appeared.
, since I'm sure you're going to raise it, light skin evolved to get additional vitamin D where sunlight was less intense than the tropics. The Inuit remained dark-skinned because their diet has large amounts of seafood which is rich in Vitamin D.


How right you are :) I am not sure if the Inuit are dark skin ,on their face or over the whole body, but its ok. About the scenario of vitamin D that isa a little hard to swallow, How many generation it have to pass before or Afro American become white ? At the same time the Spaniards that come to South America (Venezuela or Ecuador ) during the conquest have to live there before they become black skin ?:shrug:
Actually new fossil evidences points towards Neanderthrals never having existed in the first place... that would probably explain the lack of hair growth....nonexistence.
Actually new fossil evidences points towards Neanderthrals never having existed in the first place... that would probably explain the lack of hair growth....nonexistence.
Normal practice here is to cite a source when you make a claim especially one as idiotic as that.
How many generation it have to pass before or Afro American become white ? At the same time the Spaniards that come to South America (Venezuela or Ecuador ) during the conquest have to live there before they become black skin ?:shrug:

I doubt that the need to derive vitamin D via sunlight exposure would be a selection factor for lighter skin colour any more. With the availability of vitamin supplements, better availability of natural foodstuffs high in vitD (eg. fish, mushrooms etc) and the fortification of foods with vitD in many countries, getting your RDI of vitD isn’t the problem it was for our ancient ancestors migrating into colder darker environments.

Normal practice here is to cite a source when you make a claim especially one as idiotic as that.

Bravo! :bravo:
Normal practice here is to cite a source when you make a claim especially one as idiotic as that.
As I mentioned on your other thread, please practice good science and simply invoke the Rule of Laplace without resorting to insulting rhetoric.

Extraordinary assertions must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat them with respect.

All you have to do is ask him to please provide a link to the evidence he refers to. If he does not do that, and nonetheless repeats the assertion (even on another thread on another subforum) he will be guilty of trolling and we ban trolls every day before breakfast.