Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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Let's get real, shall we? (this patient, considerate indulgence of mythology is beginning to bore me)
I repeat.
If atheism is already the lack of accepting the claims of theism, how can one lack something to the extreme?

I lack an extreme belief in Leprechauns racing Unicorns in the Kentucky Derby. Doesn't really make much sense.
I mention this before, but it is short and to the point.
Its like saying "extremely pregnant"
If atheism is already the lack of accepting the claims of theism, how can one lack something to the extreme?
By politically and ideologically attacking those who don't share your views in an extreme manner.

I lack an extreme belief in Leprechauns racing Unicorns in the Kentucky Derby. Doesn't really make much sense.
What doesn't make sense is your equating it with your atheism, since you have a demonstrated bone of contention to pick with theism ( as illustrated by your post history), and, as far as we can determine, zero input the subject of unicorn racing unicorns.
So this thread has gone from a rather silly but obvious game of provoking and insulting the atheists who happen to believe in determinism by labelling them "extremist" and then inanely linking them to extremist behaviour (example the troubled man, and more recently, to the satisfaction of Godwin's Law, Hitler, Stalin et al), to now just a thread about whether atheists can be extreme in action? Well, dur. The answer to that is, sure. History is littered with them. So what? Where is the link from that extreme behaviour to their philosophical belief in determinism? Is there any? Did they even hold such a philosophy? And if you can't even identify their philosophy as deterministic, of what relevance are they in this thread? Seriously, what relevance?
Trying to link the holding of certain philosophies to belief in a "proxy-God", whether one deliberately aims to insult those who do hold them by using the term "extreme" or not, is a reasonable point of discussion, even if the case for it is hampered by ignorance, and inability with logic, to be able to put a coherent or worthwhile argument together. But now? Seemingly it's just about whether atheists can be as extreme as their neighbour - not in terms of the philosophical position they hold with regard determinism but simply by their action.
The purpose of the thread, as in the intellectual purpose rather than any other agenda, has vanished, if there ever genuinely was one in the first place. Isn't it time to put it out of its misery?
Actually the subject moved from discussing philosophical examples of extreme atheism to discussing political examples of extreme atheism. The reason was because our resident atheists fervently declared that there is no manner that one can label an atheist extreme with their views even politically, what to speak of philosophically. Kind of like the archetypal overweight elderly uncle at family functions who requests, "Go on. Give it your best shot. Punch me as hard as you can in the stomach."
Well yes, that was what was actually being discussed, before you zealously pushed your way into the pilot seat of the helicopter.
What part of science did they attack? I'm here to learn if you have anything to teach me.

Are you talking about the League of the Militant Godless?
They attacked religion not science
It propagated atheism and scientific achievements,

p.s. I don't consider theists as intelligentsia.
So this thread has gone from a rather silly but obvious game of provoking and insulting the atheists who happen to believe in determinism by labelling them "extremist" and then inanely linking them to extremist behaviour (example the troubled man, and more recently, to the satisfaction of Godwin's Law, Hitler, Stalin et al), to now just a thread about whether atheists can be extreme in action? Well, dur. The answer to that is, sure. History is littered with them. So what? Where is the link from that extreme behaviour to their philosophical belief in determinism? Is there any? Did they even hold such a philosophy? And if you can't even identify their philosophy as deterministic, of what relevance are they in this thread? Seriously, what relevance?
Trying to link the holding of certain philosophies to belief in a "proxy-God", whether one deliberately aims to insult those who do hold them by using the term "extreme" or not, is a reasonable point of discussion, even if the case for it is hampered by ignorance, and inability with logic, to be able to put a coherent or worthwhile argument together. But now? Seemingly it's just about whether atheists can be as extreme as their neighbour - not in terms of the philosophical position they hold with regard determinism but simply by their action.
The purpose of the thread, as in the intellectual purpose rather than any other agenda, has vanished, if there ever genuinely was one in the first place. Isn't it time to put it out of its misery?
It is rather typical is it not of persons fearful of their own self esteem will accuse another of associating or linking something when in fact it is their own imaginations at work.

If you have a fear of being associated with mass murderers like Hitler, Stalin and Mao then that is a problem for you to consider for surely your fearing or not doesn't change the reality of those actions carried out with the desire to promote atheism.

In psycho babble one could easily see a correlation between the renouncement of a God to the the invoking of self as a God. Simply put, an atheist could be accused of subconsciously killing off the competition as part of a God complex, complete with all the arrogance that entails. Stalin and Hitler and Mao sought to dominate peoples hearts and minds and become "as if God" to those people so knocking off the theist makes sense doesn't it. Just a call to self empowerment towards absolute power.

Then ironically along comes a secular fatalist and spoils it all by creating another competitor in the form of a proxy God.... you just can't help it can you.....(chuckle)
It would not be hard to argue along those lines.

From what I can discern all that is happening currently in Xinjiiang, China with the re-education of the Uyghurs is the killing off of all competition to the absolute power of the President, Chairman Xi Jinping. Thus establishing a God called Xi Jinping on the throne of China for the rest of his life... Yet ironically he will no doubt claim an atheistic posture...
( alert: Chinese surveillance of this thread is highly likely)
( but of course God is an atheist afterall... ahhh now I understand...like as if I didn't already)

An "ink blot" word test (paranoia):

Key words

Atheism, extremism, religious, clouds, cowardice, honor, trust, pride, deluded

What associations do you make?

say I put them in the following order.

Atheism, cowardice, extremism, religion, clouds, honor, pride, trust, deluded

What associations do you make?

Is the term Un-Godly any better than the term un-whitely or un-blackly.... or is it just the dislike of being on the label invoking discrimination target list?
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That is something else.
Go back and read what was given. A link was even provided.
Ahhh. Lysenkoism, yes, he was a nutcase. But you may want to reread the article.
In modern usage, the term lysenkoism has become distinct from normal pseudoscience. Where pseudoscience pretends to be science, lysenkoism aims at attacking the legitimacy of science itself, usually for political reasons. It is the rejection of the universality of scientific truth, and the deliberate defamation of the scientific method to the level of politics.

Thus Lysenkoism has been totally debunked. Yet anti-scientific Intelligent Design persists. Behe is our current theist Lysenko, intent on destroying Darwinian evolution and natural selection, just like Lysenko. Odd isn't it?
Michael J. Behe is an American biochemist, author, and advocate of the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design. He serves as professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and as a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture.
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p.s. I don't consider theists as intelligentsia.
so you think Isaac Newton, the father of modern science, was stupid?

You are claiming the greatest scientist of all time as not being part of the intelligentsia....

(let us watch the duck and dodge, straw man response to this one)


"Like a phoenix he shall rise from the ashes and prove his ( your words) yet again ....." ~anon
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Seriously can any atheist on this board tolerate the fact that the "father of modern science" Isaac Newton was a devout Christian, theologian, a natural philosopher, who worshiped his God with a passion...


One has got to wonder what he would have thought about the BS that has been going on in this thread...
creative license

The atheist God.

...And God spoke to himself and said:
"There is no god"
...and in a spark of inspiration he realized and said:
"Other than myself"
...and in another eye opening realization he said:
"But there are over 7 billion Gods on MY planet"
..and then he broke down and cried:
"Whats a God got to do around here to become all powerful?"

and that was when the God Mars was born....
You are claiming the greatest scientist of all time as not being part of the intelligentsia....
No, I claim that fear of repercussion weighs strongly in intelligentsia being able to express themselves freely.
Scientist have been persecuted throughout history for blasphemy.
I already cited the vile murder of Hypatia and the ransacking of the great library of Alexandria.
( it set science back a thousand years!)
Darwin did not dare publish his work for many years due to religious pressures.
Are you goint to tell me Darwnin was a creationist?
I would contest that, according to the early going in the thread. Your confidence in expectation is its own, but your own statement—.....

...I admit I'm more fascinated with other aspects of this discussion, as is probably evident in my other posts. But I am, indeed, sanguine about my assessment of his audience in terms of this community, that all he accomplished is offending atheists
It is worth keeping in mind, I guess, that ultimately the forum membership get the threads, topics and postings, that they deserve.
This thread topic was not intended to be a white paper or a potential listing in wiki on the attributes of atheism, extreme atheism, speculative profiling, teaching skills, student IQ, or any such nonsense. It was just a thread thought appropriate given the bastardy and bullying that atheists were perpetrating with immunity on this fora that may in the extreme actually offer a better way for those, other wise encumbered by emotional hubris, to alleviate their fears and self esteem issues.
then we get posts such as these:

Sinse QQ directed his post at Tiassa i figered he must thank that him an Tiassa was like-minded about it... an i didnt want to go aganst Tiassa for fear of windin up wit points so i just went along wit the Bull-sht bein flung around
Those dastardly extreme atheist wires.. Making net connection with this crazy guy in New York...
It is obscene that you are using a man's mental illness to push a conspiracy theory.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
I would imagine that everyone here recognises it for what it is, from the guy who invested so much time carrying water for regimes that commit acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing.. You mean that audience?

I doubt anyone here is offended. Because no one really expected anything better or reasonable from the guy who fought so vehemently to defend a regime that is committing genocide and ethnic cleansing..

and others apparently removed from the thread referencing me as being a devil worshiper or some other such nonsense.... ( keeping in mind that email notifications are kept and can be presented to prove my case)
Am I whinging?
No, it is the nature of the beast is how I look at it.
The task I set for my self and by default, my angry, aggressive readership is simply to show that certain forms of atheism are extreme and certain extreme atheism in the form of Secular Fatalism/predetermination are seriously self contradictory.

All the other deviations are due to attempts to ridicule, flame, denigrate and other wise destroy credibility simply because they can not address the thread topic as mature adults who actually wish to improve their critical thinking skills beyond the ability to distract the thread in to articulate and skilled
argumentum ad hominem and entrapment.

I make no apology for the incompetency of the reader, I do for my own incompetency with out reservation.
I am confident that if my posts are read objectively, maturely and with courage to confront the issues raised that some sense of what is being put forward can be achieved, otherwise it is lost to paranoid reactions to what appears due to that paranoia, to be an attack on their self esteem.

There have been certain serious accusation made in this thread towards me...
Water carrier for a genocidal regime is one...
Accusations I would seek to defend against...
Devil worshiper was another....
and a few others that stand out as being utterly irresponsible and unsupported except by the accusers ignorance or mental instability.

Do I get the opportunity?
The task I set for my self and by default, my angry, aggressive readership is simply to show that certain forms of atheism are extreme and certain extreme atheism in the form of Secular Fatalism/predetermination are seriously self contradictory.
Show me one thread in the religion sub-forum that was started by an atheist with specific intent of denegrading theists?
No, I claim that fear of repercussion weighs strongly in intelligentsia being able to express themselves freely.
Scientist have been persecuted throughout history for blasphemy.
I already cited the vile murder of Hypatia and the ransacking of the great library of Alexandria.
( it set science back a thousand years!)
Darwin did not dare publish his work for many years due to religious pressures.
Are you goint to tell me Darwnin was a creationist?
No, you are lying you quite clearly stated as a P.S

p.s. I don't consider theists as intelligentsia.
dodge #1
duck #1
You don't consider theists as intelligencia... a quite specific statement with out much ambiguity.

Isaac Newton is accordingly being treated less than he is entitled to based simply on you bigotry towards religious beliefs, in violation of article 18 and article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Your extreme and some what confused atheism is glaringly obvious...
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By politically and ideologically attacking those who don't share your views in an extreme manner.

Politics is another forum and not part of the subject matter, however theism is an ideology while atheism LACKS that ideology, hence I can only assume you're referring to theism attackimg others who don't share the beliefs, which has gone on throughout history for centuries.

What doesn't make sense is your equating it with your atheism

Person A wants me to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savoir, while Person B wants me to place a bet on Leprechauns racing Unicorns n the Kentucky Derby. As you can see, there's no difference between what Person A or B claims, both haven't a stitch of evidence to back up thier claims, hence I hold no beliefs in Jesus or Leprechauns and Unicorns. See how easy that was to make sense.
Show me one thread in the religion sub-forum that was started by an atheist with specific intent of denegrading theists?
As we found here under the machinations of Alfa ***Numeric and co a few years ago ( courtesy of a well known extreme skeptic foundation) that they don't actually start that many threads. They really have not a lot to contribute. That they snipe when the opportunity became available and sought to destroy any worth while objective discussion.
Sciforum membership declined enormously as the abuse they generated was significant. Valued members and moderators left, some starting other less corrupted forums. Even I left for about 12 months after having my registration cancelled ( not banned) ( by mistake was the claim)
What was an icon for respectful free expression championed by JamesR, and a few other forum leaders, became an oppressive place for intellectual masochists to enjoy.
It was only with private communication off site with an unnamed moderator that the issue could be resolved. Such was the oppression that these atheist pursued. They have since been shown for what they were and have been banned or asked to leave.
Fortunately those times have passed. (or so I would have hoped)

Part of the motivation behind running this thread was to see whether they had returned as sock puppets.
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