Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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Yes, that's what I was doing, informing you of an irrelevant, non-sensical phrase that keeps appearing in your narrative.
Good on you... well done!
You have informed all readers how little you understand your own beliefs
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What does the thread title say in words?
Fuck atheists, thats what it says. A view long held by theists and often followed by murderous action against the apostate, all in the name of god. i.e. playing Proxy for God.

The hubris is astounding. Carlin puts this proxy god in proper perspective.

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The problem is that QQ makes it personal.
He asserts that I, as atheist is creating a proxy-god, which is so insultingly dishonest it cannot be ignored.
His argument is that atheism the non-belief in god invariably leads to a proxy god, by default, no less.
Therefore by inference he is calling this atheist a liar , and I won't let that stand unchallenged.
If you have read some of my posts you will note that I was a victim of theist zealotry and I will not ever let that happen again, physically or mentally.

This is a totally unacceptable logic . See the above list of logical atheist arguments.
He's suggesting that if an atheist falls into the fatalism/determinism category, that could lead to belief in a god, by default. But, I'd imagine that secular determinism/fatalism fits somewhere on the spectrum. I tend to view determinism from a spiritual/supernatural view, but did so even when I identified as an atheist. It seems only logical to assume that a pre-determined universe has an ''intelligent'' designer. That seems to be the inference of the OP, but considering that QQ is an atheist, it would seem unlikely that he's calling you a liar.
He's suggesting that if an atheist falls into the fatalism/determinism category, that could lead to belief in a god, by default. But, I'd imagine that secular determinism/fatalism fits somewhere on the spectrum. I tend to view determinism from a spiritual/supernatural view, but did so even when I identified as an atheist. It seems only logical to assume that a pre-determined universe has an ''intelligent'' designer. That seems to be the inference of the OP, but considering that QQ is an atheist, it would seem unlikely that he's calling you a liar.
He is not an atheist.
I'm unaware of this news. I could have sworn he posted that he is an atheist, within this thread.

Anyway. That's all you got out of my post? lol
I saw that too, but he started this thread in the Religion sub-forum, not general Philosophy.

As an atheist, I would never start a thread on any subject in a religous forum. I am an atheist and I resent being compared with some form of god worship or religious practice.
IMO, religion has proven to be the enemy of atheism, over and over again.

I am approaching the question from a religious perspective and that has nothing to do with determinism or free will.
In fact religion argues the exact opposite of Free Will. God's Will be done, no? So what does that mean? Anybody wants to take a stab at guessing what God wants?

I always thought that indoctrination was "special" people making people do what they think God wants them to do, not what free will they can exercise. That's what the Inquisition was for, to stifle free thought.

If anything FW is in the arena of atheism.
I read and understood your post. But my point is that discussion does not belong in this forum. I would respond to it in the philosophy forum. It's a philosophical question.
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I saw that too, but he started this thread in the Religion sub-forum, not general Philosophy.

As an atheist, I would never start a thread on any subject in a religous forum. I am an atheist and I resent being compared with some form of god worship or religious practice.
IMO, religion has proven to be the enemy of atheism, over and over again.

I am approaching the question from a religious perspective and that has nothing to do with determinism or free will.
In fact religion argues the exact opposite of Determinism or Free Will.

God's Will be done, no? So what does that mean? Anybody wants to take a stab at guessing what God wants?
I always thought that indoctrination was making people do what God wants, not what free will they can exercise.

If anything FW is in the arena of atheism.
I read and understood your post. But my point is that discussion does not belong in this forum. I would respond to it in the philosophy forum. It's a philosophical question.
I started this thread in philosophy and it was moved by a moderator to this forum.
I saw that too, but he started this thread in the Religion sub-forum, not general Philosophy.

As an atheist, I would never start a thread on any subject in a religous forum. I am an atheist and I resent being compared with some form of god worship or religious practice.
IMO, religion has proven to be the enemy of atheism, over and over again.

I am approaching the question from a religious perspective and that has nothing to do with determinism or free will.
In fact religion argues the exact opposite of Determinism or Free Will.

God's Will be done, no? So what does that mean? Anybody wants to take a stab at guessing what God wants?
I always thought that indoctrination was "special" people making people do what God wants, not what free will they can exercise. That's what the Inquisition was for.

If anything FW is in the arena of atheism.
I read and understood your post. But my point is that discussion does not belong in this forum. I would respond to it in the philosophy forum. It's a philosophical question.
The above is a very good example of extreme atheism.
a compatabilist argument will all ways leave it self open to the problem of indeterminism.
Your "co-determinism" assumes at the outset a deterministic universe. It aims to resolve how freewill and self-determination (with non-trivial freedom) CN exist in such a universe. It is thus compatibility, whether you understand that or not.
Compatibility arguments do not leave themselves open to indeterminism because they are only relevant as part of the freewill/determinism debate. To think that they thus leave themselves open to indeterminism is to look at those arguments where they have no place. Like saying that the argument about whether or not to find a man guilty of murder leaves itself open to preference of icecream flavour.

The rest of your post is just as irrelevant as ever, given that you're just rewording the notion of a cog in a watch in a way that has convinced you it is something different.
So you believe gravity controls your thoughts and therefore all your decisions?
How you manage to incorrectly interpret what people have said to suit your own ends is enlightening.
It may be true that the pretense of Gravity may influence our decisions but to suggest that Gravity Controls our minds to the extent that no choice exists is ridiculous.
"pretense of gravity"? You'll have to explain how you think anyone is pretending what gravity is, please?
As to the rest, until you start quoting where I have said what you think I have said, yoJr claims as to what people have said will be ignored for the strawmen they appear to be.
In the picture above we see an achievement that was co-determined with Gravity among many other things. It could be referred to as a symbiotic relationship between man and his universe.
Cog in a watch. When you can show how your co-determinism is more than that, feel free to actually do so. Until then, though... :rolleyes:
Your "co-determinism" assumes at the outset a deterministic universe. It aims to resolve how freewill and self-determination (with non-trivial freedom) CN exist in such a universe. It is thus compatibility, whether you understand that or not.
Ah I see you finally got round to reading the thread you have been criticizing... well done.
I can understand why you may consider it to be just another form of compatibilit-ism. Sure ... no problemo but it isn't.
If you have concerns and wish to discuss them and I am still a member of this forum you can take them to that particular thread and post them there. That is why I created that thread to begin with.
"pretense of gravity"? You'll have to explain how you think anyone is pretending what gravity is, please?

ahh sorry about that auto fill problem with mobile device... any one know how to turn auto correct/fill off?

What word do you think I meant to use?
Guess go on...
Cog in a watch. When you can show how your co-determinism is more than that, feel free to actually do so.
have done so in the other thread... go for it...
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Just to clarify the main issue this discussion faces:
Ad hominem (Latin for "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself
So you are saying that in reality free will and self determination isn't an illusion but are arguing that they are and illusion with out saying that you are referring to a metaphysical thought experiment?
I was quite clear in my response what I was saying. Either you lack the ability to comprehend what I said or you are being deliberately dishonest in how you interpret it.
In a deterministic universe, if one uses the words "freewill" and "self-determination" with the understanding that they have non-trivial freedoms, then I do not think they exist as anything other than illusion.
If one uses the terms, however, as purely descriptors of a process, with no claim as to the notion of freedom within those processes, then these processes do exist.
Is that simple enough for you to understand? Or are you going to continue to misinterpret it?
It is little wonder that your get no where in your argument. The contextual integrity is out the window....
If you had any demonstrable ability to comprehend what people say, you'd have known this was my position long ago in the other thread. But you simply don't listen. Or can't understand. Or deliberately misunderstand for sake of supporting your own agenda.
ahhh but then again you never said you did have free will either...allowing you self wriggle room to escape any conclusion being made what so ever about your position.
Your interpretation of my position is increasingly meaningless, since you can't help yourself but to make up what you want about it, given your inability/unwillingness to understand it.
So can you state your position with out ambiguity clearly and consistently and be prepared to commit to it, defend it with an objective mind?
I have. Numerous times, across numerous threads. But feel free to continue to make it my fault that you can't comprehend it. And that you've never been open to having any sensible discussion about it, instead preferring to play your petty games that result in you insulting and flaming those you don't understand.
Or are you just going to slide into the pit of insanity demonstrated so often by certain members here at sciforums?
The only insanity on these forums is from those who repeatedly discuss with you expecting something different than the illogic and ignorance that you come up with.
Pathological lying and playing silly games with context lead only one way. To a padded cell wearing a restraining garment.
Yet you are the one saying those games, as evidence by this very thread. You are the one lying about what people have said, changing their quotes, even, to suit you. You are the one that ignores every bit of criticism except for those snippets you think you can score points from.

Yep, it's insanity to keep talking with you expecting anything else.
So back on ignore you go.
are you threatening me?
Are you playing the victim now? Read the words . Are you an atheist or a theist?

It is the theist who pose the threat of violence as proxies of god. I, the atheist, am the one who is afraid of theists, they have the historical record of being violent.

To accuse me of inevitably being led to a proxy god IS AN AD HOMINEM!

I have personally been the victim of theist violence, do you understand? Have you?
Or are you going to assert that I am lying. Do you have another ad hominem in your bag?

All atheists have a habit of lying about god, don't they? They're always secretly acting as proxy for god. Its an inevitable result of being an extreme atheist.

Wait let's invent a new word.
An azealot, yeahhhhh, that's it . Extreme Azealots are acting as proxy for the devil by default. After all they don't believe in god, then it must be the devil!

Jeeeez, I'm half convincing myself now. On second thought; Naaaah, gods don't exist.
Or was that on first thought? This proxy thing has me really confused now.

Typical of azealot atheists, so confused about their non-belief in god.

I am glad you asked for this thread to be closed. Then I don't have to be exposed to the dishonest ducking and dodging by a closet theist any longer.

Another atheist would never accuse me of having a proxy god. You're a theist, but don't dare admit it. In your zeal, you have created a false-proxy-god.
There you have it.

So, my advice, keep thy religion to thyself. Accusing me is doing violence to my mind, so stop it, or suffer my mental wrath, an azealot atheist's wrath....hehe.
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