My first memory is a long, connected series of dreams- so intense that they most likely wiped out all of the memories beforehand. I was 3 years old-
Well, it starts off in a field in front of a large brick house. I am led to believe that my grandmother lives there, yet I cannot be sure because from the outside, this house looks as if it is on the shore of a teeming ocean of horror- not standard horror- but horror that for me has come in the form of textures and slow noises ever since this dream.
Inside this house, my mom and my little brother (and me of course) are led into a large white auditorium which, instead of seats, houses small, faceless ice-cherubs playing with small white balls. At the very end is a large white bed with a polar bear skin on it, and we stay there at th head of the room for awhile, just staring at them.
I am then walking down the front stairs of this house, and the walls are covered with some sort of red, gilded 'design'. To my right is a large glass case built into the wall, with lion figurines in it. There is a volcano, and I press a red button to make it spout on the lions. It is mirrored; reflected. The lions appear to be covered in lava millions of times over. They melt.
Across the hall is a place I know about immeadiately, yet both dread and look forward to entering- it's a secret room with no door that only I can go through- in it is nothing but a small table with my Aunt Connie seated at it, and rows and rows of large, talking rubber plants. My aunt appears very lonely, and I feel as if I could sit at that table with her, but I can't. There is one chair, and while I feel somewhat capable in this room, the rubber plants scare me. I leave this room knowing i have been irrecovably changed; in essence, a microcosm of the entire dream.
The last of the very important sequences inside the house is the most incredible to me- something so plainitive, so silly, yet so ultimately chilling that I cannot escape it even today. There is a room so simply relevant that it is what forms the basis for my existence- it is a small, brown room, not unlike the insides of a torn apart cardboard box, filled with small children, mostly my cousins, and something else. There is a garrison-type structure near the top of this room, with a vertical tunnel that leads down into a hole.
From that whole emerges, every few minutes, a killer energizer bunny. It must be the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard someone take seriously, but to me, it left a psychological impact that reveals itself when I hear sounds slowed down- I get chills up and down my spine, and am overwhelmed with a deep sense of awe-that somehow the bunny didn't get me-
From there we have left the house and are travelling unassissted across miles of country road, passing in particular one stone building tht seemed to impact me- the view of something untouched at the end of childish, yet admittedly deep horror.
I stop. I am left without my parents, my brother, my cousins. The country road that stemmed from the house finds itslef ending at a highway.
At the end of the road, two men are standing, talking.
I know that somehow I must reach them, but I cannot hear them;
they appear to me as mere sillouettes. I cannot move, I cannot speak, and then I see what has come to claim me- a large cross between a New Orleans riverboat and a hippo with cake frosting on her. It comes slowly up the road, and as this new type of horror ammasses in my throat, it just goes by me, and on to the highway. I don't know if I got onto it, because there were no seats, but I do remember talking to the men afterwords, finding out one was actually the owner of the house, and the 'boat'.
I was never subjected to horror as a child; my world was stable and idyllic. From the patch of bamboo in our backyard to the house that creaked in the wind and cooled itslef in the summer, I had no worries. How I got this dream has always been a mystery to me, and I have, every few years, gone back to it to try to understand it better.
My first visit back was probably a few years later; probably in kindergarten. Supposedly, this house had an older worn down house out back, and in it lived (yet another allusion to pop culture) Dracula. A group of small children and I were travelling around in this house, trying to find him. I did not know the children, in my mind we had more or less a business relationship. The rooms were very small, and we travelled up staircases, through dark rooms and over bridges to find him, but he was there. One room had been the landing of the stairs, but had been turned into a massive closet with 3 ft. high ceilings- you had to go down stairs, over something, and through a door and have to peel away a panel to get to it.
Perhaps that had to do with a time when my grandfather showed my the closet of one of the bedroom on the third floor of their house, which I was never alowed to visit. He peeled back a panel in the wall and showed me a dark room filled with insulation and said 'there are gnomes in there. they live everywhere." No, he wasn't senile, just an old guy with an imagination and a sense of humor. In 5th grade, after the 3rd floor had been seriously renovated, I went back to that closet and peeked in, not remembering anything about the gnomes. What I saw was that the panel was off, I thought not until the incident that had just flashed back into my head. In reality, the workers had used it when they used part of that eavespace for a bathroom. But I felt as if, after all this time, the door had never closed- and I didn't want to close it. I had red chalk on my hands at the time, and pressed my palm against the wood. To this day, the panel has never been closed, except when we locked my cousin in there to scare him. he found another way out, but I was scared as hell that somehow, the imperfectly implausible world of gnomes had taken him in.
The last time I ever saw this world was last year. The house had shrunk significantly, and was now no more than a sprawling shingle house- yet in exactly the same placement. It had what had been a library plated with aluminum and a tree within a wooden dome, and inside was dark and worn-out. Upstairs was a large hallway that just went,and we went down, until the hallways spilled out into a shopping mall; just "transformed". Running back, I noticed that all of the furniture had been packed, and the lights were getting dimmer. I had never seen this house, it was more the feeling, an indescribable concept, that as I said now shows itself only in the form of long, drawn out noises and rough textures.
I found stairs- and knew where they were going up to that same room with the energizer bunny- lots of brown. Up there, the oprganic dome of a ripped, devastated room had become a real room with windows, and all that remained was a lonely figure under a sheet. Probably the bunny.
I looked outside the window, and saw approaching armies of elven cretaures. I knew, someohow, just like the boat, that it was coming, and was stuck in a paralyzed indescion of what to do.
Then, I ran downstairs, in darkness because the lights had turned off, and ate dinner in total darkness with every living family member I could recall, sort of like a pre-apocolyptic last supper. Soon after we were riding down a mountain road, and all I could see from the distance was the sprawling, burnt out remains of a large stone house- the same one I had first seen back when I was 3. I woke up feeling that somehow I didn't deserve anything I got from the dream, that it was so far removed from me that I was merely visiting it as one of many people who had, and will. Well, if I go back to Mistlethwaite Manor anytime soon, I'll tell you.