For the alternative theorists:

Do you understand now?

Yes, meteorites are not necessary to explain abiogenesis, just as I first suggested.

The problem that we have is that we observe that amino acids occur as racemic mixtures because at some stage in the synthesis we go from an achiral molegule to a chiral one. Usually* the achiral molecule is planar and so there is a 50% chance of producing either chirality. We also observe that life exclusively uses one handedness over the other and so that leaves us with the question of why. Delivering a amino acids to earth that have already been refined by comets - whether that be through slight differences in solubility or circularly polarized gamma rays from a nearby supernova - at the same time that earths water is delivered to it provides us with one mechanism to bridge this gap.

Are you saying chiral molecules were not likely to occur on or within the Earth itself and without meteorites?
in some cases it is not molecules, but elements, or particles
which develop into microbes or cells .
just like what trippy is trying, and i'm stressing trying, to explain to you.
but in the cases that are microbes, come from other places
but there's also,
which is microbes can be propagated in space by radiation pressure

again, research it.
Your second statement contains "if" and "not necessarily" which makes it vague. Let me rephrase: what is it Earth was lacking that you think was necessary for abiogenesis and could have only arrived with meteorites? Some amino acids? Which ones, and why do you think they could not have naturally occurred within the Earth itself?

There are certain elements which cannot be naturally formed on earth. It takes a collapsing star to create gold., yet we find gold all the time, proving that we do indeed receive extra terrestial elements or compounds all the time. IMO, it sheds no light on the question of Abiogenesis. Also IMO, it makes no practical difference to universal functions.

The Earth, the Universe, that star which went Nova a billion years ago and we are just now receiving matter from that event,maybe even alien life forms. What difference does it make exactly when the first "living" thing emerged from simpler chemical structures. The process started with the BB and continues as we speak.

We only care because we want to be special, but in the scheme of things we are no more important than a garden snail.
The Earth, the Universe, that star which went Nova a billion years ago and we are just now receiving matter from that event,maybe even alien life forms. What difference does it make exactly when the first "living" thing emerged from simpler chemical structures. The process started with the BB and continues as we speak.

We only care because we want to be special, but in the scheme of things we are no more important than a garden snail.

That's the most sensibly objective statement I have seen for a long while Write4U. said:
Definition of Objective and Subjective

Objective is a statement that is completely unbiased. It is not touched by the speaker’s previous experiences or tastes. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations.

Subjective is a statement that has been colored by the character of the speaker or writer. It often has a basis in reality, but reflects the perspective through with the speaker views reality. It cannot be verified using concrete facts and figures.
- the ^^above quoted^^ from :

Totally correct.
You as a layman dmoe, are getting there.
Obviously the claim that Abiogenesis is objective is factual, as it is in reality the only logical scientific choice we have. The same applies to Evolution....a logical scientific progress based on observation and available data.
Again, the only scientific choice available to us.

But obviously your own layman type somewhat "coloured" opinion based on past performances on the forum, are totally subjective.

Again in relation to Write4U statement.....
That's the most sensibly objective statement I have seen for a long while Write4U.
It is a totally objective statement that Abiogenesis occurred. At one time in the history of the earth there was no life, then there was.
It's that simple.
Note carefully dmoe, you did have another thread with an obvious agenda, labelled Objectivity and subjectivity in science, [or words to that effect] that was shifted to cesspool because of that agenda.
Just saying. said:
Definition of Objective and Subjective

Objective is a statement that is completely unbiased. It is not touched by the speaker’s previous experiences or tastes. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations.

Subjective is a statement that has been colored by the character of the speaker or writer. It often has a basis in reality, but reflects the perspective through with the speaker views reality. It cannot be verified using concrete facts and figures.
- the ^^above quoted^^ from :
What is IT that is more likely to occur on a meteorite than on Earth itself?
i think it's a matter of timing, not that any particular molecule could or couldn't exist on earth.
i suppose that certain meteorites could provide a substrate that might not be available on earth due to the intense heating of said meteorite.
While you blokes are getting lost in details,the objective post by Write4U is as plain as day.
Universally speaking, Abiogenesis is obvious.....
On Earth, Evolution must have taken place.
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While you blokes are getting lost in details,the objective post by Write W4 is as plain as day.
paddoboy, one minor, little tiny "detail" that you would seem to need to clarify : which Post by this "Write W4 " are you referring to?

Universally speaking, Abiogenesis is obvious.....
paddoboy, other than Earth, where else in the Universe have you personally witnessed this obvious "Abiogenesis"?

On Earth, Evolution must have taken place.
"Must have", paddoboy? Most everyone else on this Forum is certain that it has "taken" and still continues to take "place".

This lengthy thread has covered quite a lot.
First and foremost, how scientific theories, although never really 100% certain, do gain near certainty the more they align with observational data and continue to make outstandingly correct predictions.
To put it quite bluntly. Some scientific theories are often referred to as factual beyond any reasonable logical doubt.
This forum, supporting the points made in the OP, has not seen any alternative proposition/hypothesis even come close to reaching scientific theory status...plenty of huff and puff and false indignation when revealed as not applicable and plainly wrong, is all they have ever achieved.
The recent discussions re the supposed "uncertainty" of Evolution and Abiogenesis, as pushed by the deity brigade, highlights their quandary.

I suppose it was obvious though, that our dyed in the wool, Alternative hypothesis pushers, and their cryptic closet supporters were never going to take kindly to any objectivity and procedures that would invalidate there delusional dreams.

Here they are again, with a couple of additional points that are very relevant.

[1] Don't present the theory as fact...don't present it as something that is "faite accompli" It most certainly isn't:

[2] Gather all the experimental and Observational evidence to support your claims...

[3] Whatever you have at the very least, must be able to explain and predict better then the incumbent model:

[4] Your theory almost certainly is going to be challenged, and will need to run the gauntlet:

[5] You will be told you are incorrect and your theory is wrong in most cases:

[6] Throwing a tantrum will not win you any support:

[7] You’re going to be asked tough questions. When someone asks you a question answer it.

[8] When someone demonstrates a point you made is wrong, acknowledge that it is wrong and accept it:

[9] Peer review may not be perfect, but it is absolutely necessary. The participants of any forum one sets out his alternative theory on, are your peers. Accept that:

[10] If you think you have accomplished a theory over riding Evolution, SR, GR the BB QM or Newton, you most certainly have not: 100 years and more of past giants, and the 100's of books and papers since, means that you will not invalidate such overwhelmingly supported ideas in a few words or posts: Accept that from the word go:

[11] In all likelyhood you are not Einstein, Newton, Hawking Bohr or Feynman: Don't pretend to be.

[12] And finally always be prepared to modify your ideas/model/theories:

With relation to all 10 points and any alternative theories, the incumbent model, in most cases will always logically be the default
If someone does happen to come up with a theory that matches exactly what the incumbent theory does but no more, the incumbent theory naturally holds position.


That's a pretty well thought out framework that those with serious disagreements with current theory might have reasonable discussions within.
I would like to add another...

Make damn sure that you understand current theory as it is presented by the "main stream" before you embark on your exploration of new frontiers. That is the starting point. Our recent troubles are caused by the fact that our would-be Hawkings don't even understand the first postulate(Relativity) and flat out deny the second postulate(constant, invariant c)yet still claim to understand the theory based only on those two postulates. This is not rationality, it is delusion.


Most here that are interested in real science, will be happy to know, that those few that like to deride the greatest discipline of all, for whatever reason, be it religious, tall poppy syndrome, delusions of grandeur, or just plain old stubborn stupidity, that they will never really make any worthwhile difference.
I've said it many times, these forums are the only outlets they have, and although then being labeled a "science God worshiper" by the more stubbornly stupid of that brigade for saying that, it obviously is the plain objective truth of the matter. Because the peer review system, rather quickly sorts them out for what and who they are, along with their delusional dreams.
paddoboy, one minor, little tiny "detail" that you would seem to need to clarify : which Post by this "Write W4 " are you referring to?

You are able to check yourself.....Try it...its actually quite obvious.

paddoboy, other than Earth, where else in the Universe have you personally witnessed this obvious "Abiogenesis"?

OK, recognising you know little about science and its methodology, Abiogenesis is the obvious natural progress by which life arose from non life.
Keeping that in mind, even you should realise that although we are objectively aware of the Evolution of life on Earth, we do not really know whether that life did start on Earth, or was seeded via a process called Panspermia, having begun elsewhere.

"Must have", paddoboy? Most everyone else on this Forum is certain that it has "taken" and still continues to take "place".

Not everyone. You havn't been taking notice. Some claim doubt re Evolution, mainly our mythical God botherers and Creationists.
Evolution is a near certain scientific fact
Nice to see you though dmoe, accept Evolution as a near scientific fact...
That is at least a beginning.
So you also accept the mythical God deity crap as non scientific then?
Nice. My job is done!

Objective statements ARE verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations. In the case of genetics (replicating organisms):

Structure of DNA[change source]

DNA has a double helix shape, which is like a ladder twisted into a spiral. Each step of the ladder is a pair of nucleotides.

Nucleotides[change source]

A nucleotide is a molecule made up of:
deoxyribose, a kind of sugar with 5 carbon atoms,
a phosphate group made of phosphorus and oxygen, and
nitrogenous base

DNA is made of four types of nucleotide:
Adenine (A)
Thymine (T)
Cytosine (C)
Guanine (G)

The 'rungs' of the DNA ladder are each made of two bases, one base coming from each leg. The bases connect in the middle: 'A' only pairs with 'T', and 'C' only pairs with 'G'. The bases are held together by hydrogen bonds....

All this seems very chemical in nature and therefore subject to analysis and experimentation, down to nano levels. I believe we have already identified how it all works at a general (already pretty deep) level and computer models are available to demonstrate the fundamental process.

check this out: