For those who think there's no life after deat


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
If you think there is no life after death go to and scroll down and click on 'To Hell And Back'. It's videos of non christians who have died and gone to hell and there experirences and stuff.

It's so worth checking out.
This is hardly proof of life after deaht, All.For.One, not to menion the fact that most Near Death Experiences invalidate the claims of Christianity.
Yes. And thanks for turning this thread around to focus on me.
if your an atheist the only way you would become religious, is if your brain had some kind of trauma, ie blow to the head, lack of oxygen, lobotomized, if these people were real atheists, and they really imagined this happened to them, it could only be because of a trauma to the head.
however if three or more people, under laboratory condictions, all in different parts of the world, had comeback at the exact same time, and had seen the exact same things, and related it back verbatum, then it would be very hard to refute.
so I would'nt put to much belief, in an afterlife.

oh and welcome to sciforums, all for one.
I enjoyed the program, and there is something deep inside of me that wants to believe these stories.
However wanting to believe something does not mean it is true, the logical part of my brain (which trys to stay in gear at all times) says to me that these people had the experience they had due to the immense pain and stress the body was under.

Now i have had dreams which reflect something like it, you know when you wake up with horrible cramp in your leg and you litterly jump out of bed in intense pain and hop around the room (it is bloody awful) till it goes back to normal, i have had nightmares before waking up with this pain.

I would say that the stresses the body is under begin to go away as the doctors cure you, and it is in that moment that you may get euphoria, so you go from nightmares to good dreams, it is just the bodys way of dealing with things.
I'm an atheist, and I've never had a I missing something?
You know what this is? It's a group of people who experienced near-death experiences coming to grips with what happened to them.

Someone on this thread has already said "It's your body's way of dealing with it" and I firmly believe it. Your brain might deal with stress by giving you a headache, or a nightmare, or bloodpressure that kills you at 40 years old. However your brain does it, the end result is a compensation for the trauma, which is exactly what a near-death experience is: compensation for the trauma.

Sudden trauma, such as an NDE, results in what these people describe. They aren't all uniform; I've heard dozens of different things that happen when people die and come back, from seeing God to seeing dead relatives to floating in a tunnel with a light at the end of it. Suffice to say, it's a broad range when you consider that Heaven is supposed to be a singular place.

If you want to believe in these unfounded claims of reaching Heaven and returning to Earth, then you must believe in alien abductions, because it's the same thing.

Also, as a sidenote, isn't Judgement Day supposed to be when the good go to Heaven and the bad stay on Earth? I mean, doesn't it say in the Bible that God will take his chosen then, and not before? So doesn't that mean nobody goes to Heaven until Judgement Day?
I may be wrong, but when people have 'after death experiences', their heart and breathing stop, but their brain actually lives for a while? Hence that could explain sensations the victim remembers when they come back to life.

But if the brain is DEAD, then that would be something. But of course the person could be imagining it, or lieing... Such as they do with all/most UFO and ghost sightings...
Datura said:
Yes. And thanks for turning this thread around to focus on me.

Too bad. As you can see, the thread hasn't turned that way. Looks like you aren't *that* interesting. :p
KennyJC said:
I was expecting to see some proof. Silly me to expect that of a theist.
well i tells u what. next time i go to hell, i'll bring ye back one of the Devil's turds. how that?
geeser said:
if your an atheist the only way you would become religious, is if your brain had some kind of trauma, ie blow to the head, lack of oxygen, lobotomized, if these people were real atheists, and they really imagined this happened to them, it could only be because of a trauma to the head.

In a high-speed car accident, I broke the front-window with my head, then spent months in hospital in a pretty bad shape, unable to work for more than a year, dealing with hallucinations and all kinds of limitations and strange feelings; full recovery was highly unlikely (luckily, with some non-standard techniques, I managed to fully recover) AND a few years before that, I was about to die at least twice while still having some time to think about everything (once alone in the dark, deep under ground with no way out) - none of these crazy experiences made me religious. Even when facing death, I was always trying to put things together as logically as I could and I found no reason for believing or accepting whatever I did not have a good piece of evidence for (including the afterlife).
You know your pineal gland produces the most potent hallucinogen known, DMT, when under extreme stress, such as a near death experience.