Formation of Amino Acids through Simulating Early Earth Environments


Registered Member
Hello. I'm in need of some information (if even just a name) on experiments performed that attempt to create amino acids through simulating earths environment back in its earlier stages. The only one I've seen any information *slightly* in-depth on this is the old Urey-Miller experiment with the Spark Chamber from 1953. Which I am not exactly happy with at all. Considering most of the circumstances and results were not fully explained, which if they were, one would understand that the experiment is pretty "iffy" in proving amino acids could be formed. Considering the facts that to achieve his results of 85% tar, 13% carboxlic acid, and 2% amino acids he had to:

1) Use no Oxygen, which didn't make much sense to me considering I thought that there was suppose to be MORE oxygen then there is today in the atmosphere along with the fact if there was Ultraviolet light and Water in the atmosphere, when the ultraviolet light hit the water it would create oxidation in the atmosphere

2) Use a "cold trap" to protect the amino acids that were formed from being quickly destroyed by the inital spark that created them.

The best I've seen on this matter has actually been experiments done by NASA that produce amino acids through conditions that mimic deep space environments oppose to earth environments. Suggesting that Earth may have been seeded with amino acids from space in its earliest days. To conduct their experiments, the research team simulated space-like conditions by freezing mixtures of molecules (such as wood alcohol and ammonia) which are abundant in interstellar clouds.

This research started through the theory called the Bonner hypothesis, that proposes that left handed radiation in space (from a rotatin neutron star for example) could lead to left handed amino acids in space, which would explain the left handed amino acids in meteorites.

I'm really excited about the NASA experiments, but I'd still like to see more involving earth conditions before I turn to space as the answer.

So with this post I'd mainly just like to hear peoples theories backed up by some experiments and information that I could look in to, because for the past couple of days I've been looking around about this and have mianly only come upon creationists poking fun at all the gaps we've left through previous experiments.
One of the main problems with the Urey-Miller experiment was that it was based on a very different theory on the early atmosphere than we currently hold as accurate. As for the level of oxygen present int he early atmosphere, I believe that the main theory still contents that O2 levels as we see them today were brought about by production through living material. The atmostphere prior to life would have been very low in 02 consentration.

I did some research on this in High School, after I wondered "Well if this can create Amino Acids after a month, what happens if you ran the experiment for 20 years?"

However, it doesn't seem like much follow up on that experiment has been done; or at least not widely publicised. There was one experiment which sort of connected, where a solution of already exsisting lipids in water would spontainiously congrue into a bilayer, and form a photo-sensitive sphere. However, the distance between forming amino acids and having free-floating lipids is pretty large.

The deep-sea hypothosys is a very good one, and one which I personally think would make more sense than the surface theory. It is also supported by the possible findings that Hydrocarbons are created underpressure at the bottem of the earth's crust, and are not just degraded biomass from eons ago. (there is info on this in some of the Earth Science threads)

Any one know of any follow-up studies to the spark one?
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