Foursquare Centres


Bartok Fiend
Registered Senior Member
;) It seems to me we all have rather unique, interpretive childhoods. That point being that by knowing very little, we are able to make wild assumptions and dreams about what the world really is.

;) Now when we're adults, we have to realise that by exploring these deep cores of intangibly dark dreams, which they are, mostly, dark, we are not unearthing childhood superstitions but rather the collective whole of the most intense fragments that compose "Where we want to go."

;) By exploring pure feeling in life-And nothing to do with -I mean pure instinct.issues. For awhile we can find things in places we thought we had already exhausted, and conqured, by looking one way. There is a deep resonance between each party of our Selves that resonates together, to form a madly brilliant vision. However abstract this vision my be, we cannot know it by looking at content and content alone. This vision can only be reached as soon as we disregard it. The timbre and character of our dreams are far more telling than the tangible events that transpire in them. I think people follow along a path that seems tranquil to the chaotic vision of their youth until we stop and rip off all of the actions and thoughts that push our lives forward.

;) Imagine life as time, moving inward and outward through a fabric with no definate space and no volume designated for our travel, and then imagine stopping with no force and all force at once, and at that moment stopping the flow of time, instead opting to explore outward until it all fizzles out.

;) You'll find time has no clear advantage, since by opting for the less penetrating approach, we are not changing our lives fundamentally.

AND THAT I believe is the one basic tenent of humanity-that we fundamenatally stay the same. We can comprehend readily any situation on our planet, now matter if it is hard to grasp or shocking. Everything is within a fraction of an idea the same.
MAYBE that is somewhat like my religion.
AND MAYBE that idea applies to sexuality, since men and women look fundamaentally the same, there is not a large factor for difference between gays and straights; most of it we create.