Freedom Of Information Act

You know, most UFO beliefs stem from the government not denying allegations. Usually because the aircraft or weapon systems they were using at the time were classified, and they couldn't have enemies knowing about them... i.e. Russia. They weren't keeping secrets about aliens, they were keeping secrets about now-declassified military weapons.

Just thought I would put that out there.
That's a nice lie that the US government came up with. I admit at one point they almost had me fooled, but if you search through the material you do find inconsistencies.
If you search through any government documents you find inconsistancies. I do believe that this is probably due to anal probes though.
Actually I had a long wonder around checking some info out here and there.

Looking at the whole thing Roswell has one page, not much info, but it seems that after the initial news broadcast about what was found there every nut with a clue how to make a balloon went out and started making them, this increased the number of "siteings" around that time period.

It looks as if from this simple example of how one instance of the US Government acting with responsibility towards security, caused them to be the target of hoaxer pranks.

One particular balloon stood out, Someone had tied a circular saw blade to it and left it to drift, do you realise just how dangerous those pranksters were?
There could of been a few fatalities which is probably why those documents remained secret for so many years.

However the document on Einstein was revealing in some respects, it looked as if he at first was watched for his own loyalities and then eventually for people he got near to. Although I'm not going to bother with a conclusive statement here as you might as well read it for yourself.